
  1. Happy Henny

    Sick Silkie rooster

    Hello, I think my 6 month old silkie rooster, Nugget, is sick with I think maybe a respatory disease/infection. He always sneezes and has been doing that for a long time(which I thought was because of his very puffy beard) but tonight I noticed one of his eyes was watering. The water coming...
  2. HuskerHens18

    Illness after moving flock

    This year has not been a nice year for my chickens or property. From decaying wood to predation, I do not have a safe winter home for my birds. I found a farrowing house for hogs on a property a mile from me that was left unused for a decade. I power washed it out and got it all ready for...
  3. Qquails899

    My quails look ill

    I got my first quails about two weeks ago, two female coturnix quails. They were seven or eight weeks old at the time. When they arrived, they were not eating enough, standing with ruffled feathers and eyes closed almost all day. I thought it was because of the recent change of home. They became...
  4. Chicks 'n ducks

    Chicken Very Lethargic, Poor Appetite

    Hello, I have a 18 month old Silkie pullet who just today and yesterday started acting sick. She stands hunched and puffed and doesn't move much. She weighs hardly anything. No clicking/rasping while breathing, no discharge on face/nostrils, no mites/lice. Other chickens are fine. She has a poor...
  5. E

    Mycoplasma Mycoplasmosis MG MS (How bad is it??)

    Recently new to chickens, I had a vet come and inspect the farm and all the chickens. She found them all to be in good health and my farm to be clean and in order. She also advised me on normal worming, parasites, chicken health, etc. Later that week, one of our favorites died suddenly. No...
  6. G

    Help identify this disease Wyandotte

    Hello everyone. Thank you in advance for the help, this little guy died this morning from whatever this is. He was lethargic for one day and died the next morning. I want to know what it is so I can watch for it in the rest of my flock. Thanks again
  7. Clappmeg

    Sick Chickens, How Contagious?

    I recently picked up 3 Silkies from a local farm that was downsizing. She was practically giving them away and they're very difficult to find in my area. I've kept them separate from my small flock in that: - My chicken coop is built into my garage. The bottom half is enclosed by plywood but the...
  8. Clappmeg

    Risk of Disease?

    Hi all, I'll be driving around today picking up 5 silkies from 3 different places to add to my flock (they are SO hard to find in my area!) I know you're supposed to quarantine for 30 days to ensure the birds are not sick/diseased.. how many people actually do this? I'll certainly keep them...
  9. Max0815

    Cockroach induced death and prevention?

    I got 2 new peachick some time ago. One of the peachicks about a month old. Two days ago, I observed it eating some nymph cockroaches that ran out of a bucket I was trying to move, and 4 hours later it was struggling to hold onto life(irregular breathing via mouth, weak irregular heartbeat...
  10. immortalight

    Help With Diagnosing Potential Illness

    I have 9 chickens. 4 of them are 3 years old and 5 of them are 1 year old. I've gotten all 9 from the same lady. I'm currently living in New mexico and formerly kept chickens for 8 years in Texas. This will all be relevant to my question, I promise. The first batch of chickens I got (when...
  11. LemonyCatapult

    Chronic Diarrhea? *POOP PIC WARNING*

    I have a hen who hatched from my Easter egger rooster/ hen about a year ago. She has had chronic diarrhea for as long as I can remember. She is seemingly healthy otherwise. She did lose her feet to frostbite last year when she was 3.5 months old which delayed her growth quite a bit but she does...
  12. S

    Egg Periontitis?

    Hello everyone, I am in a bit of a chicken trouble situation, and I wondered if you had any input. My Light Brahma, last Friday, started acting sick. I will list the symptoms: Tail down, not walking much, often sitting down, not eating much, barley drinking, her abdomen was really sensitive...
  13. L

    Rat problem in Texas worried about disease!

    After seeing some rat dropping in the nesting boxes and food I tried to clean it out. I didn’t have on a mask at first and I am really hoping I haven’t exposed myself to hantavirus. Can anyone calm my fears about this? Do most people get it after heavy exposure or can you get it more easily than...
  14. 3speckled3

    Chicken covered in weird bumps

    My 5 year old frizzle/silkie mix is covered in these weird little brownish bumps and has a large rough patch on her chest (pics below). I was thinking maybe it could be a case of fowl pox or some kind of mites, but I could be totally off She isn't acting lethargic or anything and she seems to...
  15. D

    Dusty quail egg?

    I recently got a weird looking egg from one of my button quail hens. It's blotchy in color, and I thought at first it was dusty. I tried to wipe it off, but the blueish whitish color remained. Her eggs are usually the reddish tan color you can see between the blotches in the picture. Does this...
  16. fishinthewater

    Dead chickens- infection? pyrethrin poisoning?

    I have (had) four chickens in a chicken tractor that moves every few days. I came home from a weekend away to find my rhode island, who had been looking a little droopy before I left (which I attributed to molting), with what I believe was water belly. She was only three, and it never got any...
  17. Emery03

    Silkies with what appears to be Cataracts

    Hey, I am new to owning chickens, but I have been passionate about chickens for a long time, as I truly love the bird deeply. I am really worried about my 2, 10 week old silkies hens. When I first got them, one seemed to have a very dull cloudy spot in her left eye. As time went on I noticed...
  18. Henhaven2090


    i have a chicken that has something major going on with her vent. I didn’t notice it until yesterday when I noticed some diarrhea on her feathers. I’ve inspected the whole flock within the last 2-3 weeks because we just dealt with mites. Posting a picture for better ideas. I looked up vent...
  19. heathercara

    Do NOT use Chickens for Backyards! Please read - this is my story

    BEWARE CHICKEN LOVERS: Stay FAR AWAY From Chickens For Backyards (chickensforbackyards.com). Please read below as my chickens arrived infected with a rare disease. I ordered 10 chicks of various varieties from them and received 13. One arrived dead, and others began dying immediately afterwards...
  20. Thaney Design

    Showing Chickens & Disease Control

    I've shown dogs (AKC & UKC) and horses but never birds. I'm interested in getting involved in this eventually but from what I've seen of the way these shows can be set up, it looks like it'd be easy for diseases to be transmitted. What is your experience with this, and what do you do to lower...
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