feather picking

  1. M

    Hen feathers not regrowing after rooster cull

    So my rooster was over mating with a few hens in the flock to the point that they perpetually had bareback and 2 of them had major feather loss around their heads and necks. He ended up bullying one of the hens to the point that she wouldn’t leave the coop so I culled him. I have 8 hens...
  2. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    I'm desperate and need any/all advice. I need to give a little back story and I'll include pictures when I can. At the end of April 2023, we purchased 6 chicks from a local feed store. 2 Starlight Green Eggers ( SGE - 2 weeks old), 2 Black Australorps (BA - 1 week old), 1 Barred Rock (BR - 1...
  3. E

    My 2 "bearded" Easter Eggers have bald necks from feather pulling. Pls help. URGENT!!!

    My 2 "bearded" Easter Eggers have bald necks from feather pulling. One of my blue marans and both of my Ideal 236 ( mix of brown and white leghorn, ancona, and california grey) have been pulling beard, neck and head feathers out of my EEs. this has been going on for several months but it have...
  4. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Dealing with Bullies: Separation Pen and Egg Laying

    My 4+ y/o RIR, Willy Honka, is a great chicken.... most of the time. However, since this time last year, when my BO Glory starts to molt and blood feather nubs start showing up around her vent/rear end, Willy Honka becomes OBSESSED with plucking and pecking them. Inevitably, this causes bleeding...
  5. M

    Help with feather picking/loss

    Hi everyone! My family and I are new to raising chickens, and have been stumped as to how to help our chickens stop feather picking. We bought the hens from a family getting rid of them in January this year, and one of the hens had some feather loss at her tail area (the owners said it was...
  6. The chicken nurd

    Feather picking?

    I’m not sure if this is just my hens picking at each other or if it’s something more what do you guys think Also I just noticed it in the last couple weeks except on the hen in the last picture who has been missing some feathers since I got her a few months ago
  7. PeepingK

    Rooster losing weight and neck feathers

    I have no idea what’s going on with my poor boy Rowan. This past month or so I’ve noticed that he’s lost a noticeable amount of weight and I can’t figure out what it’s from. Every night I lock them up I feel his crop to see how much he’s eaten and it’s usually less than half as full as the girls...
  8. POD

    Feather Eating Troubles

    I’m looking for advice on what I can do for my >6 month old hen Brontë, who has returned to her former habit of plucking and eating the feathers of her five other flock mates. If you can share any stories or advice you have on curing a chicken of feather eating, please leave a comment. I’m...
  9. M

    2 yo hen plucking feathers off of crop

    Hi all! I have a 2 yo hen that has been plucking her breast feathers off since January. She molted late in the year (December 2021) and then when all of her feathers grew back she started picking them out but just on her crop and breast area. I tried using some no peck goop and some antiseptic...
  10. P

    Male goose pulling female’s feathers.

    We have a set of 6 weeks old Embden geese (male and female) Recently When the female bathes in the pool they have, the male comes over and picks a mouthful of feathers of the female and eats them. He only does this when she is in water. She obviously does not like it. Thoughts?
  11. B

    Hello, new chick mom, first night in the coop 😧

    Hello, My husband and adult children convinced me to get some chickens this spring. We got 2 Barneveldts, 2 Golden Sex Link and 2 Buckeye. They are now 5 weeks old, spending their first night in the coop, I am so nervous for them to be out. I may need to post this somewhere else, but when I was...
  12. NatureGirl74

    Can I use pick no more in freezing weather

    One of my pullets is getting picked on a lot. She's had a small bald spot for a few days, but this evening I noticed some blood. She was doing really well at first. Recently, the roo has been mounting her a lot and she really freaks out. After that some of the other hens started picking on her...
  13. Smartbomb71

    6 Hens 3 Bullies

    My flock is all jacked up. I have 6 hens; a barred rock, RIR, Issa brown, EE, americauna, and a lacy Wyandot. The crappy behavior started with Loretta the Issa brown. She started picking feathers and chasing my americauna Fluff. It was stressful and I should've isolated Loretta. I'm certain that...
  14. M

    Hen pulling out her own feathers??!

    My chicken Blanche is a 2 year old GLW. I have been noticing in the past few days she's peen PULLING OUT HER OWN FEATHERS. I even saw her eat a few, I'm not sure it was intentional or not. One of her shoulders has a big bald spot. She is focusing on her shoulders and the side of her body. She's...
  15. Chickadee00

    Feather picking!

    My 2 hens started picking off the backfeathers of my rooster. I already tried an anti pick spray but one still picks him and the other is also still interested in his feather even though she won't really pick him. I have two stables and put those two hens in one and locked the door (with water...
  16. R

    Mean Mallard??

    We have 4 Mallards that are almost 7 weeks old. One of them is constantly pecking the other ducks, sometimes plucking a feather or 2. While I am seeing no significant harm to the ducks yet, the others are agitated by the behavior. It did it the first 2 weeks we had them, stopped for 2-3 weeks...
  17. Celcampbell23

    4 week old chick with missing down/feathers

    Hi there! I’m new to the site and also new to owning chickens. I hate that this is the first post I’m making, but here it goes. A little background on my flock: We bought 4 chicks about 3 weeks ago. 1 Starlight Green Egger and 3 that are either Sapphire Gems or Sapphire Olive Eggers (My guess...
  18. Angelove

    Aggressive duckling picking feathers, and biting toenails?

    I have 3 welsh harlequin female ducklings (sexed by Metzer). One of the ducklings is very picky and kind of aggressive. She will pick and bite at anything and everything including myself and her sisters. It has stopped being cute and is beginning to hurt me and the other 2.. I have been...
  19. C

    Loosing tale feathers and bald spot on neck

    I have three leghorn chickens that are looking a little rough lately:( They are pretty big (fat) compared to an average bird of their breed. They have full roam in my backyard although they eat mostly layer pellets and stay in the same couple spots most of the day.One chicken has a balding spot...
  20. henfriend1998


    my meek little Agnes (a seven month old silver laced wyandotte hen) has had a persistent case of bumblefoot and a limp for a while. she was separated (still in the coop, just in a hutch with straw and water, they could see her the entire time) to heal and rest. unfortunately, now that shes being...
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