cold weather

  1. C

    First Time Coop Builder / Chicken Keeper

    Hi Everyone! I am designing my first coop and would like some guidance for those of you that have experience! I live near Sudbury and right now my main concern is how to build the coop properly for winter. I've seen lots of info saying the ladies will share body heat to keep the coop warm...
  2. C

    Indio Gigante in the snow

    I have a group of Indio hatching eggs in my incubator. (Fingers crossed that all goes well!) How do you guys do winters with chickens from warmer climates? Do I need to make them a little sweater? I know they can have some bare spots on their bodies. I just want to be prepared. I am so excited...
  3. N

    Temperature has dropped to 19F tonight

    Hi..Tonight temperature is gonna dropped to 19F..Should I let my ducks to my apartment? They are currently in my storeroom which has no heat source so I'm a little worried about them..I gave them a blanket and pine shavings as bedding and they seem to enjoy it..So idk should I keep them in...
  4. Ronnie_

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    Hi all! Zone 6B and while we’ve have a few nights at 21-29F so far we haven’t had actual winter weather. Sunday we’re slated for some snow - it will be the ducks First! Quick question on prep: Right now the ducks have a 5’x 5’ x 5’ quack shack, that has a foot of bedding (deep litter) mix and...
  5. E

    New member Intro

    Hi there! I am a new member interested in having my hens raise their own chicks. I had hens as a kid but only “spent hens”, which laid lots of eggs but never went broody. We also had some bantams but still no broody hens. I got hens more recently about 3 years ago, starting with 5 year-okd hens...
  6. L

    Needing help understanding this lethargy with hen

    So I have a Rhode Island Red hen named Basil. I live in a metropolitan area so I have a tiny flock of only 3 hens, all RIR. In the summer they all laid an egg a day and were champion eaters. Chili is definitely the lead hen, she is at the top of the pecking order, super healthy, etc. Basil was...
  7. Griggs9

    At what temperature do chickens need heat?

    Hi all! This is our first winter with our backyard flock up in Vermont. We are approaching a cold front with temperatures at -25°. Because of the cold temperatures I do have a small radiant coop heater from tractor supply store in with them at night however they Are out in a runner most of the...
  8. Zud

    Freeze free nipple training

    So we've been using water cups on a 5 gallon bucket to water our flock since we got them in May, but after running a kettle out to melt the water several times a day during the cold snap, I decided to switch to the freeze free nipples and throw a de-icer in the bucket. The problem is that the...
  9. Ashleys backyard farm

    How cold is too cold for my chickens?

    Hi there! I have 6 Rhode Island reds just under 1 year old and I also have 3- 14 week old pullets (silver laced Wyandotte, Australorp and an Easter egger). It’s going to get down to 19 degrees Fahrenheit this week and there’s so many articles online about chickens and colder temperatures. I’m...
  10. Cloverr39

    How cold is too cold for chickens?

    I've heard chickens will be fine walking aoutside in -20°C weather, but what about at night? I only have a small wooden coop made out of pallets and one layer of styrofoam along the walls. The breeds I have are silkies, bantam brahmas and bantam cochins. Overall pretty small and compact breeds...
  11. M

    Too cold this winter for chicks :(

    Hello! I recently got 10 chicks shipped to me and they’re around 2 weeks old right now I also have one chick that is 3 weeks old and I thought I would be able to put them in their permanent coop this winter before it gets cold but it’s getting cold here VERY fast and it’s gonna be a very snowy...
  12. sammi_lynn12

    Best way to transition?

    In about three weeks our youngest chicks are able to go out in the coop and their pen. They will be just under eight weeks old. They currently are not using a heat lamp anymore as of two days ago. I have been keeping them inside our insulated garage, which doesn’t get below 70 degrees yet. My...
  13. pattijoiner

    Bring broody hen inside as eggs hatch/frost advisory?

    We have a frost advisory for tonight, temps in 60’s to low 70’s the next few days. I have eggs under a broody hatching any minute. Should I bring her inside or trust her to keep them warm? Lows are upper 30’s just for tonight then 40’s and 50’s the rest of the week…… I’m stressing 😑😑😑
  14. E

    Cold Weather

    We’re about to hit a cold snap here in Texas and we’ll be getting plenty of snow and ice. After last year’s freeze, we have some cold chicken keeping skills under our belt. We will actually be moving the chickens into a large exercise pen in our garage so they can stay warm but contained...
  15. J

    Sub-zero Temps with a Chickshaw

    Hello! I have a question for those who live in a place with pretty cold winters. We are in zone 5b and it regularly can be -10° - -20° or more (sometimes days in a row). I would like to know if the chickens will be safe and warm in there if we paired it up with an electric fence. Thank you in...
  16. tjmb1414

    Hen recovered from sour crop and going back to coop in cold weather

    Good Morning, One of my hens has thankfully recovered from sour crop. However, she’s been in my bathroom for the past 12 days & I’m worried about putting her back in the coop after being in warmer temperatures for so long. I’m in Ballston Spa, NY and nights are very cold here. I just want to...
  17. H

    Is 3 Degrees Fahrenheit Too Cold??

    Hi all. So I live in New England and it has been bitterly cold the past couple of days. It’s been getting down to 0-10 degrees during the nights. It’s 3 degrees tonight and I have four hens. One of them is finishing up her molt and another is not very well equipped for cold weather. My coop...
  18. rachelcasper7

    Hello from the Casper household!

    Hello all! This is Rachel from the Casper household! We are in the planning process preparing to become a chicken family next summer! My husband and I have two boys, ages 14 months and three years. The older one was able to catch a chicken properly at a year and a half all by himself! So I had...
  19. DClopein

    Tips 4 This Coming Winter?!

    Hello 👋 This will be my first winter owning chickens & was wondering what you do to help your flock stay warm. Any advice helps! Thank you! 😃
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