coccidiosis; bloody stool;

  1. Eggsandbeyond

    Coccidiosis poop or intesinal lining?

    Each dropping is from a different bird in my young flock. Could this just be normal intestinal lining or the start of coccidiosis? They seem to be acting pretty normal- it's hot lately so hiding in the shade more.
  2. H

    Suspect Coccidiosis

    Hi there, my 2.5yr old Speckledy has signs of coccidiosis, she is lethargic, ruffled feathers, not enjoying treats like worms etc. She IS drinking and eating a little bit but her crop is never full (always feel a few pellets in there). On Tuesday 26th March i found her with a really bloody vent...
  3. C

    Coccidiosis?! Or berries?

    Hello! I’m trying not to panic, but my husband just saw this. He thinks it’s blood and I’m trying not to panic. I have 14 chickens with one being a rooster. They are 10-14 months old. They all have been acting fine. It’s been pretty wet and muddy where I live (Oklahoma) and it’s been a battle...
  4. tacosta1009

    Blood in Feces

    Hi, all! I saw some blood in one of the chickens feces over a week ago and I started to treat with Corid, until I could get a fecal. In the end, they got 7 days of Corid I got a fecal done and it came back positive for tapeworms. I gave them Panacur, it’s been a couple of days and I found...
  5. kennabug987

    URGENT: Please help! My new chickens are sick!

    3 days ago, I acquired 3 Ameraucaunas from a backyard breeder (whom I have never used before) 2 pullets and 1 roo. They are 3-5 weeks of age. I noticed that their droppings were very smelly when I first got them. After a day of having them, symptoms began. I came to feed them in the morning and...
  6. LovesteadMama

    Blood or intestinal lining in baby chick's feces?

    I found this in my chick feeder last night. Is it intestinal lining or blood? I'm a newb but this looked like an actual intestine to me so I wasn't immediately too concerned but I definitely want to make sure. Thank you all! I'm learning so much from this community and I'm super grateful for...
  7. pizzylearson

    Cocciodosis or intestinal shed?

    is this intestinal shed or coccidiosis? The hen in question is still eating, energetic, and doesn't seem sick. This is her second poop like this today, both times with a minimal amount of blood/red stuff.
  8. Phantom_k9

    Blood in poop, possible Cocci?

    Hello! I've noticed a bit of red / pink in in the general poop in the coop. I know it is normal for birds to have some red in their poop, I've seen it before. Just wanted to make sure this isn't anything I should be worried about. The potential bird(s) affected have already been in quarantine...
  9. Krazikatlady64

    Blood in Poop?

    I saw this this afternoon, but I'm not sure if it could be coccidiosis? This would be my first encounter with it. Should I treat with CORID or it is something else? Chickens all seem fine. I don't know which one it is from, but I will watch roosting positions tonight. Do I treat the whole...
  10. S

    Treating Coccidiosis naturally

    I got myself 4 baby chicks 4 days ago. I don't know their age, most likely (were) 3-4 days old. One chick was sick, always sleepy, got regularly detached from the group and stood alone, from the very beginning. I gave it a mixture of half-boiled egg and sugar and sugar-water (advice got from...
  11. E

    Persistent watery and bloody diarrhea!

    Hello! I’m sorry if it is rude to post in the emergency section before I have introduced myself properly on here, but my chickens are sick and I am desperate! This is my first time raising chickens and I have been constantly reading up and trying to educate myself as best as I can, but they’re...
  12. A

    Is this coccidiosis?

    This is the second time I’ve seen blood in my chickens stool. My chickens have always been healthy, they’re very well taken care of. Always a clean coop and always clean water. I have four three month old hens and three 5 month old hens (who should start laying any day now). I’m super worried...
  13. D

    Coccidiosis or Intestinal Lining?

    We are first-time chicken owners with a backyard flock of a dozen 22-week-old chickens (1 rooster, 11 hens). About 4-5 of our girls have recently started laying. 2 days ago, one of my daughters noticed a couple small spots of blood on the place the chickens exit the coop. (This could have also...
  14. E

    Long-term effects of Coccidiosis

    Hey BYC Peeps! I'm currently dealing my first bout of Coccidiosis with my 9 week old chicks. I'm not certain, but I'm guessing that mingling with my established flock has introduced some new type of Cocci to them and overwhelmed their systems. They have Corid water, I've already lost 2 out of...
  15. S

    Please Help!!! Completely shelless egg to coccidiosis...???

    Hi all I just want to start by saying this is my first time posting here so please bear with me if any of this is incorrectly done. On Thursday.the 5th Baby Girl, who likes to spend time inside with me especially at night, had laid completely shelless egg. And then Friday night I noticed blood...
  16. emmsx3

    Emergency! Bloody Stool in Baby Chicks, Is It Coccidiosis?

    This morning I found a dropping from one of my three baby chicks. Not sure if its intestinal lining and I don't know who did it but 2 of my baby chicks make a month in a few days and the youngest one is about 1-2 weeks old. I have the 2 on medicated feed that has the amprolium in it since they...
  17. Snowingamanda

    Bloody stools won’t go away

    Hi, I have recently lost a polish to bloody stools despite Corid and Sulfa treatment, although I caught the sickness too late. Now I have another Polish that has bloody stools. I have been treating him with Corid and Sulfa for a few weeks now without any improvement. He contributes to have blood...
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