feather damage

  1. Sproutablossom

    Duck with weird skin and bald patches - Anyone seen this before?

    So we have this little drake who gets picked on by the other boys (he has since been removed from the boy pen) They liked to hold him down and tear out feathers. It wasn’t bad at first as they all tugged on each other, but then we noticed that he started to do it to himself. Like self...
  2. P

    Feather Plucking

    I am very new to geese. I have a 7 week old female, a lot of her feathers are in but her chest is almost completely bare. It looks like she's over-preening there but I'm not sure and I'm so afraid something is wrong with her and I'm not seeing it! She's showing no signs of illness or mites, nor...
  3. TattooedChickenPapa

    Really bad feathers on chick

    So we hatched five Serama chicks recently 🥳🥳🥳 All of them have really nice feathers except for one and I can't figure out what's wrong with them. The one with the problem is the chipmunk coloration, and then just for comparison's sake I included one of the others. The feathers seem to be...
  4. B

    Inflamed follicles on 6 week old chick, no tail feathers.

    How do I help her!!! I posted yesterday about my chick who had irritated skin in a bald area on her back. Someone suggested a potential issue with the preen gland. Upon inspection, I found several inflamed follicles. I should also add that she is the only of 4 of the same age that isn’t fully...
  5. Cheetah Chicks

    Molting from over 6 Months or just Hen Crazy

    My rooster is a rare pure breed Groninger Meuween from Netherlands. His name is Tiger, literally a pet nearly two years.Follows me on the street ,we go out on a morning walk even went on a road trip from London to Scotland. Also travelled in a train. Now his molting situation is worrisome. He...
  6. K

    Molting, Chicken Saddles, & Grumpy Chicks

    So, I have some chickens that did a partial molt. The chickens will be a year old this March. I have added extra protein to their diet, meal worms, feather fixer feed, etc etc. Some of the girls only lost feathers are their necks. They got their feathers back already (still not laying again...
  7. CableGriffith

    Irritated Skin, Broken Tail Feathers, Red Preen Gland

    Hey everyone, Hoping for some assessment and/or advice on a skin/feather issue with one of my 1.5 year-old hens. At the base of her tail, she has some very irritated looking skin at the center of a medium-large "bald spot" with what looks like broken feathers. At first, I though tthere...
  8. loofa

    What feather condition is this?

    Hey all, I just noticed that the wing feathers on one of my ducks are - ratty thin and not clinging? Is this what wetfeather looks like when it's dry? Or would mites cause this? Nutritional?
  9. E

    My 2 "bearded" Easter Eggers have bald necks from feather pulling. Any advice is appreciated.

    My 2 "bearded" Easter Eggers have bald necks from feather pulling. One of my blue marans and both of my Ideal 236 ( mix of brown and white leghorn, ancona, and california grey) have been pulling beard, neck and head feathers out of my EEs. this has been going on for several months but it have...
  10. ChickenTenderKesha

    I need long time chicken keepers help.. pullet losing feathers, huge scabs, pus filled pores, not being picked on/no bugs?

    This has been progressing since she started growing her adult feathers. Always took longer than her hatch mates which made me think she was a rooster as all my roosters took longer to feather out compared to the pullets. It’s all over her body in spots so I can tell some of this couldn’t be...
  11. CrazyChickenMom11

    Hen Loosing All Her Feathers

    Hello, I have this hen who is a little over a year old that is loosing all of her feathers. I had a feather plucking problem in my flock but the two perpetrators have been dealt with since mid-April (put chicken blinders on them) and there are no other bullies. However, this one hen kept slowly...
  12. B

    Dog Attack and Treatment

    Hi, I wanted to share some information that hopefully another will find helpful if faced with a similar situation. I had one of my pullets (6 mos old) attacked by a friends dog 3 weeks ago. It was an entirely avoidable situation and I learned my lesson the hard way :( She suffered most of...
  13. toppenheimer

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Missing Neck and Back Feathers

    Hello everyone! We have a small backyard flock and one of our girls “Endira” has never grown her adult feathers on her neck and back. She is roughly 8 weeks old. The rest of our flocks feathers grew in just fine except her. I imagine the bare skin is uncomfortable and am wondering if there is...
  14. R

    5-week-old duckling has some slight bleeding in her new feathers.

    I couldn't get a great shot of it, but one of my four ancona ducklings has some slight bleeding on some of her new wing feathers. I am not sure how serious this is, but I'd like to know if there is anything I should do.
  15. Sandwitch

    Rooster Mating Feather Loss

    Hi! This isn’t a super big problem just yet but it’s not getting better. One of our hens has been showing signs of feather loss along her back. We looked at it and decided to get Baba Yaga (the hen) a saddle. Well we got one for her and idk if it’s just that it doesn’t fit great or if we need...
  16. Znarf

    Bald spot in back of the neck

    One of my Orpington pullets (9 months old) is losing feathers at the back of the neck. I have no idea how this is happening. Last week she got a bit quiet and aloof. But she appears to be eating properly. Although I have a nasty Orpington hen that will peck at the three pullets, she usually...
  17. Sandwitch

    Possible ingrown feather?

    Hi! Recently our rooster got his tail feathers ripped out. It for the most part just looks normal however one part of it looks red and maybe swollen? It also seems that small feathers are growing from it. I don’t know if it’s an ingrown feather or just a feather growing back normally? Honestly I...
  18. JunieB

    Removing Feathers for Wound Care

    Hi all! I'm a bit sad that my first post is related to wound care, but I haven't been able to find an answer and I need some help. One of my ducks had a run in with a weasel and is healing up really well, but she has a group of feathers that I'd like to clear away from the wound. What is the...
  19. SunnyFLChick

    Silkie feather damage - depluming mites? - need guidance

    Hello BYC! Need some guidance on how to help my girls. I have some silkie hens who had a molt in the fall...but their feathers never really recovered. Now it's spring and everyone is trying to go broody. I do have a roo in with them and at first I thought he was being too aggressive. I did...
  20. D

    Any ideas to help with feather plucking?

    I have a single hen with a bald spot on her lower throat/upper chest area. It's not bloody or anything, but the rest of the ladies won't let it regrow. Is there a chicken bib? A bandana? Something to cover up the spot long enough for the feathers to grow past "pick at this" range. Thanks y'all!
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