
  1. kaylyntheweirdginger

    How high should I put this?

    My chickens are used to the gravity feeder waterers and I bought one of these (see attachment). I have it in the coop which they are still getting used to. I'm not sure how high to hang it. I haven't seen them use it so I'm not sure if its high enough. I think I have it about maybe 18 inches...
  2. S

    Long hanging from butt

    Any idea on what this is? Its hanging from her butt.
  3. N

    HELP- found hen caught upside down, almost died. What now?

    Hi All, My dear Ellie girl has had a tough go at it the last 10 months. I just found her yesterday afternoon with her leg caught on some chicken wire near the coop and she was stuck hanging upside down. I don’t know how long she was hanging like that for, she was out of the coop in the morning...
  4. S

    Hen leg just hanging, broken?

    I have a 2 year old white leg horn hen. I just noticed she was not using her left leg. I examined it and it's just hanging. She's not even flexing her toes. It's just a totally limp leg. One day she was fine and the next day a cripple. I don't know how to tell if it's broken. She is lying...
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