
  1. jomary2013

    My hen died today, can I bury her?

    I had a hen who just passed away she was my first pet and I loved her so much. I think she had Marek's disease she had all the symptoms. I was wondering if it would be okay to bury her in my backyard? I just can't imagine just throwing her in the trash or something.
  2. Starlings and dogs

    My bird is gone (photos of my bird)

    My starling died sadly so im posting photos of my bird soo you know how smart and amazing starlings are
  3. Lazy Farmer


    The heat index in central Florida Is brutal today. Over 100. The humidity feels like walking thru a wall of steam. Went out to collect eggs and found one of my most beautiful adult rocks dead. All was fine early this morning. Everybody munched down their food. I even put a couple of fresh...
  4. Jhs51684

    Did my Bantam kill my Barred Rock?

    I woke up to a dead 4 month old Barred Rock today. My flock includes 3 Bantam Old English Game Hens and 3 Plymouth Barred Rocks (well, unfortunately 2 now). The Bantams are 3 years old and the BRs are 4 months old and I integrated them with the bantams at 2 months old. The BRs are already twice...
  5. W

    Several chickens died at once, white liquid coming out of mouth! Help!

    Approximately 3 month old cochin bantam chickens bought as day old chicks at TSC 4 total have all died within hours of each other There were no signs of lethargy or illness. 2 of my other birds are now appearing "slow" and don't seem to move as fast as normal. There are no signs of trauma...
  6. W

    Please help!! Chickens dying...

    I really need some help. One of my cochin bantams died yesterday suddenly. I noticed no signs of lethargy, eating well, drinking well, and was top of her pecking order. White liquid came out of her mouth. I thought it may be ascites. However, today, 3 more cochin bantams passed today and I...
  7. iwuvapplesauce


    I ordered twenty six chicks of various breeds off of McMurray Hatchery's website sometime after Christmas. They arrived yesterday and minutes after being placed under the heat lamp I noticed several problems with the White-Crested Polish. One of them died after ten or twenty minutes of being in...
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