
  1. HomeHatcher22

    1 week old baby chick has some of his feathers plucked out! HELP!

    My youngest baby chick was doing fine before i left to go camping for a couple of days and when i got home his feathers around his neck were mostly missing! Will his feathers grow back and what would of caused this
  2. Revan

    Half-Naked Bird is Sunburning. What can I do to help?

    So, today we (my mother and I) picked up a free turkey hen. She was being given away because apparently the owner's Muscovy Duck male was attacking her relentlessly and caused quite a bit of damage. My primary concern at the moment is the large amount of feather loss she has sustained, and parts...
  3. G

    Both Roosters and Hens wont grow their feathers back.

    Alright my issue here is that my chickens seem to have lost their feathers during the molt season. Which is natural, but it's getting hot where I am at and I worry. They lost their feathers going into fall and they don't seem to be able to recover. The rooster are fatherless on their backs...
  4. chippy99th

    Weird Duck Wings

    Hi, I am not a duck keeper (I have chickens), but I saw a duck at a local park with some very strange wings. Some of her wing feathers were sticking straight out sideways, perpendicular to her body. She didn’t seem to be in pain. She flapped her wings and the feathers were clearly attached, not...
  5. AimToMisbehave

    Adult drake eye infection

    One of my runners has what looks an awful lot like an eye infection; pale green goop on the inside corner of both eyes, one more than the other. Anything I can do to help him heal up? He's also a bit tattered in the wing and tail feathers, I think from our other drake :/
  6. A

    Feather problems

    Any idea why her neck feathers look like this? It’s been going on longer than a molt. Coop was deep cleaned more than a month ago, no noticeable mites on anyhens...dusty baths available. Her neck looks naked, I haven’t noticed her being picked on either....her bum isalso bare, but I have a maran...
  7. beppler3

    Jerks or Sick?

    So we have a bunch of girls that are missing tons of feathers. They are missing a lot of them on the backs of their heads and on their backs just above their tails. (See pictures) They looked awesome all winter. I let them molt this year. This started maybe 2 weeks ago. Tonight we had a dead...
  8. madisonboe

    What’s up with these funky shoulder feathers?!

    None of my other chicks have ever grown weird shoulder feathers like this! Is it normal? Is it just a part of the awkward stage? Lol she’s a 5 week old ‘ameraucana’ from the feed store so basically she’s an Easter Egger right?! These feathers right here
  9. missmissyf

    Molting or Sexual Trauma??

    What do you think. Seems to be spreading.
  10. M

    lost and scruffy feathers

    I have 7 hens that started laying in September. I put a timer and light in the coop to keep them laying through the winter. Now their feathers are showing a lot of the softer, fluffier underfeathers and a couple of the hens have lost a lot of feathers on their backs near the tail. No...
  11. jenaialynn

    Losing feathers in spring

    Hi this is my first post! About this time last year I got two wyandotte (silver laced) and two gold-sex linked chicks. My two wyandotte's have been losing feathers around their neck and wing area for the last couple weeks. I have checked for lice and mites and can't tell anything, and their...
  12. MichyA

    Here come the Chicks!!

    Some of my babies are here! (Two more on the way) Dad is an orange/red Polish Silkie cross shown in pic...the mamas (also shown in pics) are black and paint silkies. One chick looks just like her paint mama, and doesn’t even look like a cross. (as of now) The others look more like a brown/black...
  13. C0ckatrice

    What on earth killed our chickens?

    Recently we have been having trouble with predators. Witch we never have. We had 5 chickens left before spring, they where 2 years old. Suddenly one morning we found 2 of them dead in the coup without their heads. Feathers everywhere. The same thing happens to one of our family members who lives...
  14. jennkretz

    Losing Feathers on sides of legs?

    Hi all! I have 2 Black Australorps that are about 8 months old and have recently begun laying. I've noticed that lately their feathers on the sides of their legs(?) are getting a bit ragged looking. They look like they've been falling out or been pulled out. The skin is not bare, just its like...
  15. ticketism

    What do you do with your feathers?

    Hi! As I'm sure we all know, keeping chickens means ending up with LOTS of feathers everywhere! Whether it's just normal shedding or someone's moulting, you can usually always spot where one of your birds' favourite dustbathing spot is, or whether they've gone up this side of the yard or that...
  16. hihuckleberry

    Missing Feathers on Chicken Butts

    Hi everyone, As I mentioned before, I'm totally new to chickens. Just brought home 3 pullets last week. They are all missing feathers on their butts, looks like they had been pecking at each other. The man at the feed barn said they just had anxiety from being at the store, confined, and...
  17. V

    Losing neck feathers - tried many treatments

    Hello, I'd love some help with one of my chickens. I live in Melbourne, Australia, and my chickens are free range during the day. One of my chickens been losing neck feathers for about 4 months. She's about 1 year 7 months old. I have already taken her to the vet - he found no cause (no lice...
  18. aparmley

    Porter's Rare Heritage Crossbreeds

    So the plan was to buy some Narragansetts (or something similar) this year and raise to sell for eating, and so I can collect the feathers. Then I found Porter's crossbreed turkeys and am in love with the pencilled palms and similar. I am wondering if anyone here has the pencilled or any other...
  19. M

    What type is my 8 week old Orpington?

    We got her from the pet shop and all they knew was that she is an Orpington. I'm really confused as to what kind though. At first she was looking like a cuckoo but now her feathers look very different.
  20. Silkie haircut

    Silkie haircut

    BT got a haircut. This is her just after it.
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