
  1. L

    Puffed up, low energy chicken

    Help! I'm new to owning and caring for backyard lavender orpington is 10 weeks old. This morning we went to the coop and she was very puffed up and her feathers looked very unkempt. She has had a couple loose stools, little to no appetite, not moving around much. She will drink a...
  2. Tanya22

    Baby Chick around 6 weeks, is very sick! Coccidiosis treatment started but could it be a deficiency?

    We found a baby chick around 6 weeks back lying on the road and brought her back home. She (her name is Tooki) might be of the broiler breed. Not sure. But now for the past 5 days she has suddenly gotten very sick and stopped moving around. We had purchased a baby chick (Brownie) so that Tooki...
  3. ChickenMama308

    Severly underweight - please help! Cocci / diarrhea

    It's been quite a journey with Nani (2 years old rhode island red hen) - it's been about 2.5 weeks of lethargy, no-low appetite, sleepiness, etc. Her poops looked normal in the beginning so I didn't believe it was coccidiosis (I now know that blood doesn't always show in this case) but I wanted...
  4. B

    Intestinal lining, Coccidiosis or other in broody poop?

    So there were a couple giant poops in the run this morning, and I am suspecting they are broody poops from my chicken who takes her sweet time in the nesting box. There seemed to be blood in a poop, but it didn't really resemble what I've seen of coccidiosis online. None of my hens have any...
  5. RRClark6177

    Help! Is this a sign of Coccidia?

  6. Citychickengal

    6 1/2 month old lethargic hen - suggestions??

    Hi all, I have a 6 1/2 month old hen (my favorite, incidentally) that is acting very lethargic. She’s in a flock of 11 and all the others are acting normally. I’ve been out of town for a week and have only been back for two days, so I don’t know how long this has been going on. Last night I...
  7. O

    Lost 1 pullet to (maybe?) Coccidiosis, is her sister dying too?

    Hi, We are very new chicken keepers, and we're making all sorts of mistakes so far. We got 2 8-12 week old pullets last Saturday. On Monday, we were worried they would be alone and we bought two more. From a different flock. And ignored quarantine protocols. Now we're chastising...
  8. T

    Coccidiostats in poultry feed

    Can natural coccidiostats contained in commercial poultry feed cure chickens with coccidiosis? Can we eat meat or eggs when natural coccidiostats are contained in feed?
  9. T

    Manna Pro Medicated Chick Starter (Crumbles) 25lb Bags!!

    Hey Everyone! I am posting this to those who use medicated chick feeds. I understand everyone has their opinions on whether or not to use medicated chick feed and this is not a post for arguments sake. This is me simply trying to inform those who do use it. So I digress. To those of us...
  10. H

    Yellow Poop

    I keep noticing yellow mustard colored poops in my coop. I’ve just treated everyone with powdered Corid (1.5 tsp/gal) for 5 days so far. I put the Corid water in their feed as well to ensure they are really getting it in their system. Nobody is acting weird at all but this poop is just odd...
  11. SweetTea&Chicks

    Suspected cocci?

    My five week old chicks have been sleepy lately. Just napping or laying down in the middle of the day. Whenever I walk out there they run over and jump out of the brooder. Their normal excited self and get active when I take them outside. I haven't noticed any bloody poops but I'll be on the...
  12. Keeperoflock

    Question Regarding Vitamins and Electrolytes After Corid

    I have finished a 14 day of 1/2 t. Corid per gallon of water which was after a 14 day of 2T. per gallon for coccidiosis. It was a bad out-break. I know you're supposed to give vitamins and electrolytes following such treatment. All I can find right now is Save-A-Chick Vitamins and...
  13. corbyzmom

    Help PLEASE!!!!

    this is copied and pasted from a FB group, but I got nothing on it. I really need help please!!! Read from the bottom up (sorry). Questions please!!! So I’m taking the stool samples to the vet in the morning and they said the test should take about 10 minutes. If it is Coccidiosis, and I pick...
  14. Keeperoflock

    Giving Up... Need Advice

    I have 17 chicks (16 hens, 1 rooster) that are 4 months, 2 weeks old. While taking care of them last week I fell and broke ribs and really injured myself. Hubby has been helping but last Saturday, he injured his back. We've talked together and made a difficult decision. Given our health and...
  15. Heyruthie

    2 DEAD birds in one week. Why? FBCMs

    I started with 14 chicks this spring, so now they are young birds, all of whom are between 12 and 16 weeks of age. ( wound up with 12 pullets and two roosters.) However, in the last week, I have lost two pullets, both of them French Black Copper Marans. They Died a week apart. The other types...
  16. Keeperoflock

    Corid, Electrolytes, Vitamins, Appetite, Heat Questions... CONFUSED... NEED HELP PLEASE

    I've been treating (successfully) for coccidiosis. I'm on day 7 treating with 2 teaspoons Corid per gallon of water. Tomorrow I will begin a 7 - 14 day treatment of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. It's been really hot and humid here in central Indiana and it's going to be hot and humid for the...
  17. Keeperoflock

    What Is Causing This?

    I have 17 chickens that are 3 months, 3 weeks and 2 days old. I'm on day 6 of treating for coccidiosis with Corid of which they are recovering, not completely but definitely doing better. I've been reading other posts and have seen some pictures from posters who are being told they need to...
  18. kMamaHen

    Poop: Normal or Coccidiosis?

    I'm such a newbie. Do you think these are normal poops, or should I begin treatment for coccidiosis? You experienced chicken keepers, is it worse to medicate unnecessarily or to "wait-and-see"? Thank you kindly for any advice. 1. 2. 3. Coccidiosis seems to be what every book, article...
  19. Keeperoflock

    Coccidiosis Treatment Question... Pics Included

    My chickens are three months and two weeks as of today. Today we are on day four of treatment for coccidiosis. I am using 2 teaspoons of corridor per gallon of water every day and mixing up a mash of their feed with the cord water. Nobody has ever acted sick or listless or anything. I happen...
  20. Keeperoflock

    Is It Ok to Add Ice to.....

    …. water that has Corid in it? I'm on day 2 of treating for coccidiosis. The weather is about to heat up BIG time. I have never had to treat for coccidiosis before. My chickens are 3 months and 2 weeks old. I make up a new batch of Corid water every day. Thank you for your help!
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