Thoughts on publishing children's book about pet chicken


In the Brooder
Feb 5, 2018
Growing up on a small dairy farm, I was in charge of our Rhode Island Reds, and one of the flock's beauties became my pet, whom I named "Cluck-Cluck" - I know, not the most creative! She and I were the best of friends, and my five siblings and I used to play dress up with her. My mother even let me bring her in the house. Every day I took her out of the chicken house to roam freely around the farm. Instinctively, I guess I knew "free-range" would become the rage!

One of the things I love about living in Thailand is time to write; in a quiet, warm, green space (unless of course the Thais are having a 10-day festival with blaring music heard miles away). I have written the rough draft of a children's non-fiction, picture book targeted to chicken lovers of all ages, and also to conservative, farm families, as I grew up Mennonite. The crux of the book is as follows: a young girl overcomes her conservative's family's doubts about making a chicken her pet. So I am currently in the very, very long process of revising my draft, and I welcome any thoughts on the writing and publishing process. [I already know to prepare myself for the rejection letters.]

For example, any recommendations for publishing houses? writing contests? self-publish? e-book? target audience? your personal experiences?

Many thanks for your input!

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