
  1. Crazy chickn lady

    Is this normal for a chickens eye?

    Can someone tell me it her eye is normal and I'm just overreacting or is something wrong?
  2. Everose

    Eyeball Color POLL!

    This chart has become popular lately. Mine are T40 normally, but under bright light they're T30.
  3. J

    Swollen area around eyes - HELP (PICTURE)

    Hi there, Today I just noticed that one of my hens has a swollen area around each eye. I can't really find what it is on the internet and was wondering what to do, as it doesn't look great to me... She is around 5 months old. My other chickens appear to be fine, except that my rooster...
  4. L Home Farm


    I have a cream legbar pullet whose eyes look… odd. She’s absolutely healthy, preening, scratching, pooping, eating, drinking, etc. But her eyes are a strange shape, and I’ve noticed her blinking a bit and sometimes shaking her head. I got her & her 4 sisters from a guy who told me they were...
  5. C

    Rhode Island Red - Strange eyes

    Hi All, Would appreciate some knowledge here, particularly if anyone else has Rhode Island Reds. We're in the UK. Ive attached some photos of our 6 month hen. We got her at 3 months and she was sneezing occasionally. There were also some bubbles in her eyes. Spoke to farmer we got her from, he...
  6. Quacking ducks

    Is something wrong with my drake's eyes?

    Hi, I was holding my drake silver Appleyard today and noticed that his eyes look different. The area around his eye on one side is reddish/white and the other side is brown. Is something wrong with one of them? Which eye is normal? Thanks
  7. M

    My guard goose has some type of eye issue. Cloudy discharge and weak looking eyes.

    My guard goose has some type of eye issue. Cloudy discharge and weak looking eyes. He was also very grumpy with his chickens and sleeping more. I've used homeopathic pink eye drops for the last 1 and a half days and it seems to have helped with him being more himself and clearer eyes. But his...
  8. R

    Rhode island chick with wartlike growths around the eyes

    Has anyone encountered muscle-like cyst growths around the eyes on a 2-4week old rhode island chicks. No issue found on their eating/drinking. Still active just has the growths. Photo is attached. How do you treat this? Thank you in advance for any response.
  9. How to Help a Chicken with an Eye that has been wounded

    How to Help a Chicken with an Eye that has been wounded

    How to Help a Chicken with an Eye that has been wounded If you have experienced the issue where your chicken has been picked on our been in a fight and their eye(s) end up looking like this, you may think all hope is lost, but today I shall show you that all hope is not lost. I have had the...
  10. C

    Weird crescent moon in eye, enlarged pupil

    We have been treating for coccidia and one of the two birds below was taken to the vet and confirmed intense coccidia in the flock. Her and her sister both have this weird eye thing going on. Huge pupils and a crescent moon in the front. Does anyone know what this could be?
  11. LukasChickens

    My young chicken is very sick... please help :( (eyes, belly)

    Hello everyone! I need help with one of my chickens. Three days ago she started to be very sad, her belly was swollen so we thought that she had "water belly" and also her poop was really weird it was white and much like liquid, it wasn't normal. The next day we got syringe and a 18G needle we...
  12. veery67eggy

    watery bubbles in eyes, possible MG?

    Today I noticed my light brahma (in a flock of 6) has watery eyes with small bubbles at the corners of both eyes. She hasn't laid in the last few weeks (though it's also winter in upstate New York), and is otherwise completely herself. She happily goes for treats, eats, drink, has no issues...
  13. R

    Chicken eye excessive tears exposed lacrimal membrane

    Please help.... I don't know why one of my 8month old pullet's one eye is excessively lacrimating with bubbling tears and also a white membrane is covering the medial aspect.... What should i do? But the eye(pupil) itself seems clear not cloudy. Please help.... i don't want her to get blind...
  14. 0B94D4D6-3729-4534-AB41-F457522D11AE.jpeg


    Young Melody keeping an eye out for hawks.
  15. ninja333pirate

    Help with sick Broody hen.

    So I have a silkie I found yesterday that started with swollen eyes and some yellow gunk on the inside of the beak where the nares are. A few hours later the inside of the beak swelled up and the throat seems to be swollen too and she has mucus coming from her eyes and nose but it is not crusty...
  16. CajunChooks

    droopy/swollen eyes

    Hey Everyone, I have a 1 yr old speckled sussex whose eyes have looked strange for a few days now... they are always half closed, maybe a little swollen. She was acting much like her other 3 flockmates, pecking/scratching/preening/laying and pooping normally, as far as I can tell - but it seems...
  17. lilolilman

    When will my goose’s eyes turn blue?

    My male pilgrim goose is 9 weeks old now and he is getting more beautiful each day! It seems like he is close to full grown. I have seen pictures of adult male pilgrim geese with very blue eyes, but his seem to be very dark still, and I was wondering at what age I should expect to see his eye...
  18. Lizkoalita

    Hen with discoloured eye

    Hi everyone, hoping someone can help out here. I have four hens: one Australorp, one Isa, two Silkies. Today I noticed that the Australorp's left eye has some darker brown patches in the iris. AS far as I can tell the pupil is the same size as the right eye and a normal round shape. The right...
  19. ninja333pirate

    chick that cant close one of her eyes

    I made a post earlier about this, but I figured I have a different question and needed a more specific thread. I hatched a chick out yesterday, she wasn't moving around very well (not as well as all her other siblings) after moving them all to the brooder I went to check on them and noticed she...
  20. K

    Food stuck in chicks nose?

    Hi, I recently got chicks from a local pet store a couple days ago. I give them food and water and all that stuff. But, last night, one of my chicks started to make some weird noises and I’m concerned. I’m not sure if its a sign of something or just stuff in their nose. She doesn’t make the...
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