
  1. B

    Hatching Horror!

    Do I have a story for you all!!! Hi everyone. I am new here and new to hatching eggs. That said, I have raised and helped bring into this world many things from fish to goats to dogs to a human, and now I am raising and hatching chicks. If any of you have experienced what I am about to tell...
  2. Pigeony

    "Aloha" Chicken Egg Hatch-a-Long!

    So I'm very excited about this and I need to share this journey with people who get it- I am hatching eggs for the first time, to add to my growing flock currently at 14 birds. I live in AZ and managed to obtain 19 Aloha hatching eggs, which I'm really excited about because I think their...
  3. Bkrog

    Importing Hatching Eggs

    Has anyone ever imported hatching eggs from either the UK or Germany into the US? Is it even possible or will I need to ship live chickens? If it was possible what did it entail? There is one breed that I really want but cannot find in the states
  4. Ambera

    First time Chick raiser, Hatch day! Advice on sexing chick (photos)

    Hi, I'm very excited, it's my first time raising chicks! Our friend gave us 6 eggs, 1 has just hatched at around 2 hours ago, and I'm still hopeful for a second hatching today/tomorrow. Our broody hen is only sat on 2 eggs now, 1 looked hopeful when I last candled them a week ago, the other I...
  5. A

    Why did my Broody hen not hatch any chicks?

    I’ve a broody pekin and she was very good. Stayed on the nest the entire time. She was on the eggs 4 weeks. But no chicks? The eggs had like waxy/slimy/greasy coating from the hen (her feathers felt the same). These eggs had proven fertility. There was 3 different breeds of eggs under the hen...
  6. D

    Need help with hatching!

    First time hatching eggs so I need some advice. We are on day 28 of hatching my Cuyuga egg and saw it had begun to pip by 8 a.m. this morning. There's a small dent in the egg but it hasn't fully broken through to the point I can see anything nor can it stick its beak out. There's been movement...
  7. AllFluffedUp

    Neighbor interfered

    I'm making a second post as I'm not sure who will see my response in my first. I was staggering a few batches of silkie eggs. Batch one hatched beautifully and I have a bundle of lovely floofs. The day after my Mom had a stroke. I've been back and forth frequently, but I've also had my neighbor...
  8. Lhynes1478

    Help!!! Is this an internal pip??

    Day 20 bobwhite quail eggs. They hatch somewhere between 21-23 days. At 100°F with humidity of 50-55% for first 20 days. Just bumped humidity up to about 73% and left temp at 100°F for lockdown. I candled a few before lockdown and I’m not sure if these are internal pips? It’s already been about...
  9. E

    New at incubation

    Hey I have a quick couple of questions 1: How long should I leave them in the incubator after hatching? 2: How long would it usually take for them to hatch? THANK UUU
  10. BrittnyChicks

    🥚 Lockdown hatch-along! (+ Chicken eggs!)

    Friday February 14 2023 10:50P.M Hi all! So first beginning of this hatch-along, I'm going to fill you in a bit, about what its about. I have three eggs going into lockdown in two days. Today is almost the end of Day 13. I can see definite movement in two of the eggs and just pitch black on...
  11. BrittnyChicks


    Hello all, I hope your evening/morning/afternoon is turning out well. The egg is a coturnix quail egg! I have 1 egg due tomorrow, my plan is keeping humidity around 50-55% (because I have 11 other eggs (NOT DUE TOMORROW) ) and I think when it starts a pip, I'll raise to 60% as max. I will put...
  12. N

    How long does the air in an egg last??

    I can hear some of my broody’s eggs cheeping, does this mean they have broken into the air sac? They have also been tapping a lot in the last 18-24hrs, when should I expect them to hatch?
  13. N

    Chicks tapping and pipping

    I have some mixed eggs under a broody, they have been tapping and cheeping for about 18-24 hours, when should I expect them to start pipping?? One is shouting pretty loud UPDATE one has pipped and is still hollering!
  14. Jaylou88

    Saddle sack? Help needed please!

    Morning I was wondering if anyone could tell me anything I need to know about saddle air sacks, please? It seems my eggs have them. They seem to be progressing fine (day 14 today) They were postal eggs and from what little I have found on the Internet, saddle air sacks are common for postals...
  15. I

    Hatch day - Spotted Egg?

    Hi It's hatch day and I have a mix of eggs in the incubator, but noticed one of my maran eggs has these shiny spots on it, is this a bad egg oozing? Can't remember if there's more than before but to me it looks like dried egg on the outside.. There's quail eggs that have pipped, if I have to...
  16. BuckeyeFoodie

    A argument for keeping the turner on until day 20.

    So I've been breeding seriously now for about three years, which I know is nothing compared to many people here. However one thing that never made sense to me about incubating eggs was the three-day "lockdown" period where the eggs just sit there "moving into position to hatch". Hens that are...
  17. Myhensloveme

    Sex-Link chicks?

    I bred my Midnight majesty Maran ( Barred Rock, Frenck black copper maran cross) to my rooster. I think my Buff Orpington is the Dad. Would these Breeds make a sex-link? This is my first time hatching eggs. We used our broody silkie, and she is a great mom. I attached a picture of one of the...
  18. Keziah

    Where to put my incubator

    Hi everyone! 👋 I just bought an incubator last night from my local TSC, and I have no idea where to put it! My living room and kitchen is attached and there are lots of windows that light up my space. It is a very small house with no basement or spare bedroom, so I don't really have an area...
  19. Delilahducks

    Serama too small to be in with d'Uccle?

    Hi everyone! I just put in another 6 Serama eggs + 6 d'Uccle and 6 Bantam Cochin. Quick question about the d'Uccle - these ones are new for me (I have standard Cochin - these are my first "bantam" ones). The eggs I got are quite large, same size as the cochin. How big are d'Uccle - maybe close...
  20. G

    Hello Chicken Peeps (see what I did There?)

    Hi everyone I’m not only new here I’m also totally new to raising chickens. We have a neighbor that does this and he ended up giving us a baby rooster and chicken when we displayed interest. Well, we fell in love instantly. Not too long after, our other neighbors across the way (They are from...
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