color genetics

  1. MokiYoki

    Chicken Genetics outside of Breeds

    I'm looking for some in-depth help charting out what patternings are the result of what combination of genes. For some extra context I'm using a slightly simplified system by grouping the MC1R alleles into 5 major groups based on the percentage of black pigment displayed when all other modifying...
  2. StefneyRSA

    Color Genetics in Orpintons with Blue Rooster

    What colors can I breed with a blue rooster? I’m still building my Orpington flock and he’s young, so what color hens should I try to find for him? Currently I have 3 hens for him: 1 x blue, 1 x blue splash, 1 x cuckoo. What color chicks will I be able to expect from them? And what are...
  3. pattijoiner

    Columbian Bantam Cochin breeding?

    I received this boy as a gift. I don’t know anything about the Columbian gene and there doesn’t appear to be many Columbian Bantam Cochins. Should I try and find a Columbian girl? Or possibly breed him with the other Cochins I have? ( mottled, black, calico) Not really sure where to go from...
  4. D

    Black East Indie / Call Duck Color Genetics Question!!

    Hey all! I have a black east indie drake and a penciled call duck hen. My hen has now laid 10 eggs- if we incubate, what colors can we expect?
  5. Debbie292d

    Debbie's Silkies

    I've got quite a bunch of incubating going on as I've been buying eggs plus hatching my own. I'm having issues keeping track of it all. I would do another hatch along but that does take a lot of work and sometimes I don't give it as much time as I feel I should. Thus, a couple folks...
  6. Timbers Happy Hens

    Silkie color question

    Does anyone know what the possible colors are if you were to pair a paint silkie rooster to blue partridge or grey silkie hens? There’s very few resources I’ve been able to find on grey and partridge color genes, I have eggs hatching tomorrow and I’m really curious on what colors to expect.
  7. Cloverr39

    Is there a name for lavender silver penciled?

    I'd love to breed some lavender silver penciled chickens with black heads (which will be barely noticeable with the lavender, but still.) and I want to know if there is a name for that color or is it just called lavender silver penciled (or in my case, lav. silver penciled with charcoal)? Thanks!
  8. Cloverr39

    What color is this bantam cochin?

    I found these pictures while scrolling through pinterest. They are not mine. Credit to "Pekin Bantams RSA" I guess. I was looking at some bantam cochin pictures and came across these. Would this be lavender silver penciled?
  9. Cloverr39

    Moore head genetics?

    Moore head is the gene that causes a black head in (most commonly) partridge chickens, right? I believe I have a few. I have 2 blue silkies with silver leakage or silver partridge or something like that and 2 silver penciled project hens. For simplicity I'll call them silver penciled, but they...
  10. P

    Just wondering has anyone seen this color of silkie before?

    She's still young but is very beautiful. I haven't seen one like her and wondering what her adult color with be. She has gray, red and white. My daughter named her Honey.
  11. Cloverr39

    I want to breed this color but have questions about the Ml gene

    I have a question about this hen's color (picture at the end) and the Ml gene. I'm basically trying to copy this hen's color and breed for it. I figured out that it can't breed true because in order to get the color she has you would need the bird to be heterozygous for the Ml gene. I've asked...
  12. B

    Mixed Orpington Pen

    Hi, I have a broody hen in a mixed orpington pen and curiosity. This is the first year we have had any roosters, so this is the first time they could hatch chicks! The babies will either be used for meat or kept for eggs - so the coloring is not especially important to us. We are very excited...
  13. Sheilamae219

    Polish Color Variation Question

    Hello! I have two Polish growouts from the same breeder. I'm trying to identify what color pattern theirs would be considered to be? I've seen others with the same black and white color variation described as tolbunt, but the tolbunt I know of is tricolor. Are these two a form of tolbunt, or...
  14. Cloverr39

    Does white over black always cause paint?

    I have a heterozygous dominant white rooster with multiple black hens and one blue cuckoo hen. I thought that when bred to a black hen (when he actually gives his copy of white to a chick) it would always result in paints. So far I've only managed to hatch one paint and many, many plain whites...
  15. P

    Best pairings? Polish Bantams

    Long time lurker, first time signing up and posting! tl;dr What pairings will result in the best coloured chicks? I have quite a pretty bunch of polish at the moment but new to colour genetics and matter how much Google trawling I do, I just can't seem to get to grips with the base elements I...
  16. H

    Isabel orphington rooster color question

    Hello, I have an English orphington roo who was sold to me as being “either lavender or Isabel”. His hackles wings and breast are lavender, his tail looks splash to me and he has and lots of yellow/buff coloring through his back and saddle. Is this yellow coloring just leakage, or does this...
  17. ChickChic00

    Rhode Island Red

    My question is, Can you breed regular stock RIR so much that you get darker RIR? Or will I have to buy a darker rooster every other generation to get darker? Any help is very much appreciated!!
  18. jabou29

    Cochin Bantam sex/color

    Well I’m trying to figure out what color and sex are these two Cochins. I know they’re calicos but one is lacking the white. The darkest brown one I hope is a pullet but my hopes are being diminished. 😅 Do you guys think they might be future pullets or little cockerels? I know the one with more...
  19. jabou29

    Hatched out 18 chicks!

    Well my sister and I incubated 23 eggs during the cold snap that hit Texas around Christmas and we had 18 chicks hatch out it. My go to chicken breeder had her incubator open as she wasn’t hatching anything at the moment and hatched them out for us. They’re Cochin bantams chicks. The fathers are...
  20. Cloverr39

    Might add Wyandottes to a barnyard mix flock. What colors to expect now and over time?

    I'm thinking of adding some Wyandottes to this flock of barnyard mixes. They will most likely be silver laced, blue laced red and maybe buff laced if I can find any eggs. I'm planning on putting them in the barnyard mix flock and letting them mix together over the next couple years. I want to...
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