
  1. P

    Emergency Dying Lethargic Duckling, Need Help

    Hi all— I’ve been referencing this form a lot for my newly hatched ducklings, but I haven’t found a definitive answer on this. I have five, five day old ducklings, and this morning, woke to one not standing like the rest. I immediately tried to make some diy sugar solution and also mashed some...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    EMERGENCY - 2 Coturnix Quail foot broken OFF

    This morning I went to check my sweet quails. My favorite quail I found with her foot broken off and bleeding. I immediately brought her in. I put cornstarch on her wound, but it's still bleeding a bit. The foot is connected to her leg by a very small amount of skin and/or flesh. What do I do...
  3. australorpluvr

    Bloody Combs and Tattered Feathers

    I have a flock of 8 australorps and 2 of them now have bloody combs. I believe it is due to bullying by several members of the flock. I took the two victims and separated them from the rest for a night and treated their combs per the instruction of an online vet. I noticed today when I put them...
  4. L

    Help! Possible fused hock joint or slipped tendon

    Photo attached above for reference, this little love is a pure Indian runner, under 48hours old. Unfortunately she’s hatched with her leg stuck like this.. unsure if it is a fused joint or slipped tendon at this point.. joint is rather stiff, not a whole lot of movement, can very gently stretch...
  5. Fluff to Feather Farms

    Sudden Lethargy and strange poops

    My 1 yo hen Sol, was being her snuggly mischievous self yesterday. This morning I was dusting the coop in diatomaceous earth and found her in the nesting box. She was standing so I thought she was laying or did lay an egg. She pooped a super smelly, runny, gooey, poop. She is super lethargic and...
  6. Patiocoturnix

    Worried about chick

    Double posting from the quail forum to see if I get more help here. I have a quail who just hatched yesterday he hatched 1/4 size as the rest I was dumb and incubated a tiny egg now he’s just been screaming his head off no idea why he’s staggering around like he’s drunk and he I guess chooses...
  7. Jasfarm

    Soft Shelled Stuck - Now Lethargic

    ** Update: she was standing and eating this morning!** Hi! I have a 1 year and 3 month old Lavender Orpington named Priscilla. Yesterday she had a soft shelled white membrane hanging from her vent. Soaked her in warm Epsom and it came right out. She was free ranging with her sisters, but...
  8. divineangel94


    I have a hen who looked healthy but hasn’t eaten too much. She’s six years old. This morning I found a soft shelled egg (that the chickens already devoured) with this bloody stuff in it. I have gotten soft shells before, just not like this. She still eats some treats and applesauce. I gave her...
  9. Mooocoow7

    Forcibly hatched baby need help

    I just found a baby that got its shell pecked open by cannibals. Is there any way he might make it.
  10. C

    4 week old chick sneezing

    One of my quarantined sickies keeps sneezing, and a few of the healthy chicks are occasionally sneezing as well. One in particular is sneezing a whole lot, nearly every 30 seconds or less, and I'm worried she's not able to breathe properly. I've given her VetRX but that is all I have available...
  11. divineangel94


    SORRY FOR THE LONG POST BUT ITS URGENT. NEED HELP. So, I had a hen who had an egg break inside of her last week and took her to the vet. He gave me antibiotics to give for 3 weeks and meloxicam to give for 5 days. The meloxicam was up Monday. My mom had passed away so I couldn't keep her...
  12. -Shade-


    I am on day 24 and there is one egg left that has not hatched yet. I candled it a couple of times and it looked like it was in the air cell, but since it wasn't hatching, I made a safety hole early on day 23. This morning, my mom decided that she should have hatched by now, and took the egg out...
  13. Chickenwithnobrim

    Help!! Sick chick

    So i have 3 chicks and one has been having slightly odd poops and seems sick. It had really light tan poops and now just had really bad diarrhea with some mucus on my hand. They are on unmedicated feed and im concerned about coccidiosis. I can pick up meds tomorrow but im not even sure if thats...
  14. The chicken nurd

    Help! Dead bird

    My 3-year-old Orpington Goldie passed away today very suddenly no idea why could you guys, please help me figure out what caused it? She was fine Saturday but seemed off yesterday evening and then passed suddenly today Sunday evening when I went out to put the birds away (they were free ranging...
  15. L

    Rooster is looking extremely weak

    I’m first time owner of small flock of 7, I think my rooster might have coccidiosis. My rooster is looking really weak lately, he’s not really lethargic but he looks very weak, he can barely support his weight, his legs are shaking, walks around like drunk, little confused and has very watery...
  16. coltgrizzz

    Chicken has been sick for 3 days now, still no idea what’s wrong

    My bird has been acting lethargic for about 3 days now, prior she was just fine. Vent is clean, she’s not pale, but she refuses to move much (preferring to sleep in place), hasn’t been eating or drinking, and hasnt been laying eggs. She was a rescue but we believe she is fairly young. Any...
  17. K

    Chicken Poop - Egg White Fluid Around Brown Poop???

    I wasn't able to take a picture. It's to dark at the moment. But my chicken, Liam - She looked like she was having constipation and when I went back out I found something that concerned me. It was a big gooey mess that looked to be the white clear part of an egg (no yellow yolk) around a brown...
  18. C

    Baby chicken

    Hi, we have a new baby chicken and it’s mother abandoned it so we had to take it inside, we have noticed that he walks funny but there’s no defects that we notice (not spraddle or splay leg) and he keeps falling onto his back and has trouble getting on his feet, we also notice he looks like he’s...
  19. C

    Pet duck with 2 large dark coloured lumps on bum.

    One of our female pet ducks has been strange for the last 2 days and not really eating. I checked her over today and she has 2 dark golf ball sized lumps on her rear. One almost looks like it has a duckling face. When I tried to wash her and sanatise the area she was clearly in pain. I've...
  20. thenovicehen

    Tube feeding and mouth breathing

    Howdy, y’all. This is a little long, but bear with me because I need insight. Some background: I have a hen that had severe round worms and nearly died. She had stopped eating because she became so weak so my vet taught me how to tune feed her until she is strong enough to eat on her own...
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