cleaning chicken coop and run

  1. BRyan1997

    Deep Cleaning Coop

    Hey everyone, I recently bought a house and it came with a chicken coop. Before I raise any chickens in the coop. I want to deep clean it. I also am going to rebuild the run to make it safer against predators. What do y’all recommend for me to use to deep clean to prepare for them? I haven’t...
  2. C

    Diatomaceous earth? For pest control and refreshing

    I’ve been reading up on the benefits of using Diatomaceous earth. People say it’s beneficial in controlling insects, good for digestion and a type of natural refreshing application. I’ve been using it in my coop, which has a dirt floor, and on the ground in the run area. I scrape the floor of...
  3. Jen1989

    Disinfecting Coop and Run after Coccidiosis

    Hi All I've recently had coccidiosis in my flock, all birds are being treated and I want to clean their coop and run to avoid reinfestation. I'm struggling to find what best to use, apparently standard disinfectant is useless, ammonia hydroxide is all that works but it can be dangerous to...
  4. R

    Must have supplies for clean coop

    I have 3 chickens and 18 in the brooder I'm about to add to the coop. I'm still new and learning a lot. What are the best supplies to keep a clean and pest free coop? Let me know your best management practices.
  5. cvlcite

    Essential oils to clean chicken coop

    Hey yall. I’ve been reading about putting in a few drops of essential oils in a water and vinegar mixture to clean & deodorize chicken coops, was just wondering if these oils are ok to use? I question it bc I know some oils are unsafe for certain animals and wanted to know if the ones I have...
  6. Scotty from BI

    chicken burn out... a question

    I am retired aged 69 years old. I have been for about 12 years and have had chickens for about 10 of those years. I keep about 10 chickens on average for about 3 years per flock and then re-home them and start over with chicks for another three years. I am totally devoted to my chickens...
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