
  1. C

    Help! How do I give my little chicks CORID for coccidiosis??

    Hello, so I think a little chick of mine came down with coccidiosis because it’s been popping out blood and it seems less active and with less appetite than the others. So I went ahead and ordered some CORID (amprolium) 20% soluble solution, I’ve looked at the instructions but I can’t wrap my...
  2. B


    we came home to our 5-6 week old chicks, one is acting normally but upon inspection had this weird scab on her back where her feathers haven’t yet grown in. i picked her up and noticed that her cloaca also had bright red blood. do i need to run and get corid or is she being pecked? how do i treat?
  3. A

    Corid mishap… maybe

    First time chicken mom. Long story short… had 3 silkie chicks die all within a few days of each other over a week timeframe. Not any symptoms besides lethargy from them, but I was worried the flock maybe had coccidiosis. So I mixed the correct amount of corid with water and left it for them...
  4. GuppyFish ButterGirl

    Hen excreting weird, bloody mucus... Please help!

    Hi guys, I've been finding this strange mucusy substance in my hen's bedding for the last few days. It's kind of like egg white but all bloody. She's been lying down a lot acting very lethargic too - just generally not herself. As far as I know she is still eating and drinking and is still...
  5. Chickenmother26

    Polish lethargic & pooping watery yellow/green

    Hello, thank you for reading! My polish chicken Jolene, about 2 years old, was standing with her tail down and acting lethargic so I brought her inside. Thought she just needed a haircut, but it didn’t help. Inside I noticed she was pooping watery/mucousy textured diarrhea, yellow/faintly...
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