
  1. Anisha

    It's cold out

    My little buddy found out how to stay warm. His name may be Snowball but he doesn't like the cold.
  2. BYCforlife

    What temperature is it where you live?

    I feel like a temperature person right now because it's snowing here. If you feel like it, please tell me/us what temperature it is where you live at the moment. Also, please state what units you're using. :D It's -8 degrees Celcius right now.
  3. maddiexo

    Worried about my bantams with weather drop

    I have have 10 chicks I got about 6 months ago so they’re not full sized but one of them is a duccle and she’s about the size of a fist and two two year old silkies who have lost some weight recently and I’m worried about them freezing. I live in Georgia so the chicks are used to warm weather...
  4. CapricornFarm

    Get Ready for Winter

    Are you ready? I am not. Lets talk about what needs doing before winter has us all in her icy grip! Usual BYC rules apply. Play nice or go home. Depending on where you live, you might need * Snow Shovel * Bag of coarse salt * Winter Jacket * Snow Boots *Oil , Gas, Wood or some way to heat...
  5. L

    FREAKING OUT! chick-mergency! D:

    So i've had a look around through all the thred and havn't been able to find any information, so here i go...... we had a baby chick hatch but mum hasnt been a good mum so now im mum. i found it all cold and wet.. i need to keep her warm tonight but the pet shops shut so cant buy light bulb...
  6. stormrobin

    Young leghorn lethargic not moving or eating

    i have a young leghorn 4-6 months roughly not laying yet that I know of. Found her last night not moving, huddled in the coop under the nest boxes. I thought she might be cold so I picked her up and cuddled her in my jacket for about 15 minutes. She is not normally very friendly, she is usually...
  7. John Ellison

    Hen is Coughing, Shaking Her Head & Has Odd Stools

    CONTEXT I'm a first time chicken owner. About three weeks ago, we bought a batch of six hens from a reputable poultry farm. We've got three hybrids and three purebreds. PROBLEM 7–10 days ago, our Rhode Island Red hen started coughing a bit. It seems to get worse in cold weather. See a video of...
  8. misschickenlover

    Midnight Layers...

    Does anyone else have chickens who consistently lay in the middle of the night!! :) every day when i go to open up the coop in the morning (usually around 5) there is ALWAYS an egg waiting for me, and its usually cold!!
  9. S

    I can't figure out what's wrong!

    So for a couple of days my 16 week old sussex chicks have been acting strange and stressed. Symptoms include: >wheezing/sneezing(very wet) >shaking head >diarrhea (sometimes the food doesnt even look digested) >drooping wings >sleeping balled up together >at night they are very loud as if...
  10. Wickedchicken6

    Five Tough Chicks and TWO Amazing Embryos!

    For those who may be familiar with me on here...I can be somewhat unorthodox in my methods. Ok, ok...I'm just plain extreme in my methods.:D The following is one of these... Last Saturday at 2pm, I gathered the eggs my fleet of broody hens had been setting on. The eggs sat out in the sun and...
  11. Replacement for VetRx

    Replacement for VetRx

    I've noticed a lot of people from Canada have an issue with buying VetRx due to many suppliers not shipping it across borders. This is understandable as not all countries have the same medication regulations, but for all my Canadian and Non-U.S inhabitants I have some easily found oils that...
  12. Mary Herb

    Sneezing, Coughing Chickens & Some 'Passing Out'

    I'm writing because 4 of my 5 chickens are sick with runny noses, a cough and frequent sneezing. They live together in a 20 x 20 fenced in coop and since they've been sick (almost 3 weeks) I have not been giving them free range. I rake their coop regularly, give them fresh water daily and...
  13. Yooperducker

    too cold???

    My ducks are 7 and 8 weeks old. I moved them into their duck house and then the weather took a turn; rainy and in the upper 30's - 50's for a few days. The house is enclosed and draft free with good ventilation and lots of straw but tonight it is supposed to get down into the 20's. I am...
  14. BarneyNCyndi

    Trouble is in Trouble

    Meet Trouble, she will be 4 years old this July. Last night, my husband & I heard a weird bark. We look at our dog and she gave us the "It's not me look." None of the 4 chickens pointed fingers but while doing the little things we do outside. My husband noticed that the sound came from...
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