
  1. K

    Sick Golden Comet Hen, egg bound or organ failure?

    Hi everyone! I’m relatively new to having/raising chickens (approx. 2 years) and I’m encountering an issue with one of girls right now that I can’t seem to find good information on. I acquired her from a guy who no longer wanted his 2 golden comets, so I’m not sure how old she is. If I had to...
  2. E

    Golden Comet Gender Reveal !?

    Hello! I am a new chicken owner. I ended up with Henny because we were hatching chicks in school. This chick needed 24/7 care so I took it home to nurse. 11 weeks later and I’m not sure if Henny is actually a rooster! I know the breed is golden comet and the place we rented the eggs from said...
  3. R

    New Member Intro!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've just recently got my first flock of chickens, only last week. Although this is my first flock, I have helped a friend take care of her Easter Eggers. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 13 pullets, ages range...
  4. Barnart55

    New member

    Hi, I’m a metro West Boston first time chicken owner looking to purchase Easter Eggers or Golden Comets, 6months to one year old. I currently have a Buff Orpington, 2 Wyandotte’s, and a Plymouth Rock. Anybody in the Boston area have these for sale?
  5. Shepshill

    One of our little red pullets...

    ...seems to be an overachiever! :-)
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