dead chicken

  1. S

    Help! Chicken Died and Entire Flock Could Be at Risk

    I have a small backyard flock. One chicken randomly stayed by itself some yesterday. This morning I went out and it had died. No predators. The coop and run doors were still shut and no holes. We had a funeral for it today. As we were outside I noticed the other girls had bulges on the right...
  2. The chicken nurd

    Help! Dead bird

    My 3-year-old Orpington Goldie passed away today very suddenly no idea why could you guys, please help me figure out what caused it? She was fine Saturday but seemed off yesterday evening and then passed suddenly today Sunday evening when I went out to put the birds away (they were free ranging...
  3. K

    Chicken Coughing Blood?!

    Hi everyone! I’m very new to all of this. My father in law had chickens for a year or two so he is the only other source of info I have... he lives on our property and is always available. We just got a flock of 26 birds- 22 hens, 1 rooster, and 3 ducks (1 drake). We bought them from friends...
  4. Tiltom

    Wondering what killed “Beth” (one of my hens)

    Hello everyone! We have a small hobby farm in North Central Florida. I have had these chickens for a year and a half now. They’ve traveled with us from New York to friends houses (staying on their property) and now we are home! This is my first loss I’ve had and I think it happened either last...
  5. D

    2/3 Chickens dead within a month of one another

    So we rescued three chickens from British Hen Welfare Trust last June and had no issues with them until recently. They were approx 18 months when we got them (ex farmed chickens). The first one about 4 weeks ago died, I'm 80% sure she died from vent gleet that we just didn't catch early enough...
  6. Katattack29

    My chicken died abruptly and I don’t know why

    I have a flock of 3 Buff Orpingtons. I was out of town for 2 days and the weather was 82 degrees one day and 84 degrees the next. They have shade and water but that was there first heat experience. They are 8 months old. For the 3 months that I’ve had them, Bone Saw ( my chicken’s name) has...
  7. urbanMike

    Second Buff Orpington Randomly Dead

    I'm now concerned. So, about a little over a month ago, one of our Buff Orpingtons died randomly after she was out ranging with the flock and I had put them away back in their run and coop. She had always been a weird one. She was the last one to lay, and took longer than everyone else to...
  8. THEChIcKeNwhisperer354

    Yellow foam dead chicken what happend?

    I wasn't sure what thread category to put this so I just put it in chicken behaviors. I was walking in the chicken yard and I notice a hen did't look right. She was wobbling then she plopped on the ground and flopped around in circles. Then 1 minute later she quit moving. A look closer and shes...
  9. M

    Help Identifying Predator

    I went out to feed the chickens this morning and immediately noticed my favorite blue egger was missing. Usually, she greets me at the backdoor and pesters me to pick her up, so it was quite obvious something had happened. I was hoping she was just laying an early egg, but sure enough, something...
  10. P

    (warning - graphic content) Sweet hen killed by unknown predator

    Advance warning - contains graphic pictures and description of attack. We found my sweet gardening partner, Gabby, mangled on Monday morning. There was evidence of a struggle, which began inside the coop. We immediately began researching what predator may have committed this crime, and the...
  11. G

    8 chickens disappeared, 1 found dead

    Our 11 chickens free range during the day on our 4 acres of wooded land. They always come back around 7pm, hang out in the backyard for about an hour and then put themselves to bed around 8pm Around 7, there was only 3 chickens in the yard, our 2 roosters and our only Easter Egger My husband...
  12. nvrgivup

    Help needed - 2 Chickens died

    Hi. I am at a loss. 1. I chicken was weak then dead. About 4 years old. No real symptoms. 2. Chicken that was perfectly fine, then I noticed she was sitting in the coop, 2 days in a row. Last night, I checked on her and both eyes were sealed shut. I rinsed her eye with water and the one...
  13. Jerry rigged farm

    Chicken randomly died. No signs or symptoms

    I Live in philomath Oregon and have a flock of 35 chickens now. Ages running from 8 weeks to 1.5 years old. Fairly big coop and run with sand and rock with hay and shavings in the deep litter areas. The 1 year old novagen wouldn't come down to eat or want to be touched during feeding time. Then...
  14. Skyla

    Healthy young chicken's sudden death without explanation, please help

    Hello, yesterday morning I had checked on my flock of 5 chickens and all appeared well and healthy. It was then later that night when I put them to bed I noticed one was showing signs of clear illness. I have lost many chickens for the short amount of time I have kept them (4 years), most for...
  15. L

    Two deaths possibly solved

    I'm currently out of town helping my family. Hubby is home taking care of the flock. We have had two hens die less than a week apart. We live in a remote area and no vets are willing to look at them after they pass. They reffered us down south but that place also is only doing emergency...
  16. B

    Sick Hen :(

    Recently, I noticed that one of our chickens was acting very strangely. Over the past two days she's been randomly lying on the ground and sleeping. The other chickens were not picking on her, but it still alarmed me. I checked up on her and I couldn't feel anything strange about her, so I let...
  17. winglesschicken

    Around 3 month old Turken just died

    (This chicken was a hen, just wanted to let you all know) He actually died while I was writing a post about his condition. I'll describe what I can remember here. I began noticing his abnormal behavior yesterday. He began acting quite sticky, lagging behind his flock and not foraging like...
  18. T

    How delacate are they known to be?

    Are chickens known to get scared to death? I had a 1 year old silkie hen drop dead either last night or early this morning. No signs of illness or anything. I feel like it could have been a fear induced heart attack because we recently moved her and her pen mate to my grandmother's and she has a...
  19. fishinthewater

    Dead chickens- infection? pyrethrin poisoning?

    I have (had) four chickens in a chicken tractor that moves every few days. I came home from a weekend away to find my rhode island, who had been looking a little droopy before I left (which I attributed to molting), with what I believe was water belly. She was only three, and it never got any...
  20. F

    Love my chickens, until tonight

    Hi. My name is Catherine. We currently have 19 hens (mixed varuety) 1 rooster and 3 guinea fowl. I’m planning on getting Black Copper Marans, more cream leghorns and Swedish icebars in a few months because I apparently have a chicken addiction. They’re all from the same breeder, between 5 and 8...
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