cross beak

  1. H

    ** One eyed Cross Beak Chick !

    Yesterday we Hatched out a baby chick that is Different from the rest. It's head is a bit misshapen, Has one eye and a Cross beak. I'm not sure if it can see but has drank water from my finger and it very active. Like a normal chick but Special 😉🙂🐥 Any suggestions to help it thrive would be...
  2. OzarkEgghead

    2 wk old chick developing scissor beak

    I have seventeen 2 wk old Easter Egger chicks I'm raising indoors. They all appeared normal at 1 day old. I've noticed one of them is only HALF the size of the others so I singled her out today & inspected her closely. I was shocked & dismayed to see she was already developing scissor beak. I've...
  3. Nikkistar13

    Cross Beak loves mashed potatoes!

    My scissor/cross beak recently discovered she LOVES mashed potatoes! Just some leftover from our dinner- instant with butter and ranch powder. I’ve tried so many different feeds, mashes, etc and I’m happy to see her eating! She’s smaller than the rest of the flock, so I’d like to continue...
  4. H

    Lavender Americana

    I have a 3 week old Americana and she has an extremely severe cross beak, I noticed it about a week ago and it was not bad at All. I do not know what to do to help her, I am Syringe feeding her every couple of hours and so far she is doing alright. I attempted to cut her beak and file it but the...
  5. N

    How to keep mash from spoiling in the summer? Does fermented last longer?

    I have a crossbeak chicken that has a much easier time eating mash than dry crumble. When it was cooler, I could bring her a dish each day, and she would graze all day and was gaining well. In the summer heat (90-100), I have been bringing her small amounts about 4+ times a day for her to gain...
  6. aryucrazy

    Beak problems

    I hatched 8 silkies a month and a half ago. I was hoping some of them would be good to start breeding with. I'm not planning to show them necessarily, but I don't want to breed serious genetic problems. Anyway, 3 of the chicks have weird beaks. One is an obvious cross beak and the other two are...
  7. Zomestead

    Scissor Beak small but feisty

    We have a scissor beak hen. We actually named her Scissor. Lol. My question is if she will for sure lay eggs? She also has foot deformities and well… bless her! :) Scissors beak is pretty bad, but we hand feed her daily and we make sure she has access to mash. We used to grind food for her...
  8. -Shade-

    Hatching (Potential) Crossbeak chick--Correctable?

    I am hatching a new batch of easter eggers from a batch of girls I've had for a few years. Just this morning, the first egg pipped and I am very excited for this year's hatch to start. But when I looked closer at the pip a few hours later I could see the beak a little better. It looks like it...
  9. H

    Chick with misaligned beak?

    So, my co-nesting hens (random and always one silkie) have just been hatching random babies and my husband just found a little peeper with a misaligned beak. It's very energetic, very alive, but we're just concerned about this kind of deformity or injury. As I was writing this, he did confirm...
  10. D

    Chicken who needs home in Western Washington State

    I have a chicken who is about 2 years old, she is crossed-beaked. She is very used to human interaction and is very easy to care for. For food all she needs is a soft food mixture such as Yogurt, Whipped cream, Hummus, Apple Sauce, and regular chicken food that is mixed with water or apple...
  11. K

    Cross beak help!!

    I have a cross beak named Puck. He is a happy little chicken who although is smaller than everyone else is super independent and wild. Yesterday I noticed his head was bobbing. I posted in a Facebook group and someone told me to check for mites. As I checked, I didn’t see any mites but it does...
  12. Lacy Duckwing


    Welcome to #TeamCrossbeakAmber This thread is for my Easter Egger (EE) pullet Amber. She has crossbeak. My favorite picture of Amber that I took today. Amber was named after Copper-Amber, a troublesome, funny, lovable EE hen I had a few years ago. As a day-old chick, I thought Amber...
  13. CassNelson

    Cross beak chick - thoughts on M/F?

    Ok I know she’s still really young (2.5 weeks), so not sure if this is even worth asking at this stage… but does anyone think this chick is a he? She’s a blue egg layer - either an EE or a WTB (not sure as I got some of each in my order and they all look different). But the three-rowed comb, the...
  14. B

    What colour is my marans pullet??

    Hi all, I got given a little cross beak chick for free about 6 months ago. The breeder initially wasn’t sure what she was as she was in the pekin pen, but suspected she may actually be a marans. Fast forward to now and she’s definitely a marans, I just would love to know what her colour is...
  15. L

    Chicken can’t close beak - please help!! Canker !

    Hi over the last few days I have noticed my 3 year old chicken can’t close her beak. I thought it was cross beak at first, but now i’m not sure. There is a smell coming from her mouth, but it smells like she has been eating poo, not how i imagine sour crop smells but it could be that. There’s a...
  16. TundraFang

    Cross Beak Chicken Losing Feathers

    I have an Ameraucana chick that has developed cross/scissor beak so I've been mixing up baby bird formula and chicken food for her to eat. She (not sure the gender yet but I'm hoping for a pullet) comes to the door when she's hungry and has been consistently gaining weight. She's still half the...
  17. MissPeep

    Cross beak?

    Hi all 👋🏻 I purchased four chicks from tractor supply almost two weeks ago and I noticed this morning that one seems to be developing cross beak. Is it normal for it to develop later or is it usually noticeable when they hatch? It doesn’t seem too severe, but I’m not sure if it will continue to...
  18. lancasterflock

    More humane to cull? More humane to live?

    When I first noticed Drew’s crossbeak.. ( Drew, after Drew Barrymore because she talks out of the side of her mouth ❤️ ) she was about a week and a half old. It was slightly curved off to the side of her mouth and I lovingly named her Drew and made plans for her to stay in my flock. As Drew has...
  19. cnielsen

    Chick developing cross beak- what to do??

    This is my chick, Princess Consuela (kudos if you know what show her name is from lol). It is nearly impossible to see in the pictures, but in person it appears that she is showing early signs of cross beak/scissor beak. she is growing her feathers about a day slower than her sisters, and the...
  20. P

    My cross-beak hen isn’t growing

    Over a year ago I bought some Sapphire Gem chicks and one of them developed scissor or cross beak. The hen has been able to eat fine in container with high walls. She also drinks water with ease as well. However, I’ve noticed that she hasn’t gained any weight and she’s almost a year old without...
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