comb concern

  1. PrairiePeckers

    Rooster comb rounded

    I have a 1 y/o RIR roo, his comb tips have always came to a point. They are now rounded. What does this mean??
  2. U

    Comb turning dark red/purple

    My roosters comb turned dark red/ purple. What do I do, and what can cause it?
  3. B

    Hens have black spots on combs

    Hi there! We're relatively new to raising chickens (we have our first 9 hens coming up on a year old this spring). I recently noticed that a few hens have small black spots on their combs. We have 4 Barred Rocks, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Ameraucanas. They have a large 8x8' raised coop that is...
  4. R

    Fowl Pox or Bullying (update with 2 more pics)

    Edit: got 2 pictures of one hen on the roost tonight with bloody comb. Does that happen with fowl pox? This all seemed pretty sudden. Hello all. I have 5 backyard hens between 1.5 and 4 years old. I was home this weekend and I thought it seemed like there was more bickering than should have...
  5. F

    Is this frost bite

    We live in Arizona so it hasn’t gotten cold here maybe lowest 65-70 at night just recently and I noticed one of our chickens comb is getting black. I know how important chickens combs are and especially in the summer since it helps regulate body temperature. He’s the only one we have with the...
  6. W

    Comb Dying???

    My black copper maran rooster used to have a beautiful comb. However, lately, I've noticed that his comb has turned purple. He is around 8 months old and enjoys a good comb massage. IT FELT COLD when I touched the purple area while the rest of the comb felt hot. I'm concerned and I'm not sure...
  7. M

    Injured/torn comb. Should I clip it or let it heal?

    Hi all. Somehow during some commotion in the run my 6 month old buff Orpington hen tore her comb. It bled pretty good and is definitely separated a bit. Of course I’d love for it to heal on its own, but it’s been two days now and it still is somewhat separated. I’ve separated her from the flock...
  8. M

    Chicken has white spots on comb and black tips

    Hi all. My hen is a lavender Orpington about 6 months old, and I realized her comb has some white on it with black tips. I think it’s been this way for quite a while, but since another hen got a comb injury I’ve been paying closer attention to all the others. Do you think this is maybe some sort...
  9. NormalZombieChick

    What is causing the brown crusty spots on the comb?

    Does anyone know what is causing the brown crusty spots on the comb of this hen? She is an easter egger ~7 months, its summer time where I live, has been very dry and hot. Does not appear on other hens.
  10. southernblubird

    Need help with hen’s comb injury/infection? Please!

    I need some insight! One of my daughter’s favorite hen has suffered comb injury from our sassy black copper marans. They have been separated and given their own space and new enrichment. Her comb has dramatically changed for the worse in the past 48 hours. We just cleaned it and applied...
  11. LizFl

    Purplish comb on the back

    Hi! I have a Barred Rock and her comb has been going purplish in the back and within 5 minutes it went back to bright red. Wondering if this is normal? She is acting normal, eating, dust bathing and being the bully at the top of the pecking order. Why does this happen?
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