egg binding

  1. Compton Chickens

    Lethargic hen with dirty vent

    I noticed a few days ago that my Mottled Java had a dirty vent. I tried to clean it off but today she was worse. She didn’t want to move around and when she did she walked like a penguin. Her vent was also dirtier. I don’t know if she’s egg bound or has vent gleet but she is not doing well...
  2. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Hey all long time no see, 4 days ago my ducko pipsqueak laid a pretty nasty looking soft shell egg in the pool so I've been giving her daily calcium supplements since, but the next day I noticed it looked like another egg was in her chamber and after feeling it through her it is clearly another...
  3. Starrponies

    Please help me and my silver laced Sussex!!

    Please help me and my silver laced Sussex. She is about 7 months old and started laying about a month or more ago each egg has gotten bigger and bigger I started giving her the calcium citrate with D3 last week and have seen no improvement in egg size. today I went out and she just is off...
  4. H

    Help! Prolapsed vent surgery - Recovery time from anesthesia

    Our sapphire gem Clover had a severe prolapse yesterday due to egg binding. We took her to a vet and had the egg removed and the prolapse corrected. She has a number of stitches to hold the vent in place. Since she woke up from the surgery, she has been very tired. This morning she seems about...
  5. T

    Mouth breathing at night, small droppings, egg bound? Please help!

    I have two hens as pets. Both are 9 months and 17 days old. One is a Swedish Flower Hen (named Blondie) and the other one is probably Australorp (named Brownie). Brownie started laying at the end of November last year and she is laying continuously almost every day. Blondie hasn't laid eggs yet...
  6. Chickenwithnobrim

    Egg bound or ascites?

    Hi all, I have an older hen who was already an older Unknown age when I found her dumped by somebody and she's been with me for 3 years. Last night she ate like normal and had a big poo before bed but this morning she was lethargic and wouldn't come out of the coop. I managed to get her to drink...
  7. M

    A strange case of egg binding

    Hi everyone! I’ve been reading on here for the past few years as a fledgling duck and chicken owner. I have learned a lot, and wanted to share a weird situation I had come up recently. I have a welsh harlequin duck who is three years old, who has had thin walled or soft eggs for as long as I...
  8. C

    Suprelorin implant with an already formed egg

    Hello, not sure if this fits better here or in chicken behaviour and egg laying, sorry if it's wrong. I have a nearly two years old hen who got the Suprelorin implant late last year after a few soft-shelled eggs that led to a prolapse. The effects recently faded and her comb turned redder, so I...
  9. K

    Help I think my hen has a trapped egg…

    In need of help! I came home after work to find my ex rescued hen in her nest box tail down. Head down. She didn’t look right and definitely isn’t broody! I lifted her out the nest box and she just lay down very uncomfortable. I immediately got a warm bath on the go with some Epsom salt I had...
  10. BlackRaven27

    2yr Goose w/egg bind behaviour when not laying

    Hopefully this video works. I have a 2 yr old Goose that is suddenly walking as though she has egg bind but she has not started laying this season. She is in a big pen with a gander and 2 other geese. They have pools of water and the gander has just started mating them. She is panting, holding...
  11. veetown707

    Pullett shows all signs of laying but only layed two abnormal eggs in a month

    I have a Black Copper Maran Pullett who has been quite the mystery. She layed her first egg about a month ago after at least a week of doing egg songs and wandering in and out of the coop. The egg was fine but the shell was overcalcified. A couple days later, she had a soft shelled egg. Keep in...
  12. Fluff to Feather Farms

    Sudden Lethargy and strange poops

    My 1 yo hen Sol, was being her snuggly mischievous self yesterday. This morning I was dusting the coop in diatomaceous earth and found her in the nesting box. She was standing so I thought she was laying or did lay an egg. She pooped a super smelly, runny, gooey, poop. She is super lethargic and...
  13. BerthaBoo

    Help! Egg Bound Pullet struggling to get her first egg out

    Hi all, I have a pullet (21 weeks) whose been straining for a few days now, but she was able to defecate, so I wasn't entirely sure if she was egg bound or not, especially because she hasn't started laying yet. Today I saw her straining and saw the egg. I have her in the bath with epsom salts...
  14. E

    Help/Advice on diagnosing my chicken. Egg bound/EYP/Vent gleet?!?

    Just looking for advice/suggestions/insight or to see if anyone has had any similar experiences. Found a hen with a pecking injury to vent last Tuesday Was very bloody, cleaned her up and separated her. The Wednesday she seemed to be egg bound, really unwell/uncomfortable struggling to lay...
  15. Launchpad

    Broody duck not laying

    I've found a few threads similar but not on the specific issue. Roz, a 1 year old female Silver Appleyard, has recently become broody. She hangs out with/ nests with 2 cayuga. One male one female. Never had any issues. Both females share a nest for egg laying and have for months. Recently, Roz...
  16. A

    Need help with stuck old egg

    Took my 2yo Buff Orpington to the vet to get checked out. She hadn't laid an egg since fall. She quit when everyone else did for the winter but never restarted with the others come spring. She laid an old egg one day, vet confirmed that it had probably been in there for awhile. He took an xray...
  17. M

    Egg Bound? Possibly broken - help!

    We have 2 rescue chickens, breed is possibly golden-buff and they are of unknown age. One of the two is displaying signs of sickness: sparse feathering on her underside, she is favoring one leg, her poo is slimy and very stinky. She has something coming out of her vent that I can only describe...
  18. B

    ISA Brown Hen Acting Sick, Quiet, and Losing Weight

    My 3-year-old ISA brown hen, Sandy, has not been acting herself in the past months. She is quiet, even more so than normally and even while around the other chickens. She is slow to move with the flock as they rotate around the yard, freeranging. She ruffles her feathers, sits in one spot, and...
  19. JoanieShrubs

    Does my sick hen look egg bound? 🥺

    Hi friends, My Pencilled Hamburg hen Angelica is around 7 months old. She’s been laying for a few weeks but stopped a week ago. We had a mite infestation arise while away on a camping trip so I assumed it was the cause, as the rest of the flock stopped laying too. They’ve all been treated...
  20. celliott24

    Egg bound or sick or something else???

    My hen has been waddling around, tail feathers down, and laying down every chance she can. She hasn’t laid in at least 26 hours. I thought she might be egg bound, but I just gloved up and felt around in her vent and can not feel an egg. There is a rather large round sack kind of between her...
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