
  1. B

    GL and BLR Wyandottes 27.5 weeks not laying yet??

    Hi all! I’ve got a golden laced and a blue laced red wyandotte who still aren’t laying yet at nearly 28 weeks. My other three (EE’s and an Aussie) have been laying for what feels like forever now. What gives? Anyone with either of these wyandottes have a similar experience?
  2. Montymoo

    Gender worry

    I am new here and new to chickens. Exactly one week New. Lol. We have 4 in total. Black Jersey Giant- no clue of age Cochin also no clue of age but the leg feathers are coming in. 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes hatched 7/24 Questions: Any guesses as to the age of the Jersey out Cochin? Do any of...
  3. C

    Is my pullet actually a roo?

    I was so convinced my sweet chick daisy was a girl she is a lap chick already and I had thoughts others may be Roos but not her and now she is looking the most like she may actually be a male after all? Red comb forming also has red wattles coming in, “she” is 3 weeks old! Thoughts??? She is an...
  4. RobinS1217

    GLW 7W male??

    Hello! We got a large mixture of chicks 7 weeks ago. They’re about 7.5 weeks old now. One i did not order but received is what i believe to be a Golden Laced Wyandotte. It lost a good amount of feathers. No mites or lice detectable. I’m afraid it could’ve been a heat lamp/over crowding issue in...
  5. E

    GLW Pullets and/or Cockerels?

    I have 2 gold laced wyandottes. I purchased them as Pullets from a local feed store. They are 8 weeks old. I have labeled them M and D.
  6. Tretinker

    Nearly 4 weeks now and think we have a definite Roo!

    Well the chicks are nearly 4 weeks as the title says and they are really filling out especially the Pekins! Nugget (the more yellow one) is as bold as brass, seemingly fearless. Kiev (the more reddish one) is more timid and cuddly of the two. Heihei is the GLW who's feathering so much...
  7. E

    2 GLW Genders

    Both 6 weeks old, One labeled M and one labeled D. Pullets? Cockerels? Help!
  8. Pufna

    Silver laced Wyandotte Roo and Gold laced Wyandotte hen offspring?

    So how I understood reading some genetics? threads, SLW roo with a GLW hen will give SLW hens and GLW roos. So if I pair my two GLW hens with SLW roo and get a GLW roo, can I then breed the new GLW roo with GLW hens and get both roos and hens GL?
  9. M

    Any chance this chick is a pullet??

    First time chick mama here. This is an 8 week old GLW from Meyer hatchery. Any chance it’s a pullet as we were told when purchased?? Thanks for your help!
  10. E

    Age of egg laying?

    I am wondering about the age/signs of egg laying first time chicken owner here. They are 23 weeks old, we live in Michigan though. Will they lay this fall yet??
  11. M

    Hen pulling out her own feathers??!

    My chicken Blanche is a 2 year old GLW. I have been noticing in the past few days she's peen PULLING OUT HER OWN FEATHERS. I even saw her eat a few, I'm not sure it was intentional or not. One of her shoulders has a big bald spot. She is focusing on her shoulders and the side of her body. She's...
  12. B

    SLW and GLW gender?

    Hello! I was wondering if you guys had any though of what sex these SLW and GLW may be? I though only Chico may be a rooster but unsure. They are 7 weeks old.
  13. kurby22

    BLRW or GLW??

    Okay, I know that she (I am hoping she’s a girl anyway haha) LOOKS like a GLW...BUT!! I am seeing some interesting color starting to show in her it possible she may still be a BLRW like I was told when I bought her?? I’m fine either way, all Wyandottes are beautiful. :)
  14. Lacie4weeks.jpeg


    Golden laced Wyandotte, Lacie 4 weeks
  15. Lacie4weeks.jpeg


    Golden laced Wyandotte
  16. MamaGer8ty

    2 dead...what to do?!?!

    This morning I thought my 18 week old glw was going to lay her first egg. She was hunched down and actually coming near me and letting me pet her and normally she looks at me and likes to run away. When I got back from my doctors appointment she was dead. I go to clean her up and my 8-10 week...
  17. MamaGer8ty

    16wk rooster but what breed???

    This is my boy El Diablo...he is most definitely a butthead but I love him and I love his colors. He crows all the time and he lives up to his name by waking me up this morning at 4am at my back door and not stopping until 4:40am. I cannot figure out what breed he is. The store had him marked as...
  18. eeames

    4 week old GLW sexing, any guesses?

    Hi! New chicken owner here.. right now am worried that one of my two GLWs may be a roo.. I have attached photos of the roo in question and the other (circled in blue not green). The questionable one has a much pinker comb which makes me think maybe a roo, but I know it's early. No real...
  19. MamaGer8ty

    6 wk cockerel???

    I know I’ve posted before about this chicken but I swear it’s a cockerel. The attitude, the size and the color of the comb and wattle makes me think cockerel but I am new to being a chicken owner so what the heck do I know lol All my other chickens have pale combs and wattles. None of them are...
  20. M

    Chicken loosing balance? What do I do?

    Hi guys- I have 6 GLW's all about 3 months old. Blanche, my biggest girl, has all of a sudden developed a hard time standing in one place for more than 30 seconds and kind of walks a little wobbly. I've been monitoring her all morning (noticed this last night just before dark) and she still...
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