
  1. Bird_Lover_17

    FINAL poll: favorite cookie

    See the rules and intro: Rules for cookie poll NO COMPANIES IF I DIDN'T MENTION SOMETHING, TYPE WHAT IT IS
  2. Bird_Lover_17

    Poll: Favorite Cookie

    Hi everyone, yes it's me again. This will be my last dessert related poll. Feel free to tag who ever you think might like this! <>RULES<> No spamming Be respectful No inappropriate commenting Only 1 answer You can't change your vote If you voted "something else" comment what it is
  3. chicken3fly

    hi 170kposts 500kviews

  4. HuskerHens18

    How Many Bantam Eggs Makes One Large Egg

    My kitchen scale is broken, I had used it to weigh my chickens a while back and well.. they freaked out and broke it :hmm I have never tried to use bantam eggs in recipes, my first thought was just to weigh them and compare... but yeah, scale won't read anything. So as the title says, how many...
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