gender 6 weeks

  1. J

    Curious what gender my 7wk old chicks are

    Hello, I have 5 chickens we've raised from chicks. There are 4 different types: 1.) Cheerio - Buff Orpington x1 2.) Frenchie - Wheaten Marans x1 3.) Wells - Golden Laced Wyandotte x1 4.) New Hampshire Red x 2 I'm curious based on the pictures if you're able to say whether they are hens or...
  2. C

    hen or rooster?

    Hi, I have a (roughly) 6/7-week-old mixed-breed chick and I’m pretty sure she’s a hen but I just wanted to check. She’s around the same size as all my other female chicks and her comb is practically non-existent although I’m not sure if that’s just because she was picked on during her first...
  3. K

    Hen or roo?

    So I have a silver laced Wyandotte but on the fence with gender! It is currently 6 weeks old, do we think it’s a hen or roo?
  4. CyborgBabyMama20

    Straight Run Buff Orpingtons and Rhode Island Reds

    So, about 6 weeks ago we got 12 straight run chicks from Tractor Supply Co. We got 6 RIR and 6 Orpington. Now, I get the feeling I may only have about two hens of each kind 😅 I’ll share some pictures, and you guys can let me know what you think!
  5. P

    6 week old Brahmas

    Alright guys I have 2, 6 week old brahmas. What gender are we thinking? #1- Blue #2- Black
  6. L

    Hen or roo?

    Looking for thoughts on these babies’ gender. They will be 6 weeks on Wednesday and are from a mixed hatch. I am fairly certain the black barred is from my friend’s barred rock male unsure the hen. The other two are from her friend who said they are all Black Cooper Marans. One has the copper...
  7. PortCarmenPoultry

    Gender Help! 6 week old mystery birds

    We got some “Assorted Colour Layers” from Peavey Mart (TSC) and these two are really making me question if I should be referring to the group as “the ladies”. They are 6 weeks old. Potential breeds are: ,Cream Legbar, Easter Egger, Midnight Majesty Marans, Olive Egger, Prairie Bluebell Egger...
  8. S

    Gender of 5ish week Buff Orpington

    I believe I brought this one home around the end of March, it was the only BO in the 7 chicks I purchased - the other 6 were black australorps, 5 of those were roosters lol - so I don’t really have any BO this age to compare it to I do have some BO pullets that I brought home at the end of April...
  9. J

    Roo or hen?

    I need to know if this is a rooster or not because in city limits roosters aren’t allowed. Got an EE from TSC April 1st so they’re roughly 6-7 weeks old.
  10. R

    6 Week Lavender Orpington Boy or Girl?

    Hoping to get some ideas whether these two 6-week old chicks are male or female? Any help appreciated :) On an unrelated note, anyone have success keeping silkies and orpingtons together?I have 5 silkies, are all mature and these are the only two orps. Hoping having the big birds grow up...
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