
  1. badboyoak

    I am looking for Vulturine and Kenya crested Guinea fowl

    I am looking for kenya crested guinea fowl my female died. Also I am looking for vulturine guinea fowl.
  2. Cloverr39

    Why do silkie cockerels crests shrink as they age while pullets crests grow?

    (Probably not the right topic for this, sorry.) This is kind of just a random question that popped into my head. My silkie rooster Cloud used to have such a big, poofy, beautiful crest and it just got smaller as he aged. On the other hand one of my pullet's crests seems to only get bigger with...
  3. zoereef1221

    VIDEO: make or female, crested runner help!

    11 weeks old and I am stumped! Never attached video before so let me know if this didn’t work!
  4. proudduckowner22

    Breeding Crested Duck With Non Crested Duck

    Hey all, I have a cool breeding project for my ducks that I got few questions on. I have a crested Cayuga duck hen she has a little crest on the back of her head and I was wondering if I would be able to breed her to my other duck breeds such as maybe a buff drake or khaki Campbell drake, or...
  5. MeanCheek

    Pyncheon Thread

    There are a few old Pyncheon threads but here's a fresh one. Post pictures and talk about your Pyncheons!
  6. Crested Chicken Breeds Guide Part Two

    Crested Chicken Breeds Guide Part Two

    Hi! Here is the second part to the crested chicken breed guide. Enjoy reading! Mapuche Chaco Argentine Pronunciation: ma-PU-chay CHA-coh ar-jen-TEEN Brown breasted Black Mapuche Chaco Argentine hen Alternate names: None Egg color: Blue or green Egg size or weight: Unknown Eggs per year...
  7. Crested Chicken Breeds Guide

    Crested Chicken Breeds Guide

    Looking for a pretty chicken to buy? Want a pet to cuddle with? Or simply curious about crested breeds? Then this article is for you! I have compiled a guide of all crested chicken breeds (not including naked necks or extinct breeds, even if they’re being back-bred.) If you are looking to buy...
  8. C

    Help sexing chicks: lavender Orpington and polish

    Hi! I need help sexing my three new chicks: lavender bantam Orpington, mottled polish and white polish, all 4 weeks old. Thanks!
  9. Hannahnic14

    Your experience raising polish?

    I'm ordering some polish chicks to replace some other chicks that a dog attack took from me and I'm reading mixed reviews. Some people love them, some people say they just die at the drop of a hat.....I have silkies and crevecoeurs so I'm familiar with crested birds I just need to know if I...
  10. mybackyardhobbyfarm

    Crested mix ?

    I got this pullet recently. I was told she was a mix. Any ideas ?
  11. M

    Eye issue six week old chick

    I have a crested rooster chick that keeps his left eye closed. Sometimes he opens it and it looks normal (clear, not discolored,oozing, etc.). Any idea as to what is wrong with him and how to treat it is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  12. C

    HELP! Hole on top of crested duck head!

    I have two pekin ducks I am currently taking care of set to go to a farm this upcoming week. One of the ducks is crested, last night upon observation at around 10 p.m. she was fine and acting normal no issues or abnormalities. This morning around 8 a.m. I went to check on the ducks, and to my...
  13. WhiteSilver

    Crested Muscovies?

    Hi all. A few weeks ago, I became the owner of three ducklings. They have extremely prominent poofs on their heads which I assume are crests, and unfortunately my parents (who bought them as a surprise for me at an Amish auction) were not given any info about them or their breed. It wasn’t until...
  14. Muscovy Wunda

    Double crested indian runner Duckling

    Sooo I wanted to share with you all my beautiful 3week old indian runner duckling, who I knew was crested, but on inspection today, discovered two seperate bumps under that fluff. Essentially double crested. (Newborn pic first, then 2 from today) Okay so now a question for a breeders point...
  15. emmalou1

    What breed is my bantie?

    got This beauty in the bantam bin today at the farm store. Why are your breed guesses? S/he has 5 toes on each foot, feathered legs and a crest! We also can’t think of a name.
  16. S

    New Member

    Hi all, I am Bailey and new to both this forum and chickens! Luckily, my other half has had them all his life, so he’s a big help. I’m currently designing “Chicken Fort Knox,” as we live in a redwood forest with a ton of rascally raccoons. We’re digging down with two feet deep with 2” x...
  17. taushajbrown

    Ducks For Sale Dallas, Tx Several Breeds

    Hello, I have several pure breed ducks for sale if anyone is interested. I have so many along with dogs, geese, my own 5 young children, my husband, and Ive just got myself spread so thin at the moment. Ill keep them unless someone wants them, Ive had them all since they were born and theyre...
  18. green_thumb

    Mystery chick with crest- legbar?

    I had thought this girl was a wellsummer until a couple days ago when she started developing a crest. She is four weeks old today. She came from Meyer so my options are cream legbar, olive egger, or lakeshore egger I think. Any thoughts? She’s one of my bravest and most personable chicks, I...
  19. DuckWhisperer06

    A Little Confused

    Ok, I need a bit of clarification about crested ducks. I have a crested magpie and was a little confused about what that meant. (This is to also help @Birdylady78 with her thread) Is ‘crested’ a breed on its own, or does it always go along with a breed (crested Pekin, crested magpie, etc.)...
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