
  1. StinkyAcres

    Your flower gardens!

    I wasn't able to find a garden thread dedicated to flower gardens, so I'm making one! Show off your flower and ornamental gardens! Outdoor gardens only - there's another thread for house plants. Looking forward to seeing photos of your beautiful gardens!! And feel free to discuss anything...
  2. W

    Will chickens eat my flower seedlings?

    Hello! This is my first time growing flowers. (Dahlias, zinnias, celosia specifically). I am going to transplant the seedlings when they are a few inches high to the yard and the chickens free range there. Will they get eaten? Should I put up fencing to protect them? Don’t want to spend the...
  3. sammi_lynn12

    Landscaping Plants and Flowers

    Has anyone been successful on keeping their chickens out of their landscaping around the house and flower beds without putting up fencing around the plants and flowers? I love letting my chickens free range but they are tearing up my landscaping and have tore it up all the way down to the cloth...
  4. Kittys Coop

    Can you use edible flowers if your chickens free range?

    Hi! A lot of my birds free range and it’s brought up a question. Can identified edible flowers still be used if your birds free range? If you know anything about Upstate NY in May a lot of our fields are covered in Dandelions and I would like to make some jelly. I would of course be cleaning and...
  5. lilmillefleur

    The Houseplant Thread

    Hi, it’s me, Anna. You may also know me from the Artists thread. Well, it turns out I’m also a beginner gardener and plant keeper! Feel free to post pics of your plants and any advice you can share with me, a newbie :D I’ll begin! I first started keeping cacti/succulents a few years back, but it...
  6. BeccaV

    The ducks and my flowers

    Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with my ducks eating my flowers. They don't do it all the time. As a matter of fact they seem to only do it whenever I take too long to bring their food to them or if I leave for the day. The rest of the time they do not bother them. I don't want to put one of...
  7. PhxChix

    Flowers that chickens do not like to eat!

    I am getting ready to turn my back house into a B&B and of course have beautiful chickens running around my backyard! I’m asking to see if anyone knows what types of flowers that chickens do not like to eat as I’m going to buy a bunch of flowers and pot them and put them around for color. I...
  8. chickenreyna

    Got a new fall arrangement but the labeling is misssing! Help!

    My eight Year-old must had pulled the label off. it said fall arrangement, but, I need to know what i need to do, as in how often I water it & sunlight etc.
  9. M

    Landscaping with free range chickens

    Hey guy! I'm getting ready to do our landscaping at our new house and I'm looking for plants and flowers that my chickens won't eat. Anyone have any they they have had success with?
  10. Haleyrbloom

    Pullet just ate 4 oleander flowers! Will she be ok?

    One of my pullets got out of the run and was able to eat 4 oleander flowers off the ground. By the time I could catch her, she had already downed them. Will she be ok? Anyone have experience with chickens eating oleander? Can I give her something that will absorb any of the poison? She seems...
  11. morganurban

    Flowers safe for ducks?

    Hello, I have a lot of plants around my ducks’ pen and they absolutely love laying in them and nibbling on them. They love eating the geranium flowers I have planted. They also love to lay in the fern and merigolds planted their. Are these plants safe for them?
  12. PirateGirl

    Daffodils and ducks and chickens.

    Each summer is an experiment in gardening and learning what grows well here and what doesn't, what produces and what doesn't, what prairie dogs and bunnies eat and what they don't. Doing some online reading/research I found that many critters won't eat daffodils because they are toxic on some...
  13. Lazy Farmer


    Contest has ended. @henless This Thread is in conjunction with: SPRING CHICKEN Contest Series Extravaganza!
  14. C

    Any Of these Plants Toxic/Harmful to Chickens?

    Hello. I'm Currently living in an Apartment. The only Space available for Gardening is the Balcony. But Unfortunately, i cant garden there! because the balcony is Very very shady & terribly Windy. Plus, its RAIN season. so the Clouds covers most of the sunlight. I'm Desperately Wanting to...
  15. CapricornFarm

    Seed Swap!

    I know lots of folks have extra seeds sitting around and might be intetested in swapping seeds, bulbs, roots or whatever for gardening. All BYC rules apply, they will not be responsible for swaps not completed. The person shipping is responsible for postage unless otherwise agreed by the...
  16. barred2rock

    Anyone know what these are?

    Are they safe to feed to chickens? Always thought these were wild mustard, but they don't look like the wild mustard on google images. Clover like, but not clover.
  17. MyISAbrownhens

    Chicken safe mulch?

    i have a lot of chicken safe flowers planted around my chicken coop, but it's been very rainy the past week and all the soil is almost washed away. Is there any mulch that is chicken safe? I'm using pine straw right now which I heard was ok for them but I was wondering if there was anything else...
  18. barred2rock

    Yucca Flowers?

    We have wild yucca all over our property. We pick the flowers to put in salads. Since we have more than we can eat I thought perhaps we could give some to the chickens. Thoughts?
  19. showmesilkies

    Summer Plant Swap/Trade

    Let's do something fun and beneficial for each other. Let's do a plant swap/trade. Rule 1. Be honest and fulfill the agreement with the other person Rule 2. Expect a fair trade. I'll start! I'm up for swapping/trading for just about anything that is not ordinary. I love cannas, Daylilies...
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