
  1. A

    Quail mixing

    I know you are supposed to mix different types of quail, but I’m wondering if I can mix some female coturnix quail with my flock of 4 female and 2 male bobwhite quail? I’m not sure if there’s going to be any issues since I’ll only be adding females. The bobwhites are quite docile.
  2. C

    I think my quail was born blind... now what?

    I've just started raising coturnix quail in the last six months and so far I really love them. I am raising hens for eggs and I had about 11 males that I raised and culled for meat. I intend to raise another batch of chicks in December but before I do I wanted to make sure there's not an issue...
  3. E

    What Colors are my Quail?

    I have one month old quail chicks that I hatched and are wondering what colors they are and if any of them are feather sexable. Thanks in advance! P.S. I have 11 and they are available. I am in Alberta, Canada.
  4. Y

    Help! Quail w/ eye issue

    Hello! A few days ago my hen kept closing her left eye. A few days later a white film grew on her eye. Any ideas of possible ailments?(and treatment) I separated her from my other quails for the moment. Pictures provided below :)
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