head shaking

  1. biscotti

    Duck behaviour question: shaking heads and fast movements

    I'm wondering if any more experienced duck folk could tell me what these guys are doing? This is a google drive link to the video (It wouldn't upload it here, sorry) [video link] From my perspective it seems like they're anxious and frantically looking in multiple directions back and forth...
  2. Jojociita

    3 Different Breeds, 100% inside, scratching their heads and wiping beaks on the mat

    I’m usually in crisis in the hatching forum, but here I am. I have a beautiful baby silkie (maybe 2 weeks) and two completely unknown 8 day old chicks. All very vocal and friendly (they like to charge my hand and vie for who gets to sit and sleep in it while my arm falls asleep. Regardless...
  3. C

    Belgian d’Uccle increasing signs of illness

    Hi, We have a 10 month old female Belgian d’Uccle that weighs 410g who has been showing increasing signs of illness. Her symptoms are: Head shaking/twitching that appears to be getting worse over the last 2 weeks. She’s not her usual self and is clearly uncomfortable. She has her eyes closed...
  4. C

    Sick chicken, issue unknown

    Hello, I just recently started caring for two chickens. Have had them for about 1.5 months. Just yesterday one of the chickens started looking and acting sick, but not sure what is going on. Her comb is very pale, she is barely eating or drinking. Mainly just stays in one spot. I did notice her...
  5. M

    5 week old chick shaking head constantly

    It just started earlier today, one of my 5 week old chicks started shaking their head. It’s a normal head shake, the kind they do all the time. but she keeps doing it like something is bothering her. Eyes, ears and nose look clear. It’s been a few hours now. It’s been a hot day but I’ve been...
  6. Tarynj

    Shaking heads and death

    Ugh help! About a week ago we had a chickens attacked by a fox. She was saved and doing fine but until we catch the fox we have them locked in their runs instead of free roaming. Sometime in the week they started shanking their heads like something was bothering them! I though perhaps they have...
  7. Shugercube

    Silkie chick head twitching!?

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Silkie, approximately 3 weeks, appears the same weight and size as her sibling hatched the same day. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Seemingly constant head shaking/tilting...
  8. E

    Tail-less Rooster

    Hi, My black copper Maran rooster had something last summer which ate away at his feathers, he looked horrible. i tried dusting him with diatomaceous earth and adding apple cider vinegar to the water and even brushing his feet with coconut oil (which he seemed to like). He should have feathered...
  9. L

    Hunched over, pale comb, shaky head, putting head behind wing... what's going on? Little 6 month old silkied serama hen

    My little silkied serama has been showing concerning signs. I found her today with her head tucked into her wing and not responding when I called out to her. I grabbed her and brought her inside. The symptoms she's showing currently: - shaking head tilted to one side - hunched over -fluffed up...
  10. J

    Silkie with head tremors

    https://youtube.com/shorts/OCs4LP_iGn8?feature=share 4 months old. Siblings are fine. No other symptoms. Healthy stool, no nasal discharge, eating and drinking well too. What could this be?Here is a video
  11. N

    New to raising and seeking help.

    I got 5 isa brown chicks and 1 rhode island red chicken on Sunday at 4-5 days old making them 8-9 days old today. I am concerned about 3 of my chicks. Two of my isa browns are shaking their heads a lot and I'm not sure if I should be concerned. My other concern is that my rhode island red chick...
  12. T

    Lost 4 Baby Chicks in 4 days :-(

    Help! We are new to raising chickens and we have lost 4 baby chicks in less than a week! I don’t know what happened to the first two as it was overnight but the third chick was breathing with her mouth open and shaking her head every few minutes. Poor thing died in my hand. She had only been...
  13. G

    Head shaking chick

    Hello, I was wondering if you could help me. I have two beautiful week and a half year old Silkie chicks. They eat and drink well, get along well and sleep well. One of them does this strange thing with her head where occasionally she sways it side to side like a snake. This is sometimes...
  14. jennkretz

    Chicken Stretching Neck Funny and Shaking Head

    Hi all! Sorry in advance for the long post, but any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated! We have a Buff Orpington Hen (about 3 years old) - who has been stretching her neck funny and shaking her head for the last couple of days (I think I noticed this Friday PM or Saturday AM)...
  15. trumpeting_angel

    Gasping 9-week-old

    Hello - My flock of four moved into the new coop last night. They are eating, although not as much as usual. They did enjoy some scratch that I put on the roosts, hoping they would get the hint. They are in a (mostly) plywood coop, with pine shavings from the same bale they've had throughout...
  16. Haleygoss

    Hen possible respiratory illness

    Hi there my frizzle hen (about 2 years old) has not been acting like her normal self for about a week now. She has stopped laying (which isn’t uncommon for her as she is a show breed). She has had heavy breathing and just not been generally active (stays in the coop when all the other hens run...
  17. MangTheRooster


    I feel like Many is getting worse and worse? But he seems fine am I just over worrying? Mang has been sneezing all morning and shaking/schratching his head can someone please help?
  18. J

    Sick chicken, shaking head and withdrawn

    Hello! I am not sure if anyone can shed some light on the subject as the vet was none the wiser. My chicken Hilda is lethargic and withdrawn, and shaking head often. Stands in one place most of the day not moving much. Crop and wattle Is still very red, as is face- which is odd. Currently on 10...
  19. silkiefrizzles

    Sick chicken, head tilting/shaking and weight loss

    Little polish cross hen, about 2 years old, I've had chickens that have had similar symptoms and died, does anyone know what it could be? She's tilting/shaking her head, sometimes acting lethargic or standing like she is in pain, she has lost weight and has green poo. The chickens that have had...
  20. O

    Chick eye closed shaking head

    hey there I need some help please! My two week old silkie has one eye closed and she is making some head shaking movements that don’t look good. She is in a box with a lamp in the corner and paper towels, we recently switched them over from shavings (last night). She eats and drinks fine! No...
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