
☆Chicken Chaos☆
Jul 7, 2023
Pacific NW

(I blurred the bg cause this is not my property)
(Or my chicken, actually, but I have no idea who's chicken she is)

The story:
One day I was taking a walk with my sister, bio mom, and grandma, when I came across this chicken. She was standing in the road, just staring at me. I thought she had gotten out because the people who's house she was in front of had other chickens. I picked her up for a few seconds, intending to return her, but then decided it was not my problem, and maybe she was free-ranging (forgive me, as I knew nothing about chickens) and began to walk away. But she looked upset, and began to follow me. She would not leave me alone, so I decided to pick her back up, and take her to the door of the house. When we got close, she got upset, but calmed down as I carried her away. I then decided to just put her in the run with the other chickens, which she did not like, either, but she was not as upset. Later, when I walked by their house, I did not see her in the chicken coop. I have a theory, though. We have another set of neighbors who have 3 or 4 australorps, so she was probably returned to them by the owners of the house. Anyways, meeting this chicken, who I dubbed Onyx, was what ignited my passion for chickens. I have done a year of reaserch since then, and am getting chickens soon. Pics will be on my status when I get them.
Your story of how you came to love chickens is a unique one! Which breeds have you decided to keep in the future?

I first loved chickens years after we actually purchased our first chickens. Our aggressive rooster (named Bomb) kept me from going into the chicken yard, so I could not interact with my chickens and therefore I couldn't learn much about them from the start. Fortunately, years later, we decided to get another rooster after the aggressive one died, due to us wanting to have fertilized eggs we could hatch and extra protection. We were obviously wanting to have a friendly rooster this time, so we called a backyard breeder we knew and asked him if he had any roosters for sell. It turned out that he had multiple, so we planned to visit him a few days later.

I wanted to be prepared to pick out a rooster that is of a breed known for the male's friendly temperament, so I started researching a ton. That is where my love for chickens started, as soon enough I found out about how wonderful they were! Now, here I am, with my Cochin/Ameraucana hybrid rooster named Phoenix, who is my favorite of the males due to his funny personality and his unique appearance. Turns out, Phoenix does not know how to breed properly, but that's fine, as I would much rather buy chicks than hatch my own out.

Phoenix Contest Picture.png
Your story of how you came to love chickens is a unique one! Which breeds have you decided to keep in the future?

I first loved chickens years after we actually purchased our first chickens. Our aggressive rooster (named Bomb) kept me from going into the chicken yard, so I could not interact with my chickens and therefore I couldn't learn much about them from the start. Fortunately, years later, we decided to get another rooster after the aggressive one died, due to us wanting to have fertilized eggs we could hatch and extra protection. We were obviously wanting to have a friendly rooster this time, so we called a backyard breeder we knew and asked him if he had any roosters for sell. It turned out that he had multiple, so we planned to visit him a few days later.

I wanted to be prepared to pick out a rooster that is of a breed known for the male's friendly temperament, so I started researching a ton. That is where my love for chickens started, as soon enough I found out about how wonderful they were! Now, here I am, with my Cochin/Ameraucana hybrid rooster named Phoenix, who is my favorite of the males due to his funny personality and his unique appearance. Turns out, Phoenix does not know how to breed properly, but that's fine, as I would much rather buy chicks than hatch my own out.

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We are getting a barred rock (my sisters chicken) a Cooper maran (shared by all family members) and ayam cemani mix (we don't know with what) (my chicken) I am going to be taking care of all of them, though.

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