gosling and geese

  1. G

    New and Need help!

    Hi! New and need help! My name is Gemma and I have a very small flock of sweet chickens. We are currently in the process of hatching a gosling egg too but are having some difficulties. We can not see through the shell. No matter what light used. is the shell too thick? The egg smells fresh and...
  2. R

    2.5 week old gosling wing feathers look good?

    Is this normal wing feather growth for a 2.5 week old? I don’t think it’s Angel wing as her are perfectly tucked and she has been on the correct food. I know the sheaths grow out first before the feathers just want to make sure this is looking good?
  3. M

    Wet Gosling Heads?

    We just got these two goslings a few weeks back and they are just so darling! They follow me everywhere and always act glad to see me, coming right up to me and sitting on my lap and "whistling" or honking contentedly. Just recently Ive noticed they've been getting these wet heads when I get...
  4. Muscovy-palooza

    Chicken sitting yes or no, quarantine, etc

    I have a friend that is battling health issues and is going to be traveling out of town for 3 weeks. She doesn't have the strength and stamina to secure her old dilapidated coop and run before leaving. I offered for her to bring her 6 chickens over with their tractor so we could care for them...
  5. Jcarnahan

    What is this little guy?

    This little cutie was found beat yp in the road. No idea where it came from. It is healing really well but I’m wondering what kind of goose this is? its getting its adult feathers in and kinda looks like a pilgrim but his beak is black. Was kinda leaning towards a Chinese goose but theres no...
  6. S

    Gosling struggling! Please help!

    Our gosling was found on its back soaking wet and struggling with its legs by the edge of the pond. We are based in the United Kingdom. We dried her off been force feeding her and making sure she gets lots of water. She must be around 4 weeks old maybe older. She can’t walk at all she...
  7. G

    HELP i have 7 goslings and two are barely able to move, they seem really weak and they are only letting out two small chirps every couple senconds

    they can barely support their heads too and isk what to do
  8. U

    Goose attacking a gosling

    Hi, On our usual walk today me and my boyfriend saw a goose attacking what seemed to be their gosling. There was 12 gosling with 2 geese and they seemed to be all fine one minute and out of nowhere one of the geese started attacking (biting) the gosling. At first we assumed it maybe cleaning the...
  9. L

    Week old goslings not eating ?

    I have two baby talouse goslings a little over a week old It seems like they are barely eating their starter grains…(I feed scratch & peck chick,duck,goose starter with the extra niacin) they have have no desire to eat it really…sometimes they eat the pine shavings instead which also worries me...
  10. CassyGurl

    Gosling-what am I?

    I bought 10 goose hatching eggs at an auction and it was my first time hatching geese only 1 hatched. I don’t know what breeds they had as they were unlabeled from an auction. What does it look like? I tried that google lens thing and it doesn’t know what it’s doing as it brought up pekin...
  11. N

    Any idea on age or breed of these goslings?

    Hi everyone! I went to my feed store this morning and found these two little guys (gals?) Left in a box in the parking lot. I had been thinking about adding guard geese to my chicken flock anyway and couldn't leave them there in the cold so brought them home. Does anyone have any ideas on age or...
  12. D


    So I live in Central California and I was wondering if it’s okay to take my goslings outside just for moments at a time to let them play and graze but i’m not sure if it’s too cold for them? It stays about 55-45 degrees out during the day and I’m not keeping outside permanently they’re brooder...
  13. NeudorfValleyFarm

    Need advice. One gosling is a lot smaller

    Hi, Need advice. I have two 1 week old Goslings, they are Sebastopol Geese. One is thriving and doing really well. The other I’ve had a lot of issues with. A lot smaller, couldn’t walk (have since given Vitamin B3 in food, water therapy etc as walking again). Worried as the little one is about...
  14. Goosey Girl

    Genetics questions boggling my mind!!!

    :he I am a novice to genetics, but trying to make some sense of this. I have a goose (Miss Lemon) who came from a white Sebastopol goose and a Pomeranian Saddleback gander. Miss Lemon mated with a lavender Sebastopol gander (Onslow). If Saddleback falls into the gene category of pied (Sp or sp)...
  15. Myhensloveme


    So a couple days ago my goose, who is about 10 weeks old, walked through a bunch of burning coals and has really bad burns on both of her feet.😖 They are bubbly and covered in blisters. It seems that one of the blisters popped on it’s own, but the rest are all pretty large. We are putting a...
  16. J

    Any insight on our goslings leg?

    We have two Embden goslings and have noticed one of them seem to favor their left leg. Any insight? His wings have also become raw in the in this time as well.
  17. jillmost80

    White Chinese gosling question

    I am fairly smart avian wise. But since I have never had this breed prior and not really caring if it’s a gander or goose I wanted to see if anyone has any thoughts on little Doc here. 7 weeks now and the knob is not very big but I have no knowledge on growth of gosling in this breed. I know the...
  18. Sunnysflock

    Does my Goslings have a respiratory infection

    Hi I picked up a African gosling that 1 1/2 weeks old yesterday, she wasn’t eating dry food very well so I wet it today and just a minute ago I was looking at it and we was acting like there was somthing in here mouth and some clear liquid came about her nose that was the Consistency of watery...
  19. G

    Gosling appears to be having trouble breathing

    Hello, I have a pair of two week old goslings I brought home a few days ago and one appears to be having trouble breathing. She is eating, drinking, and pooping normally and I have checked the temperature but she is still having trouble. She is breathing with her mouth open and it appears to be...
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