
  1. A

    free-range chicks dying randomly?

    I have 5 - 10 week old egyptian fayoumis and brown leghorns chicks who free-range. I've heard these breeds are suppose to be great free-rangers but some have died without any sign of sickness, attack, or anything. I let them roam around when I'm outside but if I turn my back for a few minutes...
  2. G

    Dangers of letting my birbs free-range?

    Hey guys, I need help figuring this out. I have a flock of six: 2 chickens, 2 guineas, (unfortunately I didn't know they weren't chickens cause I'm an idiot and didn't do my research...) and 2 ducks. The first four birds share a coop with a run, but they've gotten bigger now and they like to be...
  3. C

    hens possibly ate some treated field soybean seeds!!!

    Okay, so yesterday my dad was out planting the field behind my house, and I thought nothing of it but had my hens out free-ranging. Well I caught some of them wandering out in the field and I noticed some of the seeds were not fully planted, but sitting on the surface. He said the seeds were...
  4. AccidentalFarm

    Successful 100% forage diet experiment (long post)

    Every so often someone posts a question asking if chickens can survive solely on free-range/forage. The overwhelming response is generally a resounding "no", followed by a laundry list of reasons why it shouldn't be attempted (from not enough forage to increased exposure to predation, etc)...
  5. Nasnro

    Mixing Two flocks

    Hi all, I'm looking at getting a second flock of hens and a roo. I've had my existing flock for 5 years. Im looking for the second flock as a breeding flock. They will be housed on separate parts of the property. My main question is when I let them free range during the day will they go back...
  6. centrarchid

    Following a Free-range Chicken from Roost in Morning to Roost at Night

    This is already getting interesting. My student is being tasked with following a single bird each day recording location, habitat type and activity every 15 minutes. She is learning how to be a field biologist even though will grow up to be a medical doctor. This will give her some cool...
  7. duckienae

    Ovulation is a beautiful thing!

    For chickens, that is... My mom and I share a small flock of (currently 12) laying hens on her property in Poulsbo, Washington. We've been raising chickens for several years. Our girls have a small hen-house at the back of mom's old barn, with about 900 square feet of fenced-in hen yard...
  8. Michellep224

    Help Picking a CoopCoop

    Hello, I have 11 full-size chickens, and no time to build a coop. I have pondered buying a storage building to make into a coop, but I was wondering if something pre-fab could be large enough. They will have a large pen to almost free-range in, so I'm not TOO worried about the space. I found...
  9. thecreekhouse

    I may not let them freerange, but...

    My two little girls like to take the chickens from the coop and run and carry them around the farm on walks ;-)
  10. thecreekhouse

    Why I’ll Never Free-Range My Chickens Again

    It’s been two years since the hawk attacks that decimated my small, free-ranging flock. I’ve finally just this month bought a new coop and restocked my flock. I respect the right of all chicken-keepers to make their own decisions regarding free-ranging, but as for me, after what we went...
  11. J

    Not My Chickens...

    I'm joining this site simply because most chicken people seem like a good bunch, so maybe I'm just a chicken owners' groupie. Anyone who would go to the trouble of actually writing about chickens, has to be a good egg (stop me there...). I don't have chickens, although they come and visit me...
  12. Michellep224


    Hello! I'm going to be adding some mature hens to my flock very soon! I have a question. I'm going to post a couple pictures later, as it is pouring outside, but I can describe it for now. I have a mother lamancha goat with 2 kids. They are in a decent sized square pasture. If I put some...
  13. Lamia1791

    Guineas and Chickens?

    We have just moved to Oak Hills and discovered our first Rattlesnake. We are looking to get Guineas to let them roam the yard, and at least alert us if there is one around. Also hoping they will eat some of these beetles! I want the guineas to be free to roam in the day, and I've read that if...
  14. Chickiee

    But, Chickens don't eat Hostas!

    Good Morning All, I've had chickens now for 6 years. Not once have they had issues eating the hostas that border my driveway by the house. My approx. 4 month old chicks of various breeds are trotting to the hostas every morning within 10 minutes of my letting them free-range. My poor hostas...
  15. OzarkEgghead

    Free ranging & introducing into established flock

    Hi y'all! I have an established flock of 9 hens, 5 Black Australorps & 4 ISA Browns, that are 2 years old. They free-range at will & always return to their roosts in the coop each night. I purchased 4 Dominique chicks 6 weeks ago that I estimate were 1-2 wks old at the time of purchase. I...
  16. N

    One of my free-range chickens is missing tonight. Hawk?

    Hi everyone, I'm a little heartbroken tonight as my Austrolorp--the dumbest and sweetest of my six chickens--was nowhere to be found when I went to put the chickens in their run this afternoon around 5:30 p.m. A bit of background: The chickens are 15 weeks old. They have a coop and an enclosed...
  17. O

    Free-Ranging and tenderness

    Does Free-ranging affect the tenderness of the meat or is age more likely to affect it? We are raising Chanteclers- a dual purpose Heritage breed and we have some older birds that are no longer laying and wondered if they would only be suitable for soup because of their "toughness" from age...
  18. Debutante

    Just A Big Pile of Feathers! :-(

    This afternoon we noticed a pretty significant pile of feathers in a wide open space near our coop. No blood or tissue, just chunks of feathers. Of course, we immediately assumed that at least one of our free-range hens had been taken! We know that there is a large coy-wolf in the area, but it...
  19. Buffheads

    Free-range broody hatched chicks out of coop

    My chickens free-range and one hen went broody and laid a clutch of eggs under a tree outside the coop. I took the hint that she wanted a little space from the other girls and built her a nursery pen so she (and chicks later) would be safe at night. I still let everyone free range during the...
  20. Circumspice Farms

    Integrating Pullets into Free-Range Flock

    At the end of March, we purchased 23 pullet chicks. After moving them from the brooder, we've been keeping them in a movable tractor in our yard -- something I thought of as a short-term solution, but one that's persisted all summer. In about three weeks, we're going to need that tractor for...
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