
  1. cluckadoodledoo13

    Different chick breeds?

    Hi, last monday i hatched out a black rock x silkie. We are judging it’s a he from the defined comb and way he struts around aulready. We did have 12 eggs but the broody decided she was bored of them and we were left with 4 that hadn’t been mauled. 2 pipped internally but unfortunately nothing...
  2. cluckadoodledoo13

    How long for baby chicks to dry out?

    1 of my eggs finally hatched last night at 4:29am! I’ve aulready organised to pick up 2 or 3 chicks to keep it company tomorrow but for now it’s in the incubator. It’s considerably dried out and wings and chest are completely dry and fluffed up. Back and head are still a bit wet, how long do you...
  3. cluckadoodledoo13

    Eggs not hatching at day 23! Should i be worried?!

    This is my first hatch and nothing has happened yet. I’m on day 23 but apart from a bit of rocking, nothing is happening. Do you think they’re ok? Should i help them. At what point do i give up? It’s so stressful and i don’t know what to expect! Please help!
  4. cluckadoodledoo13

    How long until hatch after eggs rock?

    Hi, so i’ve got 4 eggs in an incubator. After my hen gave up sitting on them and attacked 8 that were previously fertile (i candled and there was development) i didn’t think any would hatch but last night 2 started rocking. They’ve been rocking gently this morning, how long do people think...
  5. cluckadoodledoo13

    Eggs not moving

    I’ve got 4 fertile eggs in my incubator, they’ve reached day 17 today and i haven’t seen any movement. Does this mean that somethings happened? Do eggs always have to move? The humidity has caused a few issues but i’ve read that it should be fine as some people dry incubate their eggs. Do you...
  6. cluckadoodledoo13

    Will a Rooster effect egg laying?

    Hi, recently we have been discussing wether or not to get a rooster to house with our 7 hens. Having pekins and other fancy breeds they tend to go broody this time of year anyway so that’s not a problem, quite a few people around us have cockerels too therefore Noise isn’t really an issue (we...
  7. cluckadoodledoo13

    What’s a brooding unit?

    Hi guys, it’s my first time hatching chicks and i was relying on my broody hen. I’ve posted a previous thread explaining but she gave up on the eggs, attacking a few. We are left with 5, they are currently in an incubator and i’ve heard to leave them there after hatching until dry and fluffy...
  8. pennyJo1960

    Coffee Club

    Pull up a pot enjoy start the day
  9. One of my broody hens.

    One of my broody hens.

    Only one egg left under her.
  10. BonBon51

    Treating Gapeworms with Safe-guard in Poultry

    My Ameraucana has been displaying signs of gapeworms for over a week. This is my first time to treat something like this. Using Safe-guard but I read a post saying to get 4-5 horse hairs, make a loop, and then twist tightly. Insert this in the trechea of the chicken, twist, and you can remove...
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