first egg

  1. Australorpfamily

    Light Brahma 18 -19 weeks old laid first egg

    I've tried to search and research, and while most say Brahma laying age is between 6-7 months, I did find ONE post that said hatchery pullets can lay early. Ours are 18.5(ish) weeks, gotten from TSC(Hoovers)when they were roughly a week old. Bianca, our reddest of the Light Brahmas has been...
  2. BerthaBoo

    Help! Egg Bound Pullet struggling to get her first egg out

    Hi all, I have a pullet (21 weeks) whose been straining for a few days now, but she was able to defecate, so I wasn't entirely sure if she was egg bound or not, especially because she hasn't started laying yet. Today I saw her straining and saw the egg. I have her in the bath with epsom salts...
  3. newtsdaisies

    Our very 1st Egg!

    When TSC was having their Chick Days, we purchases what we thought were 2 RIR's and 2 barred rocks (all supposed to be pullets). We have been excitedly awaiting our first egg (they turned 18 weeks yesterday) and it was one of our 'Rhode islands' except she laid a blue/green egg so I guess she's...
  4. B

    First Egg!

    One of the 19 week old laid an egg yesterday and hasn’t laid another one today. Is this normal?? They’re all eating and walking around fine, but there’s no egg today.
  5. Cade S

    First egg! (Thinking it's a glitch, but excited anyways)

    One of my light brahmas gave us the adorably small egg. Thinking it's a glitch as they're only 18-19 weeks, but they've started allowing my roosters advances, so I'm not too surprised.
  6. Australorpfamily

    Our flock and their eggs, Black Australorp laying first

    Our Black Australorp have started laying whoohoo! We have 5 'original' girls, two of which started laying recently. They were 18 weeks July 14(ish), so 20 weeks tmrw. Our first one was Warden, funky comb and curved foot, blue tag. She's laid in the Infirmary (nesting boxes) since day one, yay! 7...
  7. Ankaa

    Way to reduce new layer pain?

    My chicken started laying yesterday and finally was able to rest once the egg came out. The next morning she started sounding in pain again. Is there a way for me to help her?
  8. Oob Child


    I got my first quail egg late last night from my quail. It surprisingly wasn't from the oldest one, and instead was from a quail called Spot who is a full day younger than my oldest. It's half the size it should be! I can't wait to get more! Australian 5c coin for reference. I'm making a mini...
  9. Wandering_r0gue

    The Good and the Bad

    Checked on the birds this morning and had a couple of surprises: good and bad: The Good: I got my first Egg! The Bad: 2 of my Roos got into a fight and one was a bit bloodied. I cleaned him up and isolated him to recover. My Hen:Roo ratio is lower than I'd like, so probably a bit too much...
  10. T

    Panting while laying, taking over an hour - first egg. Normal?

    UPDATE!! Nevermind, she laid her first egg and is fine now!! Whew! Do hens gape or pant when laying an egg? I don’t usually see our other 2 laying, so this is still new to me. But my 9mos old Welbar is currently separated from the others this past week, partly because my young roo has zero’d...
  11. sammi_lynn12

    First egg!

    I got my first egg on Saturday from my Rhode Island Red hen! She laid Saturday and today but my question is why aren't my Australorps laying yet? My two autralorps are three weeks older than the rest of flock and have not laid yet. My barred rocks and RIR are the same age and as of right now...
  12. EllieHasTooManyHobbies

    First egg!!!!

    ETA: I just stepped out to go hang with the chickens and found ANOTHER egg! From a different lady! What a cool day! I just had to share my first egg! I wasn't sure if they were going to wait out the winter or not, but someone laid this beautiful, perfectly clean and pristine egg. What a great...
  13. PerturbedPanther

    First Egg! Unknown Origin.

    Just found my first egg this morning! Unfortunately it was on the floor and my ducks and chickens share the same coop. I don't think any of my chickens are old enough though, my oldest ones are from June/July.
  14. ButtonNomies


    Omg omg omg ... so there's a commotion over in quailville ... Me thinking "oh no boys are fighting" Dustin was chasing the other boys up to a different level of their cage (3 tier cage) nothing overly vicious a few clicks n ruffled feathers between em but they chilled out pretty fast ... just...
  15. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    We know who layed the egg!

    I did the finger test where you check how far the bones are from the cloaca and we concluded it was clover! Her egg was a cream colour. and a question: is egglaying regular straight away or does it take a while to become regular? Because she hasn’t laid since that first egg.
  16. fannymae

    I think she answered my question...

    I joined this group yesterday to post some new behaviors I was seeing from my Buff Orpington. I'm a new chicken momma and all of my girls are between 20-22 weeks. Yesterday my Buff was screaming all day and laying on the ground in the coop and just being obnoxious overall. The videos are posted...
  17. kanami

    FIRST EGG?? now what?!

    hi friends!! our dear Butter has laid her first egg, but it was done underneath our stairs, using a nest made out of bubble wrap! me and my mother were outside doing our own thing when we noticed she was under our stairs and was in a nest sort of thing… we were like “huh maybe she will lay...
  18. Curious Georgina

    Georgina squatted for me!

    So excited to see my rebel girl Curious Georgina squat in front of me twice yesterday and once this morning. I stroked her end tail is that the right thing to do? She has become submissive after being totally wild ( we got her as a rescue). Still no eggs. Our flock is 12 weeks and had them since...
  19. M

    Who laid this tiny egg?

    There was a teeny tiny egg in the coop this morning! All our birds are young and we only have one bird, an Ameraucana, who’s been laying for about a week. Her first egg was 33 grams and her third/most recent is 41g. The tiny egg is 9 grams!!! It’s smaller than a quail egg! This egg is brown...
  20. M

    Our first egg!

    Our little lady hatched around December 18 laid her first egg today! She’s a blue Ameraucana, we’re still waiting on our salmon Faverolles, followed by a bunch of younger girls starting with a Houdan next month. We have a fully mixed flock so the lay dates are all over the place. The big girls...
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