egg layers

  1. G

    Help deciding breed layers

    Hello BYC fam, I hope I am posting on the correct thread because I have 2 separate yet intertwining questions. Question #1: I was wanting some recommendations on good egg layers to add to my small flock. I currently have 2 Rhode Island Red Hens and 1 Rhode Island Red Rooster… now that may...
  2. G

    New member Introduction + Question

    Hello BYC family, My name is Levi Garrison and I am a new member here. I have a quick question for yall but will first introduce myself. (Question will be posted under introduction)… (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? - I am pretty new to having my own chickens yet...
  3. K

    Hello! I just joined...

    Hello everyone, I'm so happy I found you all. I do belong to FB pages, but I wanted something that also was not a fB page. I have 30 chickens in total, and 11 babies. I am specializing in mostly silkies and polish, but just found out I have 3 beautiful non-crowing boys in my coop of girls. Lol...
  4. CloneFly

    Hen Won't Lay!

    Hello! I have 2 Black Sex Links that I rescued as chicks some months ago; they were pretty sick back then, but managed to pull through. They're about 7-8 months old now, and one has been laying for about a month now, but her sister (Dotty) has yet to lay. The girls were in the same cage for a...
  5. K

    Not sure why my chickens & ducks aren't laying?

    This has been an ongoing issue. My 3 chickens have been unreliable with laying for months, sometimes almost going a week without one. Since spring has started to return, we've started to see about 1-2 eggs a day now. I have 3 new adult laying muscovy ducks. They arrived 2 weeks ago. So far...
  6. HorsesRMe123

    What Goose Breed is Right For Me?

    Hi! I’ve owned geese before (two White Chinese geese). One male and one female, the male was quite aggressive so I’m looking to only get female geese. I’d like them to be good “guard dogs” as I have had a hawk who killed one of our chickens and I don’t want it happening again. Also, I had four...
  7. jjunge08

    What is happening here?

    This morning I went out to check on the coop and looked inside and just below the roosting bar I found this egg in the shavings below. Like it dropped out overnight. It appears to be just the membrane and no shell along with another much smaller start to an egg. Is this cause for concern? They...
  8. U

    2 Black Hens for Rehoming-Egg laying- Los Angeles

    It's time to re-home our beautiful egg laying hens, they were hatched in June 2020 at our home! Please see attached images and let me know if you'd like to pick them up in west Los angeles, Westwood. They come free with a nesting house, see image and some supplies. Thank you Charles
  9. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Half my flock laying softshell eggs

    Over the last month, over half of my 2.5 y/o mixed flock has started laying softshell eggs. 4 out of 7 of my hens have been doing so frequently--it's not uncommon for me to get at least one softshell a day. Even the intermittent "normal" eggs from the culprits are often wonky--bumpy, pale...
  10. Mmsorg

    Questionable Egg

    Has anyone seen an egg like this? We have no roosters all hens and this was our first lay from this one. Still trying to figure out which hen it came from. It’s the bottom reddish brown egg.
  11. OrlandoMama

    When to start feeding food/oyster shell for egg production

    My Rhode Island Red hen is 2 days away from 14 weeks(at least i’m pretty sure, if not 14 then 15). I noticed she started trying out the nesting boxes a few days ago but hasn’t squatted yet. I’m thinking she might be an early layer possibly and if so should I start her on oyster shells or feed...
  12. C

    Making room for Roos?

    Hello everyone, My family and I are new to raising chickens and we started from scratch! By that I mean incubating our eggs. In our first round of 10 we got 7 baby chicks. They’re a month old now and we have moved them into the coop. Since we don’t have adult chickens and the summer has the...
  13. bmilano

    Looking to re-home 4 very heathy, egg laying chickens.

    We’re moving and need to find a new home for our four girls. We currently live in Las Vegas, NV. We have a Leghorn, Black Sexlink, Easter Egger, and Andalusian Blue. For more information, please pm me.
  14. C

    Chickens stopped laying

    I have 4 red sex links about a year old. I was getting 4 eggs a day until November when they started molting. They didn’t start up again and I figured it was because of the cold New England winter. They still haven’t started laying again! I’ve checked for mites, illnesses, and anything else i...
  15. C

    Broody Chickens! - What’s your ‘go-to’ breed/ crossbreed?!

    Hi everyone! What’s your ‘go-to’ chicken when you want a broody hen in your flock? Yes incubators are great but mama hen is my preference when I have a choice!! I know silkies are renowned broodies but I’m just wondering what your favourite breeds or particular cross breeds are to use as...
  16. P

    Silkies and friends?

    Hey all! I'm new to the chicken world, but absolutely fell in love with silkies, primarily for their friendliness. I was reading up on silkies though and read that they could be bullied by more extroverted chicken breeds. My question is what other breeds of chickens fit in well with silkies? I'd...
  17. Barredrocker99

    Yet another question!

    Might be a silly question, but here goes!! I have some Easter eggers(I believe they’re EEs at least.. I’ve been linked sources, and tried everything but I really can’t tell for sure.. they definitely seem like EEs though), and was wondering if this was a normal colored egg or if she might be an...
  18. Maddog_photog

    Waddles’ first egg

    Waddles laid her first egg today! She laid ontop of her night waterer, of all places..! It’s surprisingly small, I felt so surprised to see it that tiny after hearing everyone rant and rave about duck eggs being notably larger than chicken eggs, this one is noticeably smaller. Is this normal...
  19. humblehillsfarm

    How many chickens do you have?

    I am not referring to chickens exclusively intended for meat, as they are usually only around short term. We are measuring out space and comparing coop designs to build a new coop. My pre-fab coop was for up to 20 chickens but I have larger breeds so 17 has pushed the limits, and I still want...
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