cockeral or pullet

  1. funkyfarms

    Easter Egger… do we have a Roo?!

    Our beautiful Snowball has been giving some serious Roo energy. Big legs, much larger than our other chicks, most aggressive/adventurous, and some curled tail feathers BUT no dark or brown chest feathers. 7 week old Easter Egger. Any thoughts? Luckily will be able to keep Snowball regardless but...
  2. M

    The age old question: pullet or cockerel?

    Hey guys! So I bought a couple chicks from the store. I have a black copper maran chick and he/she is aggressive. Idk if that’s common for the breed or what. But every time my hand goes in it pecks at me. None of the other chicks do this. I got them on March 7th Let me know if you need...
  3. A

    Confirm my suspicions, please!

    Hi there, I’m only just over a week in to starting my first flock and I’m loving it! However in my obsession, I’ve started doing some research into sexing chicks… can anyone confirm my suspicions- are these two little chicks cockerels compared to the others in their respective pictures which I...
  4. M

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Cockerel or Pullet

    Hello! This is our first year having chicks and I’m starting to think that this little one might be a cockerel. “She” is almost 6 weeks old and we got our chicks from our local feed store, so they were sexed. Thanks for taking the time to let me know what you think!
  5. Ajp23

    Easter egger him or her?

    Hi! This is my first post after following the site for a while 😁 we have a new flock of backyard chickens and all is well. We most recently got five Easter Egger chicks and I’m highly suspicious that “Husky” is a rooster. He/she is five weeks old today and has a very pronounced comb to my novice...
  6. M

    Cockeral or Pullets

    Help I can’t figure out if any of these are girls
  7. M

    What gender?

    Hi all, I have 4 silkies all are 12 weeks olds. Pretty confident I’ve identified their gender however just looking for clarification? Thanks
  8. S

    Cochin pullet or cockerels help please

    I have two 9 week old cochins and am new to the breed. I bought them as day old unsexed chicks. The white one I think is a cockerel but the buff one I am not sure on, any ideas? Thanks
  9. N

    Pullet or cockerel please help

    We have had 3 silkies chicks from day1 One confirmed roo, one we are 90% hen and then this guy. I have assumed roo from the beginning since he is our favourite and we can’t keep roosters. but I have some people saying hen. Please let me know if I have a vocal girl or if we need to find him a...
  10. V

    6 Week Silver Laced Wyandottes

    These may be too young to tell yet, but I figured I’d post anyway because there are drastic differences between the two, and they were hatched from the same parents, the same day! Chick 1 is the red chick, whom I have a sneaking suspicion is a rooster. Hence, the red box. This chicken stands...
  11. CITYS84

    Welsummer Barnevelder Araucana Exchequer Leghorn sexing?

    What do you think? I’m thinking 3 hens 1 Roo… happy to be advised otherwise?! They are coming up to 5 weeks old.
  12. M

    Gender help on these Mixes

    We were given a bunch of mixed breed chickens so we have no ideas on breed but we’re having a hard time sexing them so any help would be greatly appreciated! They’re around 3 months old
  13. S

    Gender of 5ish week Buff Orpington

    I believe I brought this one home around the end of March, it was the only BO in the 7 chicks I purchased - the other 6 were black australorps, 5 of those were roosters lol - so I don’t really have any BO this age to compare it to I do have some BO pullets that I brought home at the end of April...
  14. M

    What genders are these

    Hi, all of these chickens are 12 weeks old. I am having difficulty sexting them and being confident as they are a random mix breeds we got as eggs. There is one photo of each chicken, i have an idea but just looking for confirmation Thanks
  15. Jess910

    Chaos Crew!

    So I have 4 chicks… supposedly all female… but for some reason it’s just chaos in their tank.. constant fighting.. I don’t know if it’s pecking order? They need a bigger area? The breeds? Or maybe there’s a roo or two??? Do any look like males??? I’ve raised chicks before.. even in this tank and...
  16. M

    Sex of these Chickens

    Hi everyone, I have a bunch of chickens ranging from 8 weeks to about 16 weeks. Some are cross breeds so getting an accurate breed is nearly impossible, the others that we know are purebred. I’m just wondering what your opinions of the sex of these chickens are and breeds if you had to give...
  17. Z

    Pullets or cockerels

    Hi. We have five 11-14 week old chickens in question. I’m really hoping to be able to keep at least a few but it’s seeming like many of them are turning out to be cockerels… These are the chickens I’d like to get opinions on: 1. Brahma 2. Smaller white silkie 3. Black silkie. Second white...
  18. 1swtheart

    My first Porcelain D’Uccle. Pullet or Cockerel?

    Hatched September 2nd almost 8 weeks old. Very small and cute. Keeping regardless of sex.
  19. Eggs82

    Cockerels or pullets?

    Hey everybody, was wondering if these are both cockerels, I’m 99% sure the first one pictured is but I was leaning towards pullet on the second one. There both EE/golden comets that my hen hatched. There almost 11 weeks old today.
  20. NinjaGamer2022

    Black (mixed breed?) small chicken rooster or hen?

    I think it's probably a rooster but I don't really know so here is: Thx,
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