
  1. Heeeey piece of candy!

    Heeeey piece of candy!

    Jerry my goofy illegitimate chicken son sort of loves bourbon fettuccine grape candy....who knew right??? Don't try this at home!!!
  2. lilmillefleur

    Gen Z Humor

    As you may know, the young generation has a wacky sense of humor. Sometimes it makes sense and sometimes you have no idea what you just looked at, and that is the charm and appeal of it all. Your mission now is to find or create the funniest or most bizarre memes you can think of and post them...
  3. D

    Crazy duck

    One of our ducks keeps attacking my husband boot when he goes to put them in for the night! We have lost a lot of new bantams as well. A lot of our flock were given to us and wandering why this duck likes my husband's boots? Just inquiring on what is good for growing around their pen. Wanting...
  4. SabongStuff

    Secret nest right under my nose.

    With the recent smoke in my area and several days where it was even hard to see the sun, I didn’t question my egg drop off last week. Plus the days are getting a tad shorter and I haven’t spent too much time with my flock within the last week. Little did I know one of my little angels, Camerhen...
  5. Toxicity 321

    Why do ducks have tail feathers?

    To cover his butt quack :lau
  6. Peeps gang 2

    Peeps gang 2

    Homie my "spinner" member of the peeps gang.
  7. Peeps gang

    Peeps gang

    Short gif of the newest kids.
  8. Kiss your chicken!

    Kiss your chicken!

    Animation for all the chicken kissers.♡
  9. The Prettiest Chick

    The Prettiest Chick

    Isn't she just adorable
  10. thekeetlady

    A silly little idea :)

    Hey, fellow chicken lovers! In these trying and boring times I’ve been spending a lotttt more time with my chickens and it’s just wonderful. Sitting on the porch throwing grubs, blackberries, and grapes got me thinking: I can create “chicken selfies”! I decided to put my phone on the ground and...
  11. Coop-elation!!!!  If I Can Do This, You Can Do This!

    Coop-elation!!!! If I Can Do This, You Can Do This!

    Holy "insert-swear-word" insert-good-word" "dont-insert-anything" Call me naive, call me a little overeager, call me "New Chicken Owner Crazy", call me "COVID Bored to Tears"...........I'm just not sure what possessed me........but here we go..... I don't know which category to put my coop in...
  12. Jeff1.jpeg


    On of my Red Star Chicks, Jeff, didn't want to socialise with her sisters and when I propped a little mirror up in the brooder she went right to it and would sleep next to her "mirror friend." They're 6 weeks old now and she still checks on her mirror friend in a much bigger mirror!
  13. Jeff2.jpeg


    One of my Red Star chicks, Jeff, thinks she is a parrot. When I open the crate the girls are in until the weather clears so they can start staying out in the coop, she immediately flies out and sits on my shoulder, head, or climbs on my back while I clean to "survey."
  14. I'm gonna get you!!

    I'm gonna get you!!

    One of my muscovy females landed on a thin wire in my garden and the cat immediately rushed to try to get it
  15. Scissors65

    Love to hear some Old timer stories!

    I was just thinking, wouldn't it be interesting to hear stories/memories from members on how your parents, Granny and Gramps, or Great-greats raised their chickens in backyards and farms. Where did they keep them? What did the feed them, funny stories, etc.... I have read a few comments in...
  16. A

    Do not wash a ducks beak with soap.

    Names have been changed to protect the dignity of the guilty. I let my ducks out like usual this morning, and then IT happened. My sweet, adorable, well-loved, well fed drake found a disgusting little dead mouse (my chickens are famous for killing mice and then leaving them around the yard in...
  17. Chicken_loverXx

    Guinea looking his picture taken 😂

    I was recording my dog and Guinea wanted his picture taken 😂
  18. Abriana

    ~Fools Gold~ (a daring role play)

    So, I bet you all want to know what you're doing here, huh? Well, buckle up, buttercup. Welcome to The Island of the Golden Fools. Or, get ready to end up there. Name's Abriana and here's the deal. We're a group of criminals and the world doesn't really accept that. I've came up with a...
  19. chrissynemetz

    I don't know who originally penned this, but it still makes me smile... Got a letter from grandma

    Got a letter from Grandma today. She writes... The other day I went up to a local Christian bookstore and saw a "Honk If You Love Jesus " bumper sticker. I was feeling particularly sassy that day because I had just come from a thrilling choir performance, followed by a thunderous prayer...
  20. DiYMama540

    Goose Shenanigans

    I want to hear your favorite mischief story! We all know our geese are just feathered toddlers, and here's why... Duck mischief is always welcome too :D
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