deep litter method

  1. KettermanHillCoop

    Doo Run, Run, Run..the Doo Doo Run...

    1. Just rescued a flock on Monday/Tuesday of this week. My knowledge of chickens before that was...nothing. Except I like to eat eggs. :) So...chicken jargon is lost on me. :) 2. Built a quickie coop to give the rescue birds a home. 3. I just landed a sweet deal for a 10'Lx10'Wx6'H...
  2. S

    A old camper Converted into a chicken coop? good idea? warm enough for winter months?

    We have a old 70's style camper and I was thinking we already pretty much gutted it out before because my husband and I used to sleep in it in the summer when we lived with our parents, so we gutted most of it and put a queen size bed in. Now for the last 8 years its been sitting with junk piled...
  3. M

    Coop Flooring Help!

    Hey all- I'm trying to think of a good flooring option for our coop. It's currently wood flooring to prevent predators, but I'm realizing that may not be the best fit. Our girls apparently haven't learned proper dinner manners and spill about 10x as much water as they drink even with horizontal...
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