cross breed

  1. Lazy Farmer

    The Hardest Part About Hatching Chicks For Profit

    We run 3 incubators with intervals of seven days between each. Eggs are hand turned so they hold more.. We have been having a 70% hatch rate with average of 50 eggs per Bator. Some are full breed and some are crosses. Lately some of the crosses are so Darn beautiful. Smokey Grey's and various...
  2. Lazy Farmer

    The Hardest Part About Hatching Chicks For Profit

    We run 3 incubators with intervals of seven days between each. Eggs are hand turned so they hold more.. We have been having a 70% hatch rate with average of 50 eggs per Bator. Some are full breed and some are crosses. Lately some of the crosses are so Darn beautiful. Smokey Grey's and various...
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