friendly chicken

  1. RadEggs

    Why I Love Chickens (weird story)

    (I blurred the bg cause this is not my property) (Or my chicken, actually, but I have no idea who's chicken she is) The story: One day I was taking a walk with my sister, bio mom, and grandma, when I came across this chicken. She was standing in the road, just staring at me. I thought she had...
  2. RhymeOrReason

    Looking for Lap Hens! - NC

    Currently looking for two cuddly hens, any breed other than broilers or commercial egg chickens are perfect. Specifically looking for very people-oriented gals, preferably accepting of being held but its alright if not, to join the current flock! Edit: looking for generally people-oriented...
  3. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    Story: How Did I Not Know She Was That Friendly?!

    My Rhode Island Red, Scarlett, is super friendly! But I didn’t know it! For a while, at least. A while back, I relized she was bolder than the others, standing on my feet when I was in their run. Every time I went to collect eggs, she sat on the roost, watching me. She was always the first to...
  4. Watermeat

    Overly Friendly Chicken?

    Hi there, this is my first time trying to post so I hope that I'm writing this in the right forum and I apologize for the length. So, I have a flock of eight chickens, all of them almost two months old and they were all raised together. All of them are very tame, but one of them stands out...
  5. Quails1

    Are Phoenix Chickens Unfriendly?

    As the title says, can phoenix breeds of chickens be loving/affectionate? I currently have one, and she's almost 2 months since this thread was posted, and I haven't snapped any recent photos yet. She is about 5 weeks old in the photo below: I've spent plenty of time with her when my chick was...
  6. BonnieFierce

    Condition chickens To be held?

    Hi all, is it too late to condition them to allow me to pick them up at 14 weeks old? If not, how would I begin this process? Backstory: I have had all of my chickens since they were 2 weeks old. They are now 14 weeks old. They are red and gold sex links chickens. When I kept them in the...
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