foot problem

  1. S

    Does this look like bumblefoot?

    I was giving my 4-year old Barred Plymouth Rock a butt bath after several days of very rainy weather and noticed these lumps on her feet. She has had no issues with walking – no limping, etc., so I hadn’t noticed them. She eats, drinks, poops, forages, and lays normally. She squats to have me...
  2. three_grannies

    Maran with redness and scaling between toes

    Hello, I am in my first year of raising backyard chickens, and I was hoping for some help with my 1-year-old Maran, Velma. For the past few months, I have noticed some redness between her toes. I thought maybe it was due to the cold weather, but it seems to be worsening now that it's warming...
  3. NatureGirl74

    Bumblefoot surgery unsuccessful and now his toe looks worse than before

    My rooster had bumblefoot on two toes. We did one surgery and that toe completely healed so we went ahead and did the other one about a week and a half ago. We could not get his toe to stop bleeding and accidentally tied the wrap too tight. His toe looked really good when we changed the wrap the...
  4. NatureGirl74

    Lumps on rooster's toes

    My rooster has a big lump on each middle toe. None of the other birds have it. He's still very active and not limping. What are the lumps?
  5. S

    King quail with an injured foot

    I have a female king quail who has had a problem on her foot for some time now. At first, i noticed a small wound, so i soaked it in betadine in hopes that this would prevent infection. However, the toe swelled up and went black, and even the nail has gone black. She seems to be walking around...
  6. S

    King quail with an injured foot

    I have a female king quail who has had a problem on her foot for some time now. At first, i noticed a small wound, so i soaked it in betadine in hopes that this would prevent infection. However, the toe swelled up and went black, and even the nail has gone black. She seems to be walking around...
  7. Aliamelody

    Duck with swollen legs-please Help!

    My duck is a boy and a year old. He had a series of foot problems His legs were crooked when he was a baby. We didn't know why. But she ran and played, so there was no problem. A few months ago he suffered a long swell of one of his legs I tried human calcium, vitamin Ad3 But it didn't work, and...
  8. Aliamelody

    Help me ! My duck foot have problem!

    my male duck is 1 year old his foot started to Distance falling and went worst and worst. i thought its niacin deficiency so i gave it to him it stopped develop. after that 3 months later his hinge Swolled. i didnt pay attention but it make problem for his walking. he slips off and cant keep...
  9. G

    Gosling leg/foot problem?

    One of my goslings seems to have a leg or foot problem and has been standing with its left leg a lot (as in the video). I don't know when it started, but I hadn't noticed it until yesterday (May 30th PDT) afternoon. We looked at its right foot from the toes to the hock but didn't find the...
  10. G

    Gosling leg/foot problem?

    One of my goslings seems to have a leg or foot problem and has been standing with its left leg a lot (as in the video). I don't know when it started, but I hadn't noticed it until yesterday (May 30th PDT) afternoon. We looked at its right foot from the toes to the hock but didn't find the...
  11. Clemmy

    My Hens feet are deteriorating! Help!

    I have been having this problem for a while now. my easter egger hen has been limping for a few months know and both of her feet have gone completely limp. I have tried giving her vitamins and other medicine but I'm afraid they have not made a difference. Today I noticed that one of her toes is...
  12. Twilight Sparkles

    Is this Bumblefoot?

    Hi. I’m still pretty new at chicken raising and would like some expert advice if Penny has Bumblefoot. She follows me everywhere and was sitting on the porch by the window waiting for me to come out again when i noticed her paw being a bit red when she raised it up to scratch her head. So i...
  13. Aliamelody

    duck foot problem

    my duck was ok yesterday but today when i went to feed him , i saw he couldnt set his foot on floor he move his feet there is no scar or swelling i dont know whats the problem please help!
  14. E

    WE'RE STUMPED, PLEASE HELP! Chicken foot scabs & bumps... (with photos)

    This is going to be a long one, but bear with me. I want to be sure to include every ounce of information that I can in order to figure out what the heck is going on!!!! Okay. So, I came across information about bumblefoot ages ago when trying to figure out what was wrong with one of our...
  15. C

    My chick has a twisted ankle/foot and is having trouble walking

    I have five little chicks That are eight days old and one of them has a twisted ankle as you can see in the pictures. He is the smallest in the brood and has a hard time walking. Should I tape his foot up? He is so tiny and sweet and I just don’t know what to do to help him! Any info...
  16. D

    I think my baby duck's foot is infected, please help! (with picture)

    Hello, I'm new to this forum, so please forgive me if a case like this has already been posted. I searched but didn't find anything similar. I'm currently caring for 7 baby mallard ducks. They all eat, drink, sleep, and eliminate waste like normal. I've only had them for two days and a half...
  17. Bat

    Foot problem?

    ok so I posted earlier about this one who spends a lot of time sitting/sleeping and is a little unsteady on her feet. Is this a foot problem? It seems her spurs/back toes are more forward and not offering stability: Could that be the problem? Is there anything that can be done if so? Apart...
  18. JasperMoon

    What's wrong with my chicks foot !!

    omg what's wrong with my chick!
  19. Dooziepen

    Foot deformity?

    Hello all, was just wondering if anyone else has had experience with one foot curling under and the other toes curling inward. This little one, whom we are going to call Nemo, just hatched about an hour ago with much help. The other egger died while hatching yesterday and I'm wondering if they...
  20. I

    Rooster has a foot problem. Does anyone know what it is?

    The rooster has gone into a molt but his foot is also irradiated, red, swollen and the feathers bleed when they are trimmed does anyone know what this might be? We have tried soaking his foot in a wash that is made to help with various foot problems but it dose not help.
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