
  1. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Speckled Sussex with Small Gash on Bottom, Red Skin, & Missing Feathers

    I have a Speckled Sussex hen, named Brynn, that is almost 10 months old. She weighs 5 lbs. 11.5 oz. About two months ago she began to lose feathers on her bum (my other SS also lost her bum feathers). Those feathers haven't grown back yet. I made a post when the problem originally happened and...
  2. R

    Injured Foot

    I have a 4 month old chicken that has had an injury for over a week now. She's been limping and resting a lot. I'm not sure if this is the same one but when I was working and took a step back, I accidentally stepped on one of their foot. When it screamed, I lifted my foot immediately. By the...
  3. LilHitzel

    Slight Scrape on Foot

    My girl got a very, very slight scrape on her foot. Just enough to peel back some skin. I cleaned it with soap, water and peroxide, treated it with Neosporin and wrapped it with what I had on hand. How long should it stay wrapped? It’s not much more than a paper cut.
  4. G

    Help! Appleyard duck with very swollen/infected toe

    Hi! I need some help. My appleyard duck got a small cut on her foot a few weeks ago. I cleaned it, used hydrogen peroxide a few days in a row and kept an eye on it. It had seemed to fully heal well, but a few days later i looked and it had swollen again. There is no scab or opening to the...
  5. Mr_Bear

    Chicken neck injury

    Hello everybody, Today when closing the chickens in for the day I did a random checkup on a couple of them. To my distress I found that one of my naked neck hens has a large wound on her neck. It was not obvious to me that she had any injury, because her feathers were covering that spot, there...
  6. Launchpad

    Male Cayuga - normal feet or bumble

    Frasier is an almost 4 month Cayuga. Today I noticed him standing on one foot two separate times. So we caught him and took some pictures. There was a small cut on the L foot and it's not even visible in the photos which may have been the source. But I noticed the spots and it's the age old...
  7. TheBirdBabe

    To cut or not to cut?

    One of my hens looks like her nails are getting too long. Nobody else in the flock has long nails, but they all walk on the same surfaces! My question is, should I cut them? I have some cutters for my large breed dog's nails, so it would cut them like butter.. hopefully.. lol
  8. Brooke_R

    Two ducks with the same cut on their bill

    Two different ducks got this same shaped cut on their bills. The one not pictured had no bump, however, a deeper and bloody cut. It turned into a scab it fell of. She’s healed now but today I noticed the same cut on this duck. Plus the bump. Does anyone know what could have caused this?
  9. Silling

    Dog attack. Open back wound

    My hen was attacked by a dog which pulled out all her tail feathers and left a nasty gash on her back. So far I am going to clean her off and wash the wounds with peroxide and cover with triple antibiotic ointment and cover with gauze. Is this the right thing to do? Will this heal?
  10. A

    3am Wake Up Call

    Hey everyone...3am had me outside in my bathrobe cuz one of my chickens was making this god awful dying noise. Found her sitting outside the coop in the snow and both her feet were bleeding! I managed to coax her back inside the coop and when I did all the birds (6 total, I have a teeny flock)...
  11. Goosebaby

    Emergency! Beak incision

    I just found Dandelion (gosling) with this deep cut on her chin, it’s already swollen but she wasn’t like this when I checked on her two hours ago. I’m still trying to figure out how this happened, I don’t have money for a vet so any ideas on how to treat this myself is appreciated. I thought...
  12. K

    Large wound on hens neck***WARNING PHOTO***

    It’s going on 4 days now since 4 of my hens were attacked, 3 of which died. The one that survived has a large open wound on the back of her neck. I’m pretty sure I interrupted whatever animal it was that was attacking my hens because the bodies were still warm and one was still alive. I...
  13. Melendez mini Farm

    Help with my injured hen

    My hen was attacked by a hawk a couple weeks ago. At first we didn’t notice anything wrong with her because she was avoiding us, but then it clearly became visible that she was injured and injured BAD! I started giving her penicillin. It’s been 2 days. I also have kept her in my basement to...
  14. Maine_chic

    Not an Emergency--Cut on Beak

    Today I noticed a shallow cut on my Buff Orpington's beak. It is near the nostrils but does NOT interfere with them or cause her any apparent discomfort or difficulty breathing. Not bleeding. It appears that she cut it while trying to get a bug throught the wire of her run as I've seen her do...
  15. Thechickentrainer1999

    Bleeding on neck

    I just noticed that a few of my younger hens have started pecking and jumping on one of my older hens and I went to check her out and noticed that she had been scratched on the back of the neck and had some blood coming out. As far as I know it's not too serious but is there anything I can do to...
  16. Silkie haircut

    Silkie haircut

    BT got a haircut. This is her just after it.
  17. Lazy Farmer

    Flies invading laceration on Sows shoulder.

    Yes I have asked for advice on BYH, but this forum is more populated and quick response would be greatly appreciated. I have a Hampshire Sow with a deep gouge I have been irrigating and treating with iodine for about 5 days, with the rain and the flies I am fighting the good fight but don't...
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