
  1. TaylorGlade

    Silver Bielefelder Hatch-A-Long

    We're thrilled to share our first-ever hatch with you! Tonight, we've set 7 beautiful Silver Bielefelder eggs from GreenFire Farms in our incubator, and the excitement is palpable. As beginners, we're eager to learn and share in this journey with the amazing community here at...
  2. Cloverr39

    Silkie and project egg Hatch-A-Long

    This year I thought I would try starting my first hatch-a-long. You're welcome to choose an egg to root for. If you'd also like to name your egg, I have naming themes that should be followed. This year the themes are: Silkies: Greek mythology and Percy Jackson related names. Project chicks...
  3. JoeLStol

    Choose an egg Hatch-a-long

    Time for an other hatch a long. I set 41 eggs this evening. Feel free to chose an or to egg and name it. The eggs are from our flock. I’m not sure what breeds they are. 36 and 37 are OEGB. I think the green eggs are from our starlight green Egger.
  4. KathiQuacks

    January to February 2024 Duckling Hatch-Along!

    Hello everyone of BYC! :frow I already have names in mind, but feel free to root for an egg, if you’d like! :jumpy Around 5 weeks ago, I got two new hens for my lone drake, Cherry. One of the hens, Caramel, has laid a nice stream of eggs ever since. I decided to incubate, and after some days...
  5. Debbie292d

    Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

    I have 28 eggs set. :jumpy Come join my first-ever hatch-a-long! 18 silkie eggs were shipped and arrived this morning. 10 more are my silkie eggs and are part of an experiment. 18 SHIPPED EGGS KEY: B = Buff, C = Cuckoo, P = Paint Below them: O = 5 were soaked in Odoban disinfectant for 60...
  6. DovesFlock

    Yet Another Hatch-a-long (December 2023)

    I just a got an incubator and with the new additions to the flock and a new layer I ended up collecting 31 eggs. (The incubator can hold up to 41 for future reference) That being said it’s time to pick an egg! Here’s how it’ll work: - I will give the numbers that’s on each egg. - I will...
  7. Fangeddeer

    Pick your egg to hope for! (Duck version) - Hatch-Along

    Never done this before, never had eggs before and never bred. Just letting nature do its thing bc drakes can’t be fixed. Which, gave me eggs to hope upon! So, come pick an egg! (Doesn’t mean I’ll sell the duckling for whomever picked it’s egg, not even sure if I’m getting rid of them yet) Eggs...
  8. Silkie Princess

    SP's Faverolles Hatch-A-Long

    SP's Faverolles Hatch-A-Long! So as some of you might know my favourite hen-Peanut, a Salmon Faverolles got killed by my dog on friday. So I decided to hatch some more because I adore the breed Got 4 eggs yesterday from the same seller that I got Peanut from. They're now under my broody...
  9. Katix7

    Jan 16, 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    New to the site but saw several hatch a long threads - so fun! I plan to collect some eggs this week and get them in the incubator on Sunday. Would anyone like to join? Most of mine will be barred rock and Buff orpingtons…some will be mixed…i have 5 very busy roosters and 50 hens My first time...
  10. Harley Chick

    First timer Hatch-A-Long

    Hello :frow wanted to jump right in! I will soon to be the proud mother of 6 polish eggs. Hoping to receive Khaki & Cuckoo colors? I have a broody hen right now, her name is Stella, she is a Golden Laced Wyandotte, fat and sassy and if memory serves me 2 seasons old. Never in my wildest...
  11. PippinTheChicken

    Broody hatch-a-long!!! With Pippin!

    Pippin's broody again! Yesterday we gave her 2 fertile mystery eggs (try to guess what they are HERE) they are expected in 20-21 days (26th may) I'm not sure how many will join in but I have started a Hatch-A-Long, I'm not completely sure how these work- hopefully someone can help me! Have...
  12. Chiarabrook

    One hen ate one of of my "hatch-a-long" eggs

    Good morning. I marked 13 eggs last week to see if they would hatch. Last night, I caught one hen eating one of the eggs, so I temporarily moved my broody hen and the remaining 12 eggs into my dog's crate, in my kitchen. Will it be safe to place Momma and the eggs in an open cat carrier in the...
  13. SBFChickenGirl

    Shipped eggs, Air cells, and Hatch-a-long

    I recently bought 18 eggs from a Dutch bantam breeder. I have never hatched shipped eggs before. Some of the air cells are "saddled" and others are not attached. I have read that you have to put these eggs in egg cartons on day 18. But what about beforehand? Do they need a different humidity...
  14. Misfits Farm 92

    Trying to make a coturnix quail hatch-a-long

    I have never started a hatch-a-long before but I'm going to try. Yesterday I put 2 peach golden pheasant eggs in an incubator. I also put ten of my coturnix quail eggs in the incubator...
  15. GoatDragonFarms

    May 21/2? hatch-a-long

    Hello friends! I did scan this forum, but didn't see a thread quite what I was after. Got eggs pipping, and I've got to share! Eggs from Ebay, placed 5/2. Bought 10, shipped 11, down to 9 in 2 incubators (space concern). On to the action! First time using this thermometer/hygrometer. Now...
  16. Quail Stack

    Snowie Coturnix Quail Hatch-A-Long

    This is my second attempt at hatching quail. I first tried to hatch Northern Bobwhite Quail but came to no prevail. I was going to try again with Snowflake Bobwhite Quail, but due to an incident in buying eggs, I'm now trying Snowie Coturnix Quail. Because of the density and coloration of the...
  17. M

    (Newbie)Mear's Hatch-A-Long!!

    Hey everyone! I figured I would do a hatch-a-long so I have something to do other than stare at eggs all day. I put 7 eggs in the incubator April 3rd due to hatch April 24! I hand turn them 5 times a day, humidity is 40-50% and (I try to keep) temp around 38-39celcius. This is my first time so I...
  18. LokisQueen13

    Be a Chicken Mommy on Valentines Day Hatch-a-long

    Hi! I'm thinking of hatching a baby chick by valentines so I won't feel so alone on valentines day (I know, I'm a loser LOL) who else is gonna be single on valentines day and wants to join? Here's a valentine themed Julien video for you guys :)
  19. Fanci Feathers Marans

    October Hatch-A-Long 2017

    Gathering eggs for hatching this week! Anyone else going to hatch fall chicks? I can't wait to see those little balls of fluff!
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