
  1. Scotty from BI

    I gave my flock too much protein

    I had no idea I was causing damage to my flock by giving them too much protein. Dehydrated grubs, (black soldier fly larve) can be ordered in bulk which I did. I threw out about a cup of bugs to my flock of 10 adult large breed chickens. I figured it's cold and they have been molting so they...
  2. dogsNchicks

    Cool chicken video

    We are clearing out old, overdue fire wood. The logs are FULL of grubs and SO... I had a little fun with slow motion. :)
  3. oregonmuggle

    Help! Chicks going CRAZY for grubs

    Three days ago I introduced dried grubs (broken up for eating ease) to my chicks. They love them, which is good. However, both times when I’ve checked on them a couple hours later, they have emptied their food and water dispensers. This leaves the entirety of the paper towels lining the bottom...
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