egg bound chicken

  1. J

    Egg Bound Chicken

    Hi all I had an egg bound hen on Wednesday afternoon. After a few hours in warm bath managed to get the egg out but she had a very small prolapse. A night in the house on her own it went back in on own and she seems absolutely fine in her self but her back end is still very mucky and a bit...
  2. B

    Sick chicken day 2.😣

    We thought she was egg bound, and gave her two warm baths in Epson salt last night and proceeded to expel from her vent. Just gave her another warm epson salt bath. Now she won’t stand up on her own. Anything that I have given her through the syringe she threw back up. She doesn’t feel egg bound...
  3. sparklez

    Is this water belly? Strange bald swollen abdomen and crop in young hen

    I have a 10 month old hen who as far as I can tell is acting normal and comfortable (tail up, color in comb, eating, walking, trotting with the flock when let to free range) over the last 5 or so days I noticed poop building up on her so today after she free ranged for almost 3 hours I soaked...
  4. J

    HELP! Chicken Gleet or Egg Bound??

    I have a Silver Laced Wyandotte hen who is 21 weeks old. She laid 4 small eggs day after day then skipped a day, then laid a double yolk larger egg. She then skipped a day and went on to lay 3 more small eggs. The last egg she laid was 9/5/23 - so it has been 6 days. I think something stress...
  5. Relleoms

    Hen hasn’t pooped in over 2 days

    I found our 5 year old Easter Egger sitting in the nesting box two nights ago, and thinking she was egg bound, brought her in the house for observation. She had very dirty tail feathers and upon inspection, I did not feel an egg stuck so I gave her a tums and let her sleep for the night. In the...
  6. J

    Water belly/egg bound

    Good morning, I have a sick hen and don’t have access/lack of availability to a Veterinarian clinic. She has been isolated from the group after noticing her looking lethargic. She has a distended stomach, it is now red, not passing eggs or poop, and had yellow fluid come out of her mouth when...
  7. L

    Head down, eyes closed, tail down! Help!

    Hey y’all! New to chickens here I could use your help! This chicken is less than a year old and around lunch time I noticed she was standing still head down eyes closed tail slightly pointed down, looks like she is experiencing some type of discomfort. Because of the poop (pictured) I thought it...
  8. celliott24

    Egg bound or sick or something else???

    My hen has been waddling around, tail feathers down, and laying down every chance she can. She hasn’t laid in at least 26 hours. I thought she might be egg bound, but I just gloved up and felt around in her vent and can not feel an egg. There is a rather large round sack kind of between her...
  9. M

    Egg Bound chicken, egg broke, cannot get prescribed antibiotics!? Help!

    One of my red comet hens (approximately 4 years old) was egg bound yesterday. Smyptoms included lethargy, squatting/waddling, and not being 'herself". Despite our best efforts (Epsom baths, dark isolation, calcium, and Vaseline on her vent) she didn't pass the egg. Today, I believe the egg broke...
  10. M

    Egg bound chicken - no vets available

    My chicken has been egg bound for 2 days (it is definitely a hard-shelled egg, I can feel it from the outside and internally when I lubricated her vent). I’ve been calling local and not so local vets but of course it’s the weekend and none of the vets who do exotics are able to see her until...
  11. E

    Introduction and question

    Hi, I’m new here! I have a flock on the Big Island of Hawaii. Currently I have a 2 1/2 year old hen that I think is egg bound. Poopy bum, just wanted to lay around, panting, swollen abdomen, and a continually pulsating vent. I’ve read that this is fatal within 48 hours. Trouble is, we’re on day...
  12. C

    Egg bound? Pasty butt? Prolapse vent?

    Hey all, not sure what’s wrong with my little silkie. I noticed her struggling & straining to poop with very little to none coming out. She is running and eating but the straining concerned me. I brought her in and gave her an epsom soak bath, cleaned poop away & trimmed around her vent. Got...
  13. H

    Possible egg bound

    Hello everyone I have an issue with one of my Easter Egger hens. She breathes with a rattle sound. I don’t really think she eats as much as she should. I haven’t noticed her eggs but I do have a lot of chickens so I wouldn’t be sure which one is hers or not. She doesn’t roam the property as much...
  14. Felicityfarm

    Help! Egg stuck to bum

    I noticed this morning that the egg shell was stuck and hanging out. I tried to gently pull it but it was hurting her and so I stopped. She keeps trying to poo put it hurts her and she keeps gasping. Is there anything I can do? Hopefully the pictures help.🙂
  15. W

    Soft shell layer Chicken stopped eating

    Hi everyone, I have a 2 year old blue jersey giant that stopped eating over the weekend. What triggered it was that she had been laying soft shell eggs and half of the membrane was stuck inside. I tried hot bath, check her vent but couldn’t find the membrane. She has been pooping small watery...
  16. Chick_Crazy

    Egg Bound? Maybe Broken Egg?

    So recently I had a Rhode Island Red get a vent prolapse. I had never dealt with it before, but after two weeks of treatment she was back to her usual self! I was so excited. But then, two days after I put her back with the flock, she tried to lay an egg. And it was a soft shelled. I noticed she...
  17. S

    Chicken Attacked By Dog Strange Mushy Egg

    Hi. I am new here. Hoping to get some insight. Long story as short as I can— I’ve had chickens for a month and a half. They were given to me. All of the chickens are active, healthy, shiny feathers, eating drinking and active. They’re free range during the day and cooped at night. They’re...
  18. Y

    Help! Chicken Emergency

    Hi everyone, I’m having a real emergency with one of my chickens. Does anyone know if there are any skilled board-certified vets in New York State with enough surgical experience/good success rate dealing with reproductive issues in chickens? She also seems to have a doughy/impacted crop and is...
  19. i_only_listen_to_dgd

    Egg Bound Hen???? URGENT

    I found one of my hens (I have 7 total) just an hour ago walking funny with her tail down. My family have raised hens before and one of our hens from years ago had seemingly been egg bound but we didn't know how bad this was and she died from it. When I saw this hen acting like this I...
  20. J

    Leg issue or egg blocked?

    Yesterday I found Saffy, my 7 month old Easter-egger, on the ground next to a deflated soft egg. She didn't join her sisters on the perch that night, But did jump into the second story box. Today she is still on the ground unable to walk. She crawls to the fresh water and food I put closer to...
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