
  1. M

    Is this a worm???

    I cracked an egg this morning and found this inside the white of the egg. Is this a worm? All poops are and have been normal and healthy looking. No sign of worms in their poops at all.
  2. K

    Safeguard Fenbendazole Dewormer Liquid Dose??

    I recently got my chicken’s fecal float test back from our vet and she has 2 types of worms, they recommended this for deworming and I have seen it posted in groups. The only thing I am struggling with is how to administer it to our chickens? I plan to do the whole flock but my flock is small...
  3. K

    IF to Deworm and When to Deworm, those are the questions.

    Dear BYC enthusiasts, I am new to BYC, and I am relatively new at raising chickens, but one thing I know from many hours of reading and watching videos these past 2 years is to learn from the seasoned chicken poulterers. (Not to be confused with seasoned chicken. :)) Thank you in advance for...
  4. AidKD

    Acv for worms or no?

    Curious as to what others think on this matter!
  5. joymo

    Deworming and other things(?) for Bantams

    Hello! My hens(2 OEGBs) are healthy and don't show any signs of illness. However, I've just learned that I should be deworming them regularly for prevention of infestation. They are nearly a year old and have never had any treatments whatsoever. I've started my research but I'm pretty confused...
  6. B

    Anyone heard of using Antezole for de-worming?

    Hey! Long time reader, 1st time thread poster :) So, I have a multi-pet household I'm looking for something to de-worm everyone simultaneously. I came across a de-wormer called Antezole that I can use for my dogs & cats. Was wondering if anyone's heard of it being used on chickens too, or just...
  7. Keeper of Flocks

    Greetings! New member introductions >

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have kept chickens for over a decade. I was in my early twenties. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 21 (3) What breeds do you have? I currently have 6 ISA Browns, 3 Welsumers, and 12 Pearl Star, all females I have...
  8. sammi_lynn12

    Worming question?

    I have not wormed my girls since getting them as chicks in Sept 2022. I have not seen any in their poop and everyone is happy and healthy. They will be free ranging more when the weather turns nicer so I am thinking I should stay ahead of it and worm them as a preventative. I have no clue what...
  9. P

    Deworming chicken routine?

    Hello, I have a healthy flock of 10 chickens that free range for half the day every day, we are located in central Florida where it’s hot and humid. Is a deworming routine necessary? I kept reading that maybe twice a year it should be done but I’m not sure if it’s necessary if I don’t see...
  10. lilmillefleur

    Ivermectin for both Sheep and Chickens?

    I’ve tried to find info on this but it’s confusing. I’m hoping to use the pour-on or oral ivermectin to treat for a bad case of scaly leg mites and possibly deworm. My sheep may also need to be dewormed, but from what I can tell the ivermectin for cattle is not approved for sheep. Since...
  11. Ascholten

    Deworming a small amount of birds

    I have 5 chickens, and was looking into deworming them. I never have done that. I've fed them DE before but you can flip a coin and will be told, that helps, that's useless, so... there's that. I went to tractor supply and the only thing they had for chickens was this pellet stuff, that a 1...
  12. N

    Help! I can’t figure out the fendbenzole dewormer dosage.

    I got the safeguard fendbendzole .5% pellets is what the vet gave me to give my chickens. He was not educated on the dosing because what he said made no sense at all! How many pellets do I give each chicken? If I add it to feed or the water I’m afraid because what if one chickens eats or drinks...
  13. 6

    Tapeworm Treatments?

    I noticed that my hens' poo has tapeworms in it :( and was wondering about a few dewormers, which I have researched.... Ivermectin Does it treat/help with tapeworms? Some sources said Ivermectin did not treat tapeworms. Will it affect my few currently molting hens? Safe-guard (Fenbendazole)...
  14. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Need Help! De-worming Sickly Flock During Molt

    I'm in a bit of a bind. During the last month or so of summer a few of my chickens started to have laying issues (weird shell-less, soft shelled, and otherwise wonky eggs; illness before laying a weird egg, then no eggs but acting like laying; suspected internal laying). It's been such a...
  15. m1chelle1

    #13 herbal “horse” dewormer? Anyone used for chickens and/or geese?

    BYC fam, Saw at my local TSC, and curious if anyone has used on poultry? It has a list of ingredients in the pictures. I know garlic and other herbs like oregano have been used, but unsure about some of the others? Thoughts? would be wanting to use on chicken and geese mixed feed.
  16. R

    Best dewormer to put in water?

    I know there’s a lot of deworming threads but I read through a bunch and couldn’t find anything about putting dewormer in water. Can you put safeguard for goats in water? Or is there another dewormer that works that you can put in their water source? My flock is small but I have some birds who...
  17. CanadaEh

    deworm or not to deworm?

    Have been raising chickens for 3 years and never have felt a need to deworm any of them. About 2 months ago we hatched 30 new ones, which are about 7 weeks old now and one of the chicks showing what I believe a sign of worms in a form of droopy wings and not gaining weight at the same pace as...
  18. B

    Deworming Roundworm Advice

    Found 3 roundworms in my silkie's poop. I purchased a Safeguard dewormer that kills the roundworms, but it's currently in the shipping. In the mean time, I administered homeovet Avian WRM clear (Attached below) in the last 24 hours. I haven't seen any worms come out since, so I am not sure if I...
  19. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Safe to Worm in Thick of Summer?

    I recently noticed droppings with shed intestinal lining in them (pinkish strands that look like raw meat). My 7 hens are about 15 months old and have never been wormed. They are eating and drinking normally, and otherwise their droppings look good. I haven't found the culprit of the couple...
  20. Clappmeg

    Deworming: Uses for withdrawal eggs?

    Hi all, I've just dewormed my flock of silkies with safegaurd. I understand there is a 14 day withdrawal period (which will turn into about a month after the second application in 10 days). I'm looking for some uses for the eggs that are laid during this time. Can I scramble them and feed them...
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