
  1. Alohacayo

    The welsummer that won’t shut up, feed related?

    I’ve mentioned a few times about the (currently about 8/9 months old) welsummer that just makes a racket. She’s always been this way, and it’s been funny but also frequently annoying. She also rarely makes actual chicken noises. She barks (visitors & we mistake her for the dogs), she makes a...
  2. DiYMama540

    Store bought greens

    Morning friends! Grass here is pretty much gone for the season, so it's time for me to start supplenting some greens for the geese and ducks. Other than romaine, what are some of the other greens your birds enjoy??
  3. WannaBeHillBilly

    What plant is this? - And is it save for my duckies to eat it?

    Hi Friends! While brooming my driveway today i discovered some really green plants at the cliff: They have a milky sap that does not leave black stains on the skin and they smell very intense, like turnip, radish, mustard, collard-greens, very aromatic… Its not bear-leak, i know that plant. I...
  4. H

    No taste for greens

    Hi everyone, My chickens somehow just hate veggies. Brocoli, Spinnach, Silverbeat, Carrots, Cabbage, And any other veggies ( Greens in particular ), They won’t eat. They get plenty of grass and bugs to eat, We feed them lots of fruit, Meat, Infact I make them fruit smoothies ( Out of scrap...
  5. B

    Kelp vs Other Greens

    We have 8 hens in our urban coop - they free range so get bugs but not much greens, especially this time a year, as not much grows on our shady dirt patch. We make up for this by giving them lots of greens from the grocery store - collards, mustard and turnip greens, whatever’s on sale. I’ve...
  6. mega

    plants/grass in duck area?

    we have 2 ducks. they live in the backyard in a fenced in area. they have a pool and a house for shelter. the grass is dead, it is all dirt/mud. they keep escaping to eat the grass. they love greens! what can we put in there so they can always have access to greens? something that will grow fast...
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