
  1. Kallywumpus

    Introducing gosling to gosling

    So we have a gosling about two weeks old and finally found another gosling companion. I'm finding a lot on how to introduce them to adults but not each other. Any ideas? Right now I'm straddling a baby gate so that they're separate but neither feels alone.
  2. SniperGoose

    Throwback to when I tried to take a picture with my new goslings..

    ..And this was the result lol They liked my phone a little too much! Still one of my favorite 'baby' pics of them :rolleyes:
  3. Kallywumpus

    ISO female gosling WA/OR/ID

    We've acquired a Canada Goose gosling who is about two weeks old and would really like to get him a companion, preferably female. I'm willing to do a little driving....
  4. NEgoosegirl

    Help, please! Gander won't let goose & new gosling off nest.

    Hi Everyone, If anyone has seen this behavior before and/or has any suggestions, I'd be so appreciative! THE SITUATION: I have a pair of nearly-4-year old Sebastopol geese. This year, my goose finally hatched a few goslings. Long story short, there were only two healthy ones -- female I...
  5. Kallywumpus

    Blister on gosling's foot...?

    Hey all, I just noticed this on poor Kami's foot. He does like to jump out of people's hands and I'm worried he injured himself? It's puffy and feels like a blister. It is very hot. Could it be bumblefoot? I'll call the very tomorrow-should I do anything tonight?
  6. Yukidongo

    Miracle hatch...when do we help?

    Two and a half days ago, the incubator got dumped. Long story. I lost mandarin eggs, and several Sebastopol eggs. Two were to hatch, and one was definitely killed. The other's egg looked like a jigsaw puzzle, but it did not hemorrhage as the other one, so I wrapped it on a paper towel...
  7. Rondack

    Geese? Do you have any? I want some please....

    I would like to start a flock of geese.. If anyone in upstate NY was any extra geese/goslings I would really like to have a pair to start my flock..... Thanks!
  8. Englishable

    Adding more geese?

    Last year we got a breeding pair of French Toulouse goslings. I'm thinking about ordering some more (perhaps two more females and one more male). Will this work, or would our adult gander claim any new females and pick on a new male? Or should I get them in pairs?
  9. tiffanyduke

    Tylan 50 dosage for a Gosling

    What is the dosage of Tylan 50 for a one-month-old Gosling? She's sneezing and has puffy eyes.
  10. Playford Flats Farm

    Ducks And Geese

    In the spring I’m planning on hatching ducks and geese together but I know there’s a good chance that the geese could all be ganders. Should I be concerned that-if that is the case-the ganders might try to pair with the duck hens? If the problem arises can it be fixed by getting the ganders...
  11. Playford Flats Farm

    Looking to Buy Duck Eggs

    In the spring I would like to hatch my own ducks but I’m having trouble finding duck hatching eggs online for the breeds I want. I’m also potentially looking for fertile goose eggs. I’ll be looking to buy eggs around late February to early March 2018. Does anyone know of any good hatcheries that...
  12. quackenboss

    Gosling very late dead in shell, why?

    I had a tiny duck egg and a goose egg incubating together since 9/25/17. The duckling hatched on 10/23 but no progress with the goose egg. I thought maybe the incubator temp was too low and it just needed time. This morning it passed the float test but a while ago I started worrying about it...
  13. TheHeresAmber

    Something wrong with gosling's eye?

    I have a gosling here with a weird lump on its eyelid. It doesn't seem too bothered. It looks like either a scar/irritation or a minor deformity to me. Thoughts?
  14. LargeMarge

    Lethargic Gosling

    Hi I have 2, 3 weeks old Embden females. Both were status quo when I went to bed last night. Woke up to find that one (the one who usually the most vocal and energetic) to be quite listless. She is sitting a lot, and dozing in and out. She will get up and drink, take a walk from one end of the...
  15. LargeMarge

    Goose poop!

    Hi again. As a new gosling owner, I have MANY questions. I was shocked about how little goose specific info there is online outside of these forums. I think I read everything there is- after weeding through all the articles about Ryan Gosling! :rolleyes: My latest inquiry which I can't find...
  16. LargeMarge

    Wing feather loss

    This is my 2 week old Emdben's wing. (Had a hard time getting a better picture) It is also "raw" and without feathers on the "elbow" area as well as underneath the wing. Is this something i should be concerned about, or could she possible be getting in her new feathers already? Seems a little...
  17. New gosling

    New gosling

    Our new Sebastopol gosling seemed to have a rough start. We acquired her the day she hatched and she seemed somewhat weak. We attributed this to her young age. She developed pasty butt and we noticed her umbilical cord hadn't fully fallen off. Her name was supposed to be Glinda, but the poor...
  18. AnasKBS

    ISO: young Goose in Michigan

    My four-week old Pilgrim goose needs a buddy! Preferably another female, and young. In Mid-Michigan.
  19. Isaiah Pouch

    Gosling losing feathers

    Ok so I'm new here and this is my first time raising birds, and there's a good chance I'm just worrying too much, but one of my goslings has lost all feathers on a patch on it's neck. Does this look normal to anyone with more experience than me? Any tips or general help is welcome. My gosling is...
  20. Sioranth

    ISO Female Goose in MD/VA

    I recently got a one-month-old gander. He's been living with my two-month-old pullets and one little roo. They get along fine but I think he is lonely and would really like another goose for a friend, but I really don't want to have a gander. I already have 3 roosters and a gander! lol Does...
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