exchequer leghorn

  1. vanesa1984maine

    Exchequer Leghorn Breeders

    Hi, I'm looking for good quality Exchequer Leghorn chicks or hatching eggs. Are there any good breeders in the New England area? I'm in Maine. I have a nice almost 1 year old hen now so I wouldn't mind a good quality rooster either. Thank you for any information!
  2. CITYS84

    Welsummer Barnevelder Araucana Exchequer Leghorn sexing?

    What do you think? I’m thinking 3 hens 1 Roo… happy to be advised otherwise?! They are coming up to 5 weeks old.
  3. sarahewilliams

    Ancona or Exchequer Leghorn?

    At first I thought these were Ancona’s, but now I’m wondering if they could be Exchequer leghorns. What’s the identifying difference between the two?
  4. K

    What would make my girl stop laying?

    A little back story, she’s about 7.5 months old. She started laying a little over a month ago. I haven’t gotten any eggs from her in 2 weeks (she’s my only white egg layer), what could be causing this? All of my research has suggested it may be stress related but nothing has changed. She’s an...
  5. Windy day shade committee

    Windy day shade committee

    Gathering in the shade on another windy summer day. 7 week old.
  6. Seven 5 Week Old Chicks need lots of Dust-bathing space!

    Seven 5 Week Old Chicks need lots of Dust-bathing space!

    Here the Chicks can't wait their turn to Dust-Bathe. They get a 2nd Bowl. (AuntieBellum is live on FB often with the growing Chicks, Spring 2020. Please ignore the other comments and politics, as you may not agree)
  7. 5-week old Chicks learn to forage for bugs in garden pots

    5-week old Chicks learn to forage for bugs in garden pots

    Chicks love their new 4x8 Chick Tractor, but they do attention need shade and breeze protection, poo scooping, and regular food and water checks. AuntieBellum (Julie Mikalson) goes live often on Fcbk with the growing chicks, Spring 2020. Please just ignore the politics, if your views differ. tyvm.
  8. W

    Ancona vs Exchequer Leghorn??

    I have three chickens that I need help sexing/determining breed. - All three are 15 weeks - Order included 2 female Anconas and 1 male Leghorn/1 female Leghorn (lost one as a youngster) Can anyone tell me which is an Ancona and which is a Leghorn?? Characteristics of both are single comb and...
  9. K

    Advice on raising an Exchequer Leghorn chick- Is slower development normal?

    I have a flock of 7 chicks who are all about 1 week old (1 died in the mail ). They are: easter eggers, a golden laced wyandotte, a lavender and a buff orpington, the leghorn, and a black australorp. All except the Leghorn have just about doubled in size. My Leghorn seems to eat and drink, but...
  10. K

    Exchequer Leghorn chick HALF the size of my other 6 chicks?! Due to size difference or crossbeak?

    Hi Everyone, I’m new to posting but have been reading your threads for weeks, preparing for my first flock of 8 chicks. One died in the mail, which was heartbreaking, and I’m not sure if I’m being hyper sensitive about the others out of fear of losing another. PLEASE- any advice you have would...
  11. T

    exchequers and silver gene

    Do exchequer leghorns have the silver gene?
  12. Puckaster

    Girls or boys?

    Any guesses as to these 3 chicks sex. 1 exchanger leghorn, 1 buff orpington, 1 columbian black tail. They are 3 weeks old today. I have my suspions..... Any obvious clues? If the buff is the orange one then am I right in thinking the yellow one is a roo black tail because of its colour?
  13. Cayuga momma

    We made it passed the 2 week mark!

    We are new chicken owners. Back in March we ordered 3 chicks and 3 ducklings. We got our order, but all but 1 chick (Henrietta) died. My husband, my son Arie (8) and I were pretty devastated. Well we ordered again, from a different hatchery and our babies turned 2 weeks old yesterday and are...
  14. Cayuga momma

    New chicks!

    We just got our new chicks! They are 2 days old! SO EXCITED!
  15. SeaClucks

    Genders of nine week old exchequer leghorn, silver laced cochin, and black australorp?

    Hey! So as my exchequer leghorn's tail feathers keep growing so pointy, so does the dreaded feeling that my favorite future layer is going to be a rooster. Any opinions- is Alice actually Alan? He/she is super outgoing and vocal (no crowing type noises yet though) Here is Poppy the silver...
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