dog thread

  1. ShrekDawg

    Boxer (the dogs) Thread!!

    Yes, another breed thread LOL :oops: This time for… BOXERS!!! If you have one or even just love the breed, come join me!!! Even if you have a mix or have never had one before. Both Brewster and one of my brother’s dogs are part Boxer and it shows LOL especially in Libby. Anyway, carry on...
  2. ShrekDawg

    Poodle Thread!!! 🐩

    Yes another breed thread LOL this time for POODLES!!! Who has or loves poodles!? Feel free to join in!!!
  3. ShrekDawg

    Hound Thread!!!

    . @ForFlocksSake inspired me to make this thread hahah my boy is mostly bully breeds and lab but he does also have foxhound and beagle in him :love I love hounds so let’s see yours!!! All kinds!!!
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